View Full Version : Ajax Shoutbox - 5hc

13-12-2006, 04:28 PM
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include ('config.php');
if($_POST['submit']){ //checks if the form was submitted
$name = $logged[username]; //posts the username
$face = $logged[display_badge]; //posts the users face
$shout = addslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['shout'])); //posts the shout
$day = date("d");
$days = $day + 1;
$date = date("m-Y");
$shout = $_POST[shout];
// Assuming your ban code is "ban: MrUser"
if ($logged[level] == 12 && stristr($shout, ":ban "))
//since they have banning permission (im guesing) and "ban: " is in the input, we must be banning someone
//Exsplode the space in shout
$ban = explode(" ", $shout);
// the explode implode is more for when concatinaginng an undefined string length, since the syntax of the input of known its far easy just to drag the second chunk, 1 in this case.
$usertoban = $ban['1'];
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `banned` = 'banned' WHERE `username` = '$usertoban'") or die ('Error during the execution of the MySQL query : ' . mysql_error());
$query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `ban` (`id` , `username` , `time`) VALUES ('', '$usertoban', '$days-$date')") or die ('Error during the execution of the MySQL query : ' . mysql_error());
$alert = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `alert` = 'You have been banned and can no longer use the Site' WHERE `username` = '$usetoban'") or die ('Error during the execution of the MySQL query : ' . mysql_error());
if ($logged[level] == 12 && stristr($shout, ":warnmod ")){
$warnmod = explode(" ", $shout);
$modtowarn = $warnmod['1'];
$alert = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `alert` = 'Please do not socialize in the Chatrooms' WHERE `username` = '$modtowarn'") or die ('Error during the execution of the MySQL query : ' . mysql_error());
if ($logged[level] == 12 && stristr($shout, ":mute "))
//since they have banning permission (im guesing) and "ban: " is in the input, we must be banning someone
//Exsplode the space in shout
$mute = explode(" ", $shout);
// the explode implode is more for when concatinaginng an undefined string length, since the syntax of the input of known its far easy just to drag the second chunk, 1 in this case.
$usertomute = $mute['1'];
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `chat` = 'No' WHERE `username` = '$usertomute'") or die ('Error during the execution of the MySQL query : ' . mysql_error());
$alert = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `alert` = 'You have been muted, and can no longer use the Chatrooms' WHERE `username` = '$usertomute'") or die ('Error during the execution of the MySQL query : ' . mysql_error());
$date = date("j F / G:i");
$username = $logged[username];
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `logs` (`id` , `description`, `user`, `date` ) VALUES (NULL , 'Muted $usertomute', '$logged[username]', '$date')"); //Inserts into the D.B
if ($logged[level] == 12 && stristr($shout, ":unmute "))
//since they have banning permission (im guesing) and "ban: " is in the input, we must be banning someone
//Exsplode the space in shout
$unmute = explode(" ", $shout);
// the explode implode is more for when concatinaginng an undefined string length, since the syntax of the input of known its far easy just to drag the second chunk, 1 in this case.
$usertounmute = $unmute['1'];
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `chat` = 'Yes' WHERE `username` = '$usertounmute'") or die ('Error during the execution of the MySQL query : ' . mysql_error());
$alert = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `alert` = 'You have been unmuted, and can now use the Chatrooms' WHERE `username` = '$usertounmute'") or die ('Error during the execution of the MySQL query : ' . mysql_error());
$date = date("j F / G:i");
$username = $logged[username];
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `logs` (`id` , `description`, `user`, `date` ) VALUES (NULL , 'Unmuted $usertounmute', '$logged[username]', '$date')"); //Inserts into the D.B
if($logged[level] == 12 && $shout == ':clearroom'){
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `shout` WHERE `cat` = '$catid'");
