View Full Version : *~Money Making Guide~*

17-12-2006, 02:25 PM
~* I suggest you read the whole guide to fully get the picture and have a perspective on how my ideas are performed. This guide will basically be refering to 1 thing, but so many different things are involved... WAY MORE than just a regular method.

~* Also, I want to hear your opinions. If you could, please take this small survey to find what your opinions and thoughts are to this guide to give me a perspective measure of what I should do. Following Survey:

~1) On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = bad - 10 = best), what would you rate this guide... and explain why you rated it they way you did.

~2) What is good about my guide?

~3) What is bad about my guide?

~4) What changes would you make to my guide?

~5) How is the performance and set up of this guide... also rate (1-10).

~6) Any notes, extra comments, questions that you might have.

~PLEASE NOTE~ I suggest you read the Q and A section of my guide to possibly answer some of the questions you may have.

~ I hope you really enjoy this guide and find great success in this. If you follow through the steps of my guide, you should be leaded in the right direction and find success much easier. I STRONGLY SUGGEST you read through the whole guide and follow my ideas to fully understand everything you are looking for.

~*^ CONTENTS ^*~

1) Introduction

2) Quick methods to get started

3) "The BIG picture"

4) Intro to "The Secret"

5) Business and maintaining

6) Beginning the business

7) Maintaining to make MILLIONS

8) Multitasking methods

9) How to maintain all 3 methods

10) "Bigger Business"

11) "Mega Business" = BILLIONS

12) "Controlling the market"

13) Guide overlook

14) Q and A Section



Are you tired of being called "poor", seeing others with tons of phats, full dragon, 100s of Mills, and a whole lot of other stuff? Don't you just get disgusted for how rich some people are with so much money to throw around and still afford of what would be a dream to you? Don't you just want to have all the Barrow sets, a couple sets of dragon, all of the god armors, a few phats, a few santas, a few mask sets, and about 500M on top of it all in your bank to show off to all of your friends and everyone else? Then this is surely the guide for you! This guide will explain the detail of the "secret" method in MY perspective of what I think and how I think it should be done. I will explain the concept of my version to how billions should be made. I hope you find this guide fascinating and extremely helpful. Good luck to all of you on your journey to having the bank of a multi billionaire!!!


Hello visitors of my extreme money making guide! As you've seen in the title and in a few other areas, this guide is set to make you BILLIONS! This guide will be explaining methods almost no one has probably ever heard about. It is basically summarized into 1 huge method, but be prepared that this may be the most longest, hardest, and the most strenuous method you may EVER come across! You may be thinking that I will be mentioning "staking" or "merchanting rares", but no, it goes far beyond that... to an area that requires much dedication, wisdom, patience, organization, and preparation. So all in all, the work required for this WILL be very hard. But if you are willing enough to get 100s of millions, or even billions, then this is the guide for you!


~* Quick Methods *~

Welcome to Section 2 "Quick Methods to get Started." Started with what? Making billions that is! Yes, these methods are some quick and fast money making methods to help you make 10 Mill or so pretty quickly.

~* Method 1 *~

~*^ Choc Dust ^*~ (Make up to 1 Mill an hour!)

Yes, you can make up to 1 Mill per hour with this method.

-NOTE- Taking from an experienced player with this method, also a (Forum Mod), they have said you can make 1 Mill moving pretty quickly per hour... But my calculations of normal circumstances, plus adding a new and partly needed part to the method, you may only be making 600k an hour.

~* The Method *~

~Requirements: To have completed "Recipe of Disaster" quest

~Location: Cal. Chest in Lumbridge

~Number of choc. bars in stock: up to 50

~Price per bar: low - required 30-50k to afford the bars

Upon having completed the "Recipe of Disaster Quest", go to the 2 chests in Lumbridge. You should know about these having done the quest. Use the 1 chest where choc. bars are sold. Buy the bars there, then store them in the other chest. Switch worlds and repeat the steps. Once you seem to have a desired amount of bars, go on the "Herblore" section of the forums... use key words such as, "dust" or "choc", and you should see buyers and sellers of choc. bars and dust for a profitable price of 400-500 ea! If no one is buying bars, then use a "Pestle and Mortar" (can be found at an Herblore shop) on the bars to get dust. Then try and sell the dust instead.

~* Selling problem: It is very hard at times to sell your bars or dusts. So my best help with that to you would be to make a company or business... post it up on the forums and sell your bars/dusts in there for a fair price. It still may be hard, but could be better this way.

~* Not grinding bars profit = hour: upward 800k to 1 Mill

~* Grinding bars profit = hour: 600-700k

~$* Method 2 *$~

~*^ Choc. Dust Plan B ^*~ (Makes 300k+ per hour!)

