View Full Version : Smoking

28-11-2006, 05:22 PM
My dad used to smoke, He quit when I was born.
Now he has started, behind our backs, he makes stupid excuses for why he needs to go to the garage and smoke, and I actully walked in on him while he was somking but pretended I didnt see, I am worried because of his health, and when he's caught there will be a big argument.

Also I found his lighter and cigs the other day, and I am tempted to start myself.

He is also having really bad tempers and being rude swearing to us, and then ignoring us, and then he goes for a cig comes back happy and thinks everything is OK again...

What do I do?

28-11-2006, 05:23 PM
My first bit of advice would be: DO NOT START SMOKING YOURSELF!

28-11-2006, 05:27 PM
Yeh.. Do not start your self you could really Damage Your health.. You should sit down with your dad and talk to him about this..

28-11-2006, 05:31 PM
my brother started to smoke. He says he can quit anytime and hes not addicted, yet he went on the patch for a few days, and started smoking again. All it does is drain your money, puts your health at risk for diseases, and a dirty smell afterwards. My grandfather used to smoke, He quit for YEARS, and when hes 69, he died of lung cancer..Dont do it.

28-11-2006, 05:43 PM
Ive recently started smoking again, take it from me, dont start. Its hard to stop and when you do finally stop, you get tempted alot.
Just sit down with the whole family and talk about this.
Good luck.

28-11-2006, 06:00 PM
i cant exactly say dont do it cos sometimes its not that easy and i smoke myself so hmm? its not clever and im not gonna pretend it is - i only smoke 'socially' now anyway but the best thing to do is don't start in the first place. my advice is:

tell your dad you know that he smokes and you don't like it. sounds to me that ur dad is ashamed about the fact he can't stop so don't yell at him, it will only make things worse. offer to help him quit if he wants but remember, smoking is harder to stop than non smokers think - most of them think "just buy a patch and be done with it" but its not that easy. good luck :]

28-11-2006, 06:03 PM
Big good luck from me :) I only smoke when I go out nightclubing. I don't do it any other time I have one like once a week. But my advice dont start! Please :)

uh huh her
28-11-2006, 07:11 PM
if you have the chance to talk to him on his own, tell him you know he's smoking again. ask him why, he might be stressed at work or something. then try & help him get whatever's making him feel like smoking again sorted. also, tell him your worried about his health, & maybe suggest nicotine patches?

28-11-2006, 07:24 PM
It's easier not to start then it is to giveup

29-11-2006, 06:30 PM
Don't start.

You can't stop.

My dad over the last 4 years has tried to stop about 6 times. Every time he's failed.

He has been smoking since he was like 16 and he's still addicted.

Im going to say goodbye for the last time soon.

29-11-2006, 06:33 PM
talk to him about it on your own with him.

29-11-2006, 09:03 PM
Well, firstly, I'd like to say don't try it, it won't get you anywhere, and is also a major health risk. For more information check out the BBC's health section here (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/medical_notes/473673.stm).

If I were you, I would ask your mum if you can have a chat in private and sit down and discuss it with her. Tell her to listen to you before she does anything, and explain that you don't want your dad to know you told her. You may wish to ask your mum to speak with your dad about it. It's upto you.

Hope it all goes well!
Nick xx

30-11-2006, 07:22 PM
Also I found his lighter and cigs the other day, and I am tempted to start myself.

Whatever you do, don't start! As you will just become addicted, and it really is not nice to get to the point where you need to have one when you wake up, then you get the taste of tobacco in your mouth for the rest of the day. I am now like that and its disgusting, today i was in a lesson and had to ask the teacher for a 5 minute break inbetween our double so i could go and have one.

It's really stupid to smoke, whatever you do don't start! A

And yes i know i have just said its stupid to smoke yet i do it, but i think i am stupid for smoking so shh!

15-12-2006, 04:13 PM
Smoking is a disgusting habbit, start if your a complete moron, and want to pay to kill yourself!

15-12-2006, 04:17 PM
Smoking is a disgusting habbit, start if your a complete moron, and want to pay to kill yourself!

your far too critical ur saying start if your a moron i smoke because it helps relieve stress if not im all up tight and things so i feel it helps and smoking doesnt always kill yea its not great but so many people smoke and they live to a ripe old age so please think of others before u call people "morons"

15-12-2006, 04:28 PM
your far too critical ur saying start if your a moron i smoke because it helps relieve stress if not im all up tight and things so i feel it helps and smoking doesnt always kill yea its not great but so many people smoke and they live to a ripe old age so please think of others before u call people "morons"

Theres plenty of other things to do to releave yourself from stress, and i can understand how it might help, but there are far better methods, and imo i still do think it is stupid to smoke and not to mention you are harming others as you smoke!

15-12-2006, 04:35 PM
Yes, There is many Over Way's to Not Get Stressed.. Execept from smoking..