$date = date("j F G : i");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `logs` (`id` , `description`, `user`, `date` ) VALUES (NULL , 'Cleared the Chatroom', '$logged[username]', '$date')");
$insert = MYSQL_QUERY("INSERT INTO shout (name,shout,face,level,cat)".
"VALUES ('System', 'This room has been cleared by an Administrator', 'http://www.ourhabbo.net/images/BADGES/admin.gif', '12','$catid')");
$insert = MYSQL_QUERY("INSERT INTO shout (name,shout,face,level,cat)".
"VALUES ('$name', '$shout', '$face', '$logged[level]','$catid')");
$newpoints=$points + 5;
$sql2 = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` set points = '$newpoints' where username = '$logged[username]'");
$rooom= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM chatrooms WHERE id = '$catid'"); //finds the shouts order by id
$amountu = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `page` = '/site/chatroom.php?id=$catid'");
$amount = mysql_num_rows($amountu);
echo("<table width='90%' align='center' class='contentTable'><tr class='contentTableHeader'><td colspan='2'><center>$room[name] - $amount Users Online</center></td></tr>");
$find = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM shout WHERE cat = '$catid' ORDER BY id DESC"); //finds the shouts order by id
$name = $r[name]; //name
$level = $r[level]; //level
$shout = htmlspecialchars(addslashes($r[shout])); //shout
$id = $r[id]; //id
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE username = '$name'");
$user = mysql_fetch_array($query); //loop's the shouts
$face = $user[display_badge];
echo "<tr class='contentTableAltRow'><td width='5%'>";
echo("<img src='$face' align='left'>");
echo"</td><td width='95%'><a href='members.php?user=$name'><span class='$level'><b>$name</span></a> ";
echo "</b></span><br>".$shout." ";
if($logged[level] == 11 || $logged[level] == 12){
echo "<br><b><a href = \"delete_shout.php?id=$id\">Delete</a> || ";
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE username = '$name'");
$user = mysql_fetch_array($query);
if($user[banned] == 'banned'){
echo"<a href = \"unbanuser.php?name=$name&cat=$catid\">Unban User</a> || ";
echo"<a href = \"banuser.php?name=$name&cat=$catid\">Ban User</a> || ";
if($user[chat] == 'Yes'){
echo"<a href = \"muteuser.php?name=$name&cat=$catid\">Mute User</b>";
echo"<a href = \"unmuteuser.php?name=$name&cat=$catid\">Unmute User</b>";
echo "</td></tr>";
if($logged[username] && $logged[chat] == 'Yes'){ //if the user is logged in display the form
echo "
<br><center><form method=post>
Shout: <input type=text name=shout width=200> <input type=submit value=Shout width=25 name=submit><br/>
echo("<br><b>Users in this Chatroom:</b><br>");
$onlines = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `page` = '/site/chatroom.php?id=$catid'");
while($online = mysql_fetch_array($onlines)){
echo("<a href='members.php?user=$online[username]'>$online[username]</a>, ");
if ($logged[banned] == 'banned'){
echo ("<meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"0; URL=banned.php\"/>");

I need that made to refresh everytime a new shout is posted. whoever manages it will get 5hcs maybe 8 depending on how am feeling... :D

13-12-2006, 04:32 PM
Just use a meta refresh to refresh it every 20 seconds or whatever.

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="20">

13-12-2006, 04:34 PM
But then you get a bid page reload.. i want it to auto update which does refresh whenever someone posts.

13-12-2006, 04:38 PM
made to refresh everytime a new shout is posted

auto update with no refresh whenever someone posts.

make up your mind.

13-12-2006, 04:41 PM
typo.. needs to refresh.

14-12-2006, 01:45 AM
Doesnt it already do that?

14-12-2006, 04:31 PM
No... like when someone else posts everyone gets to see it :)

14-12-2006, 05:16 PM
The script needs the capability to just output the data which needs to be refreshed (for example, the HTML table containing the messages). You cannot efficiently refresh the entire page, but only systematically update the data within HTML elements. I'm assuming you wrote that PHP, so if you can make it just output the HTML table when the URL has "?load=table" attached or something; I'll write the AJAX for free.

14-12-2006, 06:01 PM
Oki Thanks :)

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