View Full Version : Habboforum VS HabboxForum? :s

26-03-2005, 03:10 AM
This is what one member posted in Habboforum.

Im not sure this will work but we should give it a try

We all know Habbox basically have control over trade rooms and they claim that they get their values from monitoring trade rooms. If we can get as many people as possible on the UK hotel to take part in my plan of action (see below) then we can have an effect on trade values - and even if we dont have any effect - we can prove that Habbox rare values are highly inaccurate.

Absolutley Fabulous Plan of Action

Note: You do not have to own a Throne nor even actually trade it.

1) We get as many people on HF as possible to take part.
2) We hit all the popular trade rooms (I will be posting a list of the names and room owners before we begin our event) saying "10 HC for my throne/10 HC for your throne" - thrones are currently worth 16 HC.
3) We do this for 7 days. If at least 20 of us are doing it and spreading accross all the major trade rooms then other people will begin to notice.

By the end of the 7 days we should either see the change on the rare values or if there is no change then we are proving the values are inaccurate. If we do see a change then an amazing piece of furniture can be easily available once again.

Begins: Monday 28th March for 7 days.

I will arrange a meeting Monday night to go over what we need to do.

A list of popular trade rooms will be posted on Sunday.

If you are IN reply with "Im in"
If your not in either dont reply, or reply and tell me how silly i am... tut.

But i seriously beleive this will work.

Edit by properclone: Moved from anything not to do with habbo(x)

26-03-2005, 05:03 AM
People are not going to change rare values by 6 hcs because they see 20 habbos paying 10 hcs for a throne..
Most big traders will just figure they are a bunch of n00bs.

26-03-2005, 11:35 AM
As habbox do say, they are just guid lines, aka how much they think THEY would pay.

Just like in real life, the value of somthing, depends on 2 things, how much they payed for it. and how much the other peson wants it.

If the buy isnt particaly interested, they wont pay much, if they are despert they will apy alot.

The value of somthing varys depeding on the buyer, so anyone who takes habbox values to be teh only ones "rair wize" is oviosly not a good trader.

26-03-2005, 11:46 AM
HabboForum <3

26-03-2005, 12:43 PM
clearly HABBOXRULES 2005 AND 4 EVA

26-03-2005, 12:47 PM
So he/she is going to sell thrones for 10 Hcs? I will buy for 10 Hcs but that doesnt mean the value is gonna go down on them... That person is going to loose out.

26-03-2005, 12:56 PM
Habbo Forum are filled with mis understood idiots. Habbox Values are clearly a guide and yes they do trade, I have seen them and in HxHD one wuld randomly say I am going trading

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