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05-08-2004, 03:24 AM
Hi could u tell me if this new layout that i did could work for a Fan site! Lol nothing his done on it this his just a test nothing is done this his a test and i need suggestion!Test Here (http://jseb0.tripod.com/index.htm)

PLz tell me what u think!

14-08-2004, 03:16 PM
how do u do the movin banner at the top?

14-08-2004, 05:41 PM
Its made using HTML. Enter text into <marquee width="1" height="1"> Text here </marquee>

Now just replace the dimensions! I hope I helped :)

14-08-2004, 06:00 PM
lol yeah i use Marquee to do this but i dont really know the code :S i use front page with all is tool :P so easy :D

16-08-2004, 06:39 AM
Yeah, it could work J, lol how do you know the code off by heart! :o I don't like HTML.. so boring... lol :drunken_s

16-08-2004, 06:49 AM
Hi, Its good but HTML i agree isnt the best... :8

16-08-2004, 11:44 PM
i step in to deffend html, what woudl you do without it, its still what makes your page run, and its so simplistic and forgiving of mistakes, even the things put togetre by front page and word can stand up, with there mnay lines of corrupeed codeing, althogh if ui want to make anything speacal you do need to add a bit of, css and java script. plus cgi and php can also be useful, but non are as easy as html :D

17-08-2004, 01:53 AM
i step in to deffend html, what woudl you do without it, its still what makes your page run, and its so simplistic and forgiving of mistakes, even the things put togetre by front page and word can stand up, with there mnay lines of corrupeed codeing, althogh if ui want to make anything speacal you do need to add a bit of, css and java script. plus cgi and php can also be useful, but non are as easy as html :D

I do agree but the thing its i really hate but hate to do table with html dont know why never try but its look so hard to know the exact number to determine the longuer of the table etc... html is easy when u know it! and i only learn html in school for about 2 week :s whitch was a little bit hard my friend help me more, and front page is so easy to help me :P when u do one thing its can show u html code so easy and so fun! but u need to know the knowledge before do a great website (maybe not like my test but u will see soon i did good job on a other right now i am working on a forum :P so fun and easy to do it well script code for this forum! :P ull see )

17-08-2004, 03:08 AM
lool good point, tables in html can be confuseing, i usely resort to doing them in persentages in the end, and i do occaionly use a few editiong tools, althogh on the one occaisn i tryed to use front page, front page disided rather than just resizieing my pictires with invalid html, it also disided to dleat a few tables and a javscript to go with it.... u see my point?

btw i lernt everything i know from the web, htmlgoodies (http://htmlgoodies.com) is where i got baceiscs from and went from there, there html toutoriasl are good, but ther javscript ones were confuseing so i learnt from else where, althogh i do still tend toi use pre made ones from script sites for lazzyness reasons :D

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