15-12-2006, 04:41 PM
well i find smoking the most effective i enjoy it have a need for it therefore im addicted if you underwent the pressure i have its very easy to see why i smoke and nothing is effective i box that is supposed to relieve stress etc doesnt help so ye..

15-12-2006, 04:57 PM
well i find smoking the most effective i enjoy it have a need for it therefore im addicted if you underwent the pressure i have its very easy to see why i smoke and nothing is effective i box that is supposed to relieve stress etc doesnt help so ye..

It doesn't relieve stress. It's a placebo.
The only stress it relieves is the stress you get from not having a cigarette.
Which is stress that you wouldn't have if you didn't start smoking.

15-12-2006, 10:32 PM
It doesn't relieve stress. It's a placebo.

That is NOT true. I am a smoker and its does definately relieve stress so unless you know the facts, dont make comments that you THINK you know.


I think the best thing to do is to speak to him on his own. Also, if he decides to smoke, it is his choice and he will be the one who may face the consequences later in life. Perhaps, drop hints to him such as 'My mate has started smoking and I feel it will make him/her ill if he/she carries and I really dislike people smoking.' Might work. :P

15-12-2006, 10:57 PM
It doesn't relieve stress. It's a placebo.
The only stress it relieves is the stress you get from not having a cigarette.
Which is stress that you wouldn't have if you didn't start smoking.

dude have u ever tried smoking before, if you had then you would know for a fac t that it chills you out a treat. anyone with me?

15-12-2006, 11:01 PM
dude have u ever tried smoking before, if you had then you would know for a fac t that it chills you out a treat. anyone with me?

Fine thanks got 3 left only bought deck of 10 Silber B&H Fav :P

15-12-2006, 11:17 PM
Fine thanks got 3 left only bought deck of 10 Silber B&H Fav :P

lol whats ur point? i have 80grammes of golden virginia by my side...

15-12-2006, 11:25 PM
lol whats ur point? i have 80grammes of golden virginia by my side...

i have 50g in draw i have falvoured rizla :P apple cherry and strawberry lol also have cannabiss lollys for some reason ROFL

16-12-2006, 11:54 AM
dude have u ever tried smoking before, if you had then you would know for a fac t that it chills you out a treat. anyone with me?

It's a depressant. So no, it doesn't.
And yes I have tried it.

16-12-2006, 12:15 PM
Not it isnt a depressant. Stop claiming you know things when obviously you do not.

16-12-2006, 12:19 PM
I do since I do drugs work with primary school kids.
& the affect varys between people. However overall the only stress it relieves is the stress from needing a cigarette. You obviously wouldn't agree as you smoke.

''How smoking makes you believe it helps with stress

Most smokers smoke more when they are stressed. That makes you believe you won't be able to cope with stress when you don't smoke - and that belief puts you off stopping.

But it's not true. Smoking doesn't make you less stressed. It makes you more stressed. And here's the proof.

Can you remember the first cigarette you ever smoked - or perhaps the first one after you'd been stopped for a while? Did it taste bad? Did it make you a bit dizzy or nauseous? That was a stress reaction - the body's physical reaction to a chemical stressor. Since then, you have adapted and can smoke without feeling that reaction, but don't make the mistake of thinking it doesn't occur. Every cigarette you ever smoke puts your body in chemical stress. It's just that you have learned not to feel it. That's what addiction means.

So why does it feel like a cigarette makes you feel calmer? It's simple really. When you are addicted (to anything), not getting that substance produces withdrawal symptoms, even minor ones you're not aware of. When you get what you need, the symptoms go away. So the stress you relieve by smoking is the stress of not having had a cigarette. That's all. It doesn't relieve any other stress - just the stress of not smoking. So of course if you didn't smoke you wouldn't need to relieve the stress of not having had a cigarette.''

16-12-2006, 12:51 PM
Well I am not a chain smoker or anything. I usually have one when I get stressed as I find it helps a lot! You may THINK it doesnt help, but it does.

16-12-2006, 01:18 PM
Not it isnt a depressant. Stop claiming you know things when obviously you do not.

Yes it is a depressant "/ Stop ranting at other people when they blatently know alot more than you and you smoke when Romance doesn't.

"According to the Imperial College London (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_College_London), "Nicotine seems to provide both a stimulant and a depressant effect"

Taking off wikipedia, so care to apologise to her?

16-12-2006, 01:57 PM
No I dont care to apologise AT ALL. It doesnt have a depressant effect on me and many others so obviously what people think are 'facts' are actually not.

16-12-2006, 06:46 PM
No I dont care to apologise AT ALL. It doesnt have a depressant effect on me and many others so obviously what people think are 'facts' are actually not.

Dude admit you are wrong. It is a depressant and does nothing good for you!