If you cannot use method 1 due to not meeting the requirements, then this would be a backup method in conjunction with the first one... But, as you can see, this method doesn't make you as much money. It is still a very good method though.
~* The Method *~

~Requirements: None other than to have about 50k

~Location: Nardah (Far southern Desert)

~Number of Choc. bars in stock: 25

~Price per bar: about 12gp ea

So here is what you need to do. Go south of Al Kharid and into Shantay. Buy a Shantay pass there (about 5gp) and go through the gate into the desert. They give you a disclaimer, etc and try to scare you about the desert. To survive well, just buy a few Water skins (4) and you'll be okay. Go south until you get to Nardah... (There are a few ways to get there). Also, check your map for finding Nardah and choose the way you will be getting there. Once your there, store your water skins in your bank (you will NOT die from the desert in Nardah). Now, go back to the stalls in Nardah and trade with Rokuh. He sells the choc. bars. (Optional) grinding the bars into dust with "Pestle and Mortar." This is not required but most people would rather buy dust than bars. Take the bars/dust back to the bank and switch worlds. Repeat this until you have a desired amount of bars/dust. Then sell.

-NOTE- Selling and profit info is presented in the previous method.

~* Method 3 *~

~*^ System Update ^*~ (Can make you millions very fast)

Okay, some of may have heard of this method, and I bet a lot of you haven't But your probably wondering, system update... Huh?? Well here it is.

-NOTE- This CANNOT be done all the time but it is very effective when performed.

~* The Method *~

Okay, if you ever come across a "System Update", that means while your playing, at the bottom left hand of your playing screen, you will see a message saying "System Update in -(A certain amount of time... usually around 2 min). Right now, I would send my character to the Mage Guild... if not that, the Mage Arena rune shop... and if not that, any rune shop is fine. And when it hits 0:00, it logs you out. Now here's your chance to make some big bucks. Log onto a world, preferable 0 people in the world, and you should see that at these rune shops, the runes are totally restocked. That is because when Jagex has a System Update, everything in shops are restocked to their original stocked amount. The following list provides you with the stock of runes and their estimated prices:

~Airs: 5000 in Stock... about 3-4gp ea

~Minds: 5000 - 4-6 ea approx.

~Waters: 5000 - 4 ea

~Fires: 5000 - 3-4 ea

~Nats: 250 - 120 ea

~Laws: 250 - 240 ea

~Cosmics: 250 - N/A

~Bloods: 250 - 300 ea

~Chaos: 250 - 90 ea

~Deaths: 250 - 180 ea

*Souls: 250 - 70 ea

Okay, that hopefully is all the runes listed there. I would appreciate a price for the runes with "N/A" prices... sorry that I don't have these prices listed.

-NOTE- At the Zammy Mage rune shop in lvl 5 Wildy, all runes stock up to 500.

-NOTE- Logging into a world while a system update is in progress may come to be slow and hard.

-NOTE- I've got reports of players saying the rune shops get bought out very fast by other players. If this happens to you, you have the option of trying out another rune shop.

Okay, having about 2 Mill or more would be good to get a fair amount of runes and to make a good profit off of it. Once you sell all of your runes (Varies depending what and how many runes you have) you could be seeing anywhere from 500k to a few Mill profit from this method in a short amount of time.

-NOTE- Players have been asking me about what are the best runes to buy and make a good profit off of. Well this all depends what runes are available and what price they are selling for. I would buy ALL the runes that have a high stock and that are being sold at a very fair price.

Also, if all the runes aren't bought out very quickly, it is possible to be using this a method a few hours after the System Update!

~* Method 4 *~

~*^ Double Nats ^*~ (Can make you 1.2M+ per hour!)

Okay, probably most of you have heard of this method 1 time or another... and as you know 91 Runecrafting is hard to come by, but it is definately worth it!

~* Ways to reaching 91 RC *~

There are 2 ways, in my opinion, that are very fast and effective for getting 91 Rc.

~* World 16 Airs *~

Here, f2p air runners get paid about 2k or 100 airs for every air run. This happens to be a huge business that has been effective for quite a while. Go to world 16 with a large amount of ess and cash. Say something "in" the air alter like "2k cash per run" or higher than the highest paying price currently because there are many other crafters there. I wouldn't recommend paying over 2.5k though. This pays a good amount of xp and it is possible to almost make a profit off of this method. It all varies on the paying price, how many players are running, and how many airs you make per ess. I recommend doing this if you don't want to lose a whole lot of money getting 91 Rc.

~* World 66 Laws *~

-NOTE- Requires Troll Stronghold quest to be completed.

This is a very popular p2p business that you may have heard of. Go to world 66's Law alter (wearing red Zammy robes) and trade your runners the laws you craft every time. So you make NO profit from this. You actually end up losing a lot of money from this for buying all the ess needed for this method.

