View Full Version : Help?

15-12-2006, 01:05 PM
Yea, so, i have this girlfriend and i said that something was bothering me, but i wasn't nothing so i didn't want to say, i wanted to keep it private, and to myself. But, she kept asking and asking me to tell her and i said no and then she starts going on about how annoyed she is at me because i won't tell her.

And, this just really annoyed me, it's like, i can't keep anything secret from her and i don't think i should have to tell her everything if its none of her business, and when shes has a secret, she never tells me that and i respect that.

So, now she said our relationship isn't working out because i won't tell her something, I mean how pathetic? :[

What can i say to her to make her see that i should have my own privacy and that i don't need to tell her everything.

15-12-2006, 02:26 PM
Why dont you say like
Look you keep secrets and sometimes you dont tell me which i respect, so why cant you respect my decision?

Or.. Look, i know were going out.. but theres things that im allowed to keep private to myself.. sometimes i want to keep things to myself. i shouldnt have to tell everyone everything.

Hope it helps! :)

15-12-2006, 02:34 PM
Ask how she would like it, and really if she is going so overboard about this, what is it going to be like further down the line? Maybe you should be asking yourself if this is the kind of relationship that YOU want. By the sounds of it you have answered that one allready. I used to tell my ex everything and we really had very little secrets, apart from if they were detremental to a third party, like if my best friend told me something and swore me to secrecy, but we both had that respect, i think you need to sit down and explain you agree, it will not work if they have to know every detail, after all relationships are based on trust, it sounds like she feels threatened and thinks it may be something that involves your feelings about her, but obviously i do not know, it is just one conclusion that could be drawn, but to be honest, you need to be having the chat with her, just be open and honest and if she does the same you may understand each other a little better.

15-12-2006, 02:38 PM
Okay, thanks.

15-12-2006, 07:43 PM
Why did you say something was bothering you if you didnt want to tell her what it was? Your almost as pathetic as her. You fed her on, she just wants to know whatsup.

15-12-2006, 07:45 PM
Why did you say something was bothering you if you didnt want to tell her what it was? Your almost as pathetic as her. You fed her on, she just wants to know whatsup.

If i wanted stupid advice like that, i'd ask for it. :l

16-12-2006, 12:08 AM
If it's your 'secret' then it's yours, and no-one elses. There are just some things that you want to keep to yourself. Surely, she should understand that.

Seriously, she's pathetic for 'falling out' with you over that really.

16-12-2006, 12:56 AM
Tell her, or if you don't want to, make something up and pretend to tell her. Then in the future, if there's something you don't want her to know, don't say anything to her.

16-12-2006, 01:42 PM
Relationships never work out if there's nothing personal to keep to yourself, it removes the whole vibe, or so i think.

Explain to her it's something that you'd like her respect for, that it's a subject you're not wanting to talk about and you'd rather that there was some secrecy to your personal lifes, instead of just sitting down and telling each other everything.

As normally a problem shared is a problem DOUBLED...

17-12-2006, 02:48 AM
tell her that some things need to be kept private and that maybe when you feel up to it you will tell her. Tell her you respect it when she dosn't want to tell you something and you'd like her to do the same.

good luck. :)

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