17-12-2006, 07:37 PM
I wouldn't say it is a depressant, the only thing that makes me depressed is when i have ran out of **** and need one. Then i get very moody.
Plus when i am stressed the first thought that comes into my head is that i need a cig and when i have one i then feel fine, but i am probably just stressed that i need a cig.

But i do feel that people who have never smoked shouldn't comment about it saying what it is like etc...as you really do not know what it's like.

But i am going to try and stop from the 27th Dec.

18-12-2006, 10:20 PM
Smoking is a disgusting habbit, start if your a complete moron, and want to pay to kill yourself!

you're an idiot, you cannot possibly knock something you've never tried, nevermind attack those who do it. i'm sure you have plenty of habits that annoy smokers so think before you talk.

my view is smoking's pointless, whereas pot is a lot less addictive and gives you an up... so i choose pot over ****.

Edited by Xuzuno (Forum Super Moderator): Please don't insult other members.

19-12-2006, 03:14 AM
ditto, i've never tried marijuana but it looks much better than cigarettes, they don't taste nice :(

19-12-2006, 07:58 AM
What I don't get it where teenagers get them from anyway.

And at the people saying it's a depressant:
Everyone can have their own opinion fgs.

19-12-2006, 01:20 PM
Well I get mine from my parents or buy them lol.

19-12-2006, 06:05 PM
Edited by Xuzuno (Forum Super Moderator): Please don't insult other members.

a) I didn't insult him... idiotic is a perfectly good adjective in the English dictionary and he was being a stupid, annoying, up-himself, 'greater than thou' idiot.

b) how do you expect to run a teen life and debates section without insults? it's not like i said anything particuarly harmful or insulted his person, I just pointed out someone who's never smoked hasn't got the right or the means to go round telling smokers how bad it is.

c) I'd say what he said was worse... saying something people do is 'dirty' and posting in a way that makes out he looks down on smokers is a lot more insulting.

please grow up everyone... if you go mad like this when someone says the word idiot i can't wait to see you in the real world. =/

Edited by Nixt (Forum Moderator): Please do not post off topic, complaints against infractions should be made in the correct thread, thanks :).

21-12-2006, 12:05 AM
they don't taste nice :(
You think smoking them tastes bad ? Try eating one...

26-12-2006, 03:02 AM
Dont worry my dad has smoked all my life and u know if your dad starts smokeing chances are it is because of stress so possibly lay off him or find the reason for his smoking

26-12-2006, 03:59 AM
I confronted my mom about it when i found her cigs and liter in her purse when i was looking for lunch money (lol i needed moeny and she was sleeping) and i dunno I thought about it all day and decided to confront her about it she said she was gonna quit at new years and she didn;t i tried to talk to her again but now shes adicted agains he smoked befor ei was born then she quit when she got pregnent with me so i dunno its really hard on all of us

26-12-2006, 12:58 PM
Don't start yourself, also somtimes smoking can be good to overcome stress etc,
somtimes doctors advice to some patience is to smoke, but its rare..

26-12-2006, 08:31 PM
when you get addicted, you get stressed and bad tempered when your bodys chemical levels change, so when they are lower then usual, he will want / need a ciggerette to boost them up again. hence the bad tempers, cigerette, then happiness.

dont start yourself because smoking isnt actually any good. you proberbly heard all of the cancer stuff but do you want your kids to feel how you feel now, or even worse.

personally id try talking him into quitting, or atleast making sure he cuts down enough to only smoking when your family is away from him, like hes out of the house etc. This is just so they dont find out. or make him tell your family. yes there will be an arguement but its better it coming from him then someone else.

27-12-2006, 06:14 PM
I dont know. I think you should go to an online forum and start consulting strangers about your personal life.

28-12-2006, 03:14 AM
Ive tried it and its FERAL

Stay away!

31-12-2006, 10:42 PM
Smoking does have major impacts on your future health. IT TAKES 50 YEARS FOR THE TAR TO GO =o

01-01-2007, 06:28 AM
It's gruesome.

09-01-2007, 04:38 AM
Tell your mother about it, she can have a nice calm conversation with him

also do not try to do stuff like hide his cigs and hide his lite it will make him angry and thats not good

09-01-2007, 02:15 PM
My dad used to smoke, He quit when I was born.
Now he has started, behind our backs, he makes stupid excuses for why he needs to go to the garage and smoke, and I actully walked in on him while he was somking but pretended I didnt see, I am worried because of his health, and when he's caught there will be a big argument.

Also I found his lighter and cigs the other day, and I am tempted to start myself.

He is also having really bad tempers and being rude swearing to us, and then ignoring us, and then he goes for a cig comes back happy and thinks everything is OK again...

What do I do?
Get A Shotgun.
No Really, This Is Between Your Mother And Him.
Stay on Your Mother's Side Though <3

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