This method pays a little more xp than the "Airs" method, but it really costs you a lot of gp. Also, if you like working with "more experienced" players, then this is the method for you! But if you don't want to pay a fortune, then just stick with the "Airs" method.

~* 91 Rc Method *~

This is, in my opinion, one of the best ways to make money! Crafting double Nats means that you make 2 Nats per Ess. Which means, DOUBLE PROFIT!!!

1 VERY hard requirement: 91 Runecrafting!
10k Ess
About 5Mill using this certain method
VERY fast computer is needed

I will be explaining a certain, really well method to crafting double Nats. Hiring Runners! Yes, doing this can actually make you over 1Mill per hour profit!

But how?

This is how:

~* Get the requirements completed and lets start!
~* Post a thread asking for runners, paying about 11k per run.
~* Get many runners and pay them, also stocking a lot of ess in the nearby general store is VERY helpful to your runners.
~* Paying 11k a run still makes you profit.

See, when you pay 11k a run, and a little on the Ess, you are actually making about a 4-5k profit every time you trade someone!

It takes about 10 seconds per trade on a good computer.

~* So, 26 * 2 = 52 Nats a run.
~* 52 Nats x 300 ea = 15.6k a run
~* profits then should be around 4k a run.
~* From 10 seconds a trade and craft, you make about 24k a minute!
~* So, in an hour of this, you make 1440k or over 1.4Mill!!!

VERY good way to make money! FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT="

~* Method 5 *~

~*^ Rune Mining ^*~ (Makes 400k+ per hour!)

This method you've pretty much guessed would obviously be a very good method to making money. Well, your right! This method is very well in money making. Even though 85 mining is also hard to come by, it is surely worth the time and effort!

~* The Way To 85 Mining *~

Okay, there is really only 1 way, from my perspective, to be the best way to 85 mining. That would be "Iron Power Mining." This is just simply going to iron deposits like the "Al Kharid Chasm Mine" and mining the iron there. You can either drop it or hand it to someone else... and then just keep doing it until the time has come lol.

~* The Method *~

Okay, it would be required to have completed the Heroes Quest for this method.

~Method List~

~Location: Dungeon in Heroes Guild
~Requirements: 85 Mining, Rune pick
~Number of Rune ores: 2

~* Calculations *~

Okay, so lets say you mine 2 rune ores in 3 min. Then it takes 1 min to hop worlds. After that, you repeat this 15 times in an hour's time.

So, you get 30 rune ores after also taking a trip to Fally.

~At 10k per rune ore: you make 300k per hour
~At 11k per rune ore: you make 330k per hour
~At 12k per rune ore: you make 360k per hour

But some who have experience using this method have said this made them 400-500k per hour. So, try it yourself and see what results you come up with.

Well that is all for now so. Good luck <3


Forgot to give credit to the original maker, one of my friends on runescape posted it on there forums.
I Helped with some of the guide and he gave me permission to post it here.

17-12-2006, 03:19 PM
Lol wow big, :) good job

17-12-2006, 03:21 PM
It needs pictures because people will get bored reading without pics.

Looks good tho if i still played RS id probably read it :]

17-12-2006, 03:38 PM
BOLD on titles and pictures

17-12-2006, 03:51 PM
BOLD on titles and pictures

yep just what u need.
Otherwise a pretty good guide

17-12-2006, 04:04 PM
Thanks for comments i dont really play runescape much any more i just had it saved on my computer and i thought... Why not post it here, but i'll occasionally go on and get some screen shots.

Thanks everyone;)

17-12-2006, 04:05 PM
Pretty much all of these guides are for people who have completed hard quests or are high levels.

Could do with bold titles and some more methods for the lower levels but looks like you've put a lot of effort and could make a lot of money by using this guide.


17-12-2006, 04:20 PM
Pretty much all of these guides are for people who have completed hard quests or are high levels.

Could do with bold titles and some more methods for the lower levels but looks like you've put a lot of effort and could make a lot of money by using this guide.


Ive got 102 QP i think and im 86 combat i dont consider that high but... Its higher than some.
As i said me and my friend put this guide together, but i quit Rs now.

17-12-2006, 05:00 PM
Those are all very hard methods.. you didn't mention anything about Merchanting. Like w2 buy low sell high.

Ashley 12344
17-12-2006, 05:53 PM
Isn't bad.

A lot of merch guides don't work.

17-12-2006, 06:57 PM
Not a bad guide, could you use pics to space it out and maybe telling people how to profit off certain skills or something could be useful too :]

17-12-2006, 11:09 PM
Thanks again for all your comments <3 :eusa_clap

17-12-2006, 11:19 PM
Nice guide, +rep

18-12-2006, 09:41 AM
sorry too much text i couldn't be arsed to read it.
Add pictures!

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