View Full Version : Missing My Nan

13-12-2006, 10:26 PM
Hey people my nan passed away about a month ago on the 2nd of december it was her birthday she would of been 71 she passed away on the 2nd of november , only a month to go ;\

She was cromated and is comin round my house for xmas and im going to midnight mass to light a candle for her i miss her very much

I would like to add that my mum may be going to see a phycic a really good one he dont chat bull she going to see if my nan is ok up there which im sure she is does anyone no what i can do just to put my mind at rest ? i really love and miss her shes the best nan i could ever ask for what can i do ?? i want her back ;\

13-12-2006, 10:36 PM
Time heals all wounds.

My grandfather died at September. I had my mind on him alot as i was really close to him. As time goes by deep wound that was embedded into your heart starts to heal. But never completely. Its hard to say but all you ahve now is memories. Think about them.

13-12-2006, 11:12 PM
All I Have Done Thanks For The Advice Mate

14-12-2006, 12:50 PM
You will never forget and I'm sure your nan would have wanted you to live on and keep smiling. It will be hard but over time it will get easier for you.

14-12-2006, 04:47 PM
try focusing on the good time you had with your nan

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