View Full Version : Habbo Home ideas

16-12-2006, 10:00 PM
Sorry if any of these are old.

Anyway i was just on ma Beebo and was thinking that if habbo homes were more like it, it would be alot better so i thought of some *Apropriate* Ideas.

A Counter for how many people have viewed your page [desperate for one of those on mine to see if i do actually have true friends!]
Chat emotes, like smileys when you type a comment
Polls [{E.g} Favourite sport? a) football etc.]
Presents from other users, [{E.g}Buying stickers for someone else and sending it to them for their homepage]
(Unsure about this one) Drawing pad, like a whiteboard but i was thinking people would abuse it to draw "Inapropriate images" so i don't think this one will work.Thanks for looking, hope these are few good ideas you will like, it took some thought as to what to put that would not be to bad like the last one. and hopefully stop loads and loads of threads about habbo home updates!

Thanks, any pointers? :D

17-12-2006, 12:33 AM
I like the poll and the counter idea, i can imagine habbo might even release these sorta things in the future,
i think the drawing pad is a bad idea for the same reason you mentioned,

but other then that great ideas.

17-12-2006, 08:24 PM
Thanks for comment, i hope they release the first 4, not so much the 5th :]

17-12-2006, 08:26 PM
1. Wouldn't work, it would become even more of a popularity contest, OMG I HAVE 700 HITS ON MA HABBOHOME XOX!!

2+3+4 are all good ideas though :)

18-12-2006, 07:24 AM
1. Wouldn't work, it would become even more of a popularity contest, OMG I HAVE 700 HITS ON MA HABBOHOME XOX!!

2+3+4 are all good ideas though :) No it wouldn't. Habbo Staff will always have more hits and I doubt they would start bragging. Also I haven't seen anyone say; ZOMG I HAVE 100 COMMENTS ON MY HOMEPAGE!!!!!!!!!!1111111111

18-12-2006, 08:06 AM

No. 2,3,4 are great ideas. The others proberly wouldn't work though.

18-12-2006, 09:23 AM
Meh they are just ideas so meh :) hopefully 1 will come out though, i want it :)

18-12-2006, 09:44 AM
I think they'll all work.

With the hits counter, everyone is having a popularity contest with the guestbook, so we already have one their. The other ideas are good too, besides the drawing pad, you'll have people abuse it like you said.

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