View Full Version : Habbo`s Opinion On The Throne

30-03-2005, 06:01 PM
Hey Habbo's :D -
As we know, the Throne was given out by Ione, as a gift along with The Holoboy and Samerova. The Samerova and the Holoboy have relativly small values compared with the Throne. Now why is this?
I decided to do some work in the field to find out more..
( The Next Statements are from the real habbo's and are not to be pesterd on this questionare ).

•<Habbo Name> :hui
•<Why They Thought The Throne Was High> :Because Not Many People Have them, so it increases thier value.

•<Habbo Name> :EmMaRoCk
•<Why They Thought The Throne Was High> : Because it is a rare, and it takes many norms to add up to it's value, But you could pay a number of HC's for it. I think it's 16 Atm (At The Moment)

So there you have it, i went out into the field and found out !
It really isn't that difficult. All you have to do, is Be polite and do not bore the person.
A throne is An expensive piece of furni. This makes it harder to get, so, It's value increses. Also if there are not many of them about, it would increase it's value. Perhaps that is why the Holoboy's and Samerova's Prices are low, because there are more of them than there are Thrones.

That Was My FIRST EVER report on Rare furni, please reply and tell me how good/bad it was.

Thanks :D
- Bruck :eusa_danc

Edit by crashb555 (Forum Moderator) Moved from 'Rare Trading', please post in the correct forum.

30-03-2005, 06:14 PM
You posted this in the wrong section. ;)

It isn't a that great research, you only interviewed 2 people, or showed us only 2 answers.
There are way more thrones than samovars or holoboys, but this is the same situation as the mocha and hc sofa. It takes lots of thrones to make a room nice but only a couple of samovars or holoboys to make a room look nice. So there are more thrones needed so the value is high. ;)
The throne is just more popular.

When you do another research, ask me something. :D I like researches. :D

30-03-2005, 06:17 PM
( The Next Statements are from the real habbo's and are not to be pesterd on this questionare ).
OMG!!!11!1 {size seventy2] !!!11one!
Really?! OMG!1one!11 Wow, FROM THE REAL HABBOS THEMSELFS?!? OMG! IM SO GONNA Pesta them... theyRE SO COoL!11!one!11.

That was useless, it didnt prove anything and wasted my time :@

30-03-2005, 09:37 PM
•<Habbo Name> :hui
•<Why They Thought The Throne Was High> :Because Not Many People Have them, so it increases thier value.

•<Habbo Name> :EmMaRoCk
•<Why They Thought The Throne Was High> : Because it is a rare, and it takes many norms to add up to it's value, But you could pay a number of HC's for it. I think it's 16 Atm (At The Moment)

So there you have it, i went out into the field and found out !

Your really dont know what your talking about. Those interviews did not answer the question either.

30-03-2005, 09:39 PM
•<Habbo Name> :hui
•<Why They Thought The Throne Was High> :Because Not Many People Have them, so it increases thier value.

•<Habbo Name> :EmMaRoCk
•<Why They Thought The Throne Was High> : Because it is a rare, and it takes many norms to add up to it's value, But you could pay a number of HC's for it. I think it's 16 Atm (At The Moment)

So there you have it, i went out into the field and found out !

Your really dont know what your talking about. Those interviews did not answer the question either.
Don't be rude and don't double post, just edit your previous one.
Ok, sorry moderators, for doing your job.

Try to be nice, that isn't that hard, at least he tried. :)

Bruck, I think you did well, few details are missing, but my first message already explains everything.

30-03-2005, 09:47 PM
Mate this thread is useless never become a resercher.

31-03-2005, 09:22 AM
Mate this thread is useless

I agree. Your Thread Is Usless, you've used it to get rating's up ;)

31-03-2005, 10:02 AM
The reason is really simple.
Every room requires furni that you can sit on. The throne being one of the best seatable furni and because there arnt as many of them as hc sofas the value is high.

Also only certain rooms need things like holoboys/samovars therefore the value stays relatively low.

31-03-2005, 10:03 AM
Your thread is http://forumspam.articblue.nl/post_related/yay/images/0330.jpg

31-03-2005, 11:45 AM
The reason Why Thrones are Worth so much more than the Holoboy and samova?
I asked the big man himself Doraemonkiller this a few months back!

The reason he gave me and I know Carry along with me is because the Throne is Seen as 'Royalty' and Despite the fact u see these around the Hotel a lot more than u see the samova or holoboy Is relatively wierd!

I Hope that Answers Your Question :D

(Nxt time post it in the Ask the Rare Valuers Section)
[Liking the Fabulos Picture] ;)

31-03-2005, 11:52 AM
its rarer basically as smiddy said - thrones are for royals and there like status symbols!

02-04-2005, 02:03 AM
There's a few reasons I can see why Thrones have increased in value so much.

1. Maybe there was less Thrones given out than Holoboys or Samovars.
2. Thrones fit in more with Habbo Club Furni.
3. They are considered Royal, maybe this helps them.
4. The Samovar looks weird...
5. The Holoboy has a Hologirl to match it, the two values are pretty much matched.

Hope you like! :)

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