View Full Version : Lag Sollution!

01-04-2005, 07:43 AM
From The Original Article

For the last month Sulake HQ in Helsinki have been carrying out a study on server overload to try and determine the cause of lag and hopefully eradicate it.

analysis of the results has shown that server crashes and the constant lagging is caused by to many Guest Rooms on the Habbo server. The only solution available to us is a reduction in the number of Guest Rooms; this will bring Habbo back up to speed.

Unfortunately this means that in future Habbos will have to share Guest rooms. Four Habbos in each room, although this number may be increased at a later date if more users register on the site. We are of course very sorry about this and want to do all we can to make the transition as painless as possible.

On the plus side this is an excellent way to build friendships.

It is important that you share rooms with Habbos that you trust as they will be able to pick up and move your Furni around, because of this we are allowing you to choose who you want to share your room with.

We are asking you to use the form below to submit the names of the three Habbos you would most like to share with. We will do everything we can to give you your first choice but in some circumstances this will not be possible. In these cases we will allocate Habbos as best we can, according to friend lists.

Don't worry, we won't delete any Furni that is in your room at present, it will all be placed in your Hand, or in your new shared room.

Thank you for your understanding; we are on a mission to make Habbo better for everyone!

So you have to pick 3 friends and 1 back-up friens so share your room with
Enjoy :P

01-04-2005, 07:45 AM
enter all four names and u get a surprise.

APRIL FOOL, habbo have played a very well worked prank, that could go wrong.

01-04-2005, 07:48 AM
Lol, you werent ment to tell them all xD

01-04-2005, 07:54 AM

01-04-2005, 07:55 AM
.lol you only got that form me sampson :p

01-04-2005, 08:05 AM
haha i will share my room with super rich habbo like sin!

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