View Full Version : Castle Wars Guide

10-12-2006, 03:35 PM
Hey just thought id write a guide to Castle Wars

The Dummies Guide to Castle Wars

First i would only recommend this to Warriors with stats about the same e.g 70 att 70 str 70 def
Second i think your combat lvl should be atleast 70+ to make this work well.
I should think your armour should be Rune or better unless you have a high def lvl.
Recommended weapon should be Dragon or better.(carry nothing your inventory)

Ok first of all choose your team Sara or Zammy.
Then wait for the next game.
When you are loaded into the respawn room, pick up about 10 Bandages.
Then go out side and down the ladder to you left,this is if you come out of the door left from then Bandage table.
Pick up about 10 Explosive Potions and 7 Barricades and 1 pick axe.
Now go to the ladder nearest to you in the items room.
You are now in the tunnels under the battle field follow the tunnel,you may come to a point where you cant pass due to rubble this is where you use your pickaxe to clear it.
Once that is clear you will see two ladders go into the tunnel that is oppisite to where you have just come from.
You are now enterting the enemy base,if you follow the tunnel all the way to the end you will come to a ladder.
This ladder will take you into the enemy base, you will reconise the room you are in because it is the same as the room where you picked up you items!
Go to the ladder that you see on you mini map,once you are there go up it.
This is where practise make perfect because you will be attacked by lots of people normally and you will need to heal yourself.
Go to the staircase that u see infront of you as you come up the ladder DO NOT go down this but go to the next one with goes up,use you explosive potions on any barricades that block your way.
Now you are on the second level ont he castle and you need to go up one more,this level is where lot of barricades are placed.
Now go up the stairs to where the flag is, collect the flag and destroy the barricades if any.(note the flag is now your weapon) and your actual weapon is in your inventory.
Now time to get the hell out of there!!!!, go down the stairs and then down again destroying barricades if any,run to the ladder where you came up from and go down it.

You are now back in the items room and you will proberly have about 50 people after you trying to kill you so run to to the ladder that you came up from the tunnels.

As you run click on 2 the barricades in you invetory this will block your enemies path and slow them down for a long time if they dont have explosive potions and if dropped in the right place.

Now once your down the ladder you will find your self in the tunnels and run like hell to get out of there.If you have many explosive potions left and there is rubble on the floor use it on them and run through now run to the oppisite tunnel that you come out of this will lead you back to your base.

Run to the end of you tunnel and go up the ladder, you may be a little safer but carry on running and dropping barricades if you still have enemies on your tale.

You are now in your items room,go up the ladder that you see on your mini map and this will lead you to lvl 1 of the castle.
Now just do the same as you did when you stole there flag run up the 2 sets of stairs and you will see like a little mound this is where you click to return the flag.
There you have scored a point for your team now its time to stock up on items and bandges ect,and try and do it again.

Levels of castle:

Level 3 : Flag.
Level 2 : Small room with hatch that leads you to respawn room.
Level 1 : Respawn room
Ground level : Items room
Under ground : Tunnels

Ranger and Mage guide to castle wars coming soon :D

10-12-2006, 03:41 PM
Pictures would help

10-12-2006, 03:42 PM
Pictures and paragraphs would help...

10-12-2006, 03:42 PM
Yeah, pictures are a key part of a good guide. :)

10-12-2006, 03:43 PM
kk ill add pictures give me a minute

10-12-2006, 03:45 PM
overall, nice +rep

Edit: need to spread

10-12-2006, 03:46 PM
To be honest I look at that huge block of text and instantly I'm not interested in reading it. Use paragraphs and section each part of your guide to make it easier on the eye and more appealing. Hope that helps :D +rep when you update it :D

10-12-2006, 03:52 PM
Should be in the Guides section shouldn't it?

10-12-2006, 03:54 PM
No becuase you have to have it here first before,and then a mod may move it but im gunna edit it first

10-12-2006, 03:55 PM
hmm it wont let me edit it :S

Edited by micky.blue.eyes (Super Moderator): Please don't double post within the 15 minutes edit limit, thanks. :)
If you want to edit your first post, please pm a Moderator or Super Moderator, we'll change it for you. :)

10-12-2006, 05:51 PM
Add pictures and paragraphs etc, and maybe something about potions, as i find it helps to take a super attack potion in =]. Plus, maybe put a part in about Mage/Range, and defending the flag etc. But otherwise, great guide =].

10-12-2006, 11:37 PM
Not a bad guide overall :] Could use being set out a little better with some headings apart from that its good though!

10-12-2006, 11:40 PM
Not a bad guide. Remember to mention that you can range over the rocks underground, and you better watch out becuase a teammate can collapse the rocks while you're running through or standing there and it will 1-hit you.

12-12-2006, 07:31 PM
so shall i add mage and range guide to this or make 2 new ones?

12-12-2006, 07:58 PM
Btter with the pictures =]. Now maybe spell check it for things like 'proberly', and put some sub headings? more +rep

12-12-2006, 08:02 PM
Yeah thats a lot better.
One other thing you could mention is loose flags outside castles can be picked up and held by someone on the same team as the flag. Can be a very useful tactic for protecting the flag. +rep

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