View Full Version : Habbo FIREWALL Down?

10-12-2006, 02:46 AM
There is a rumor going around that the reason Habbo has been attacked by scripting and hacking is that when they created V11 they accidently sent their Firewall offline, therefore the mainframe of the Hotel is vunrable. It is also a famous rumor that Lost_Witness and Player Support member Disarno have blamed this on Rasta Santa so that habboers on Habbo UK wont blame them for their actions and that they have planned to fix it on the arrival of V12!

No one is sure weather this is true or false but it is a extremely popular rumor and it makes good sence.

Edited By Nick. (Forum Moderator): Thread closed. Habbo was not hacked. There was just a loophole in version 11. No firewalls were inactive. :)

10-12-2006, 03:00 AM
Disarno & Lost_witness have done nothing, its the guys who installed V11 who are to blame, and this is the first ive heard of a Firewall going offline. As far as i know Lost_witness deals with events and other things, not installations/updates, and Disarno is player support, do i have to explain that? The rumour that they blamed it on Rasta Santa is TRUE, however Lost_witness has relaxed the truth, but still "included the vital information". :)

V11 isnt to blame really, Sulake is with their bad Habbo Home planning. They shouldnt have put missions there, which is the reason for all the Scripting (there is NO hacking going on). I hope this clears everything up for you and anyone else reading this thread.

10-12-2006, 03:03 AM
It was Callie.

10-12-2006, 03:11 AM
Disarno & Lost_witness have done nothing, its the guys who installed V11 who are to blame, and this is the first ive heard of a Firewall going offline. As far as i know Lost_witness deals with events and other things, not installations/updates, and Disarno is player support, do i have to explain that? The rumour that they blamed it on Rasta Santa is TRUE, however Lost_witness has relaxed the truth, but still "included the vital information". :)

V11 isnt to blame really, Sulake is with their bad Habbo Home planning. They shouldnt have put missions there, which is the reason for all the Scripting (there is NO hacking going on). I hope this clears everything up for you and anyone else reading this thread.


I was offline the whole time so I wasn't exactly sure what happened. This kinda helped me with the whole mission thing n all.

10-12-2006, 05:04 AM
if the firewall is down they could just enable it and reset habbo? it would take a whole what? 15minutes

10-12-2006, 07:09 AM
wasnt the whole blaming it on rasta santa thing a joke.

Unless I missed something they were making a joke that rasta santa gave the scripters powers.

The code or whatever was changed in v11 and the scripters could do stuff (nothing that actually hurts other habbos)

There is no really reason to blame anyone because you didnt hurt that much from the scripting.

10-12-2006, 09:35 AM
Disarno & Lost_witness have done nothing, its the guys who installed V11 who are to blame, and this is the first ive heard of a Firewall going offline. As far as i know Lost_witness deals with events and other things, not installations/updates, and Disarno is player support, do i have to explain that? The rumour that they blamed it on Rasta Santa is TRUE, however Lost_witness has relaxed the truth, but still "included the vital information". :)

V11 isnt to blame really, Sulake is with their bad Habbo Home planning. They shouldnt have put missions there, which is the reason for all the Scripting (there is NO hacking going on). I hope this clears everything up for you and anyone else reading this thread.
If Sulake didnt do HabboHome, people would cry, i mean every time the hotel went down after we got v11 we got a new thread "OMGZZ HOTEL IZ DOWN CUD DIS BE ABBOHOME!?!?"

Kinda stupid.. Now people can't wait untill v12, i hope there is a flaw of some kind in that so it will be a big let down =).

10-12-2006, 10:02 AM
Disarno is player support, why bring him into this. Also Habbo was NOT "hacked" as you cannot "hack" habbo. It was a loophole in V11 that came along. Lost_Witness also wouldent of had anything to do with this, no staff would exept sulake. The offices were closed when it happend. Its just a new script people were able to come up with. If it was that there firewall had broken or whatever they wouldent of patched the packets in missions. :rolleyes:

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