View Full Version : V12 Guide

23-12-2006, 02:18 PM


A new version means new features but probably the most noticeable feature is the ability to trade credits in the form of furni. A new section in the Habbo catalogue will in installed entitled "Bank Of Habbo"


Here's how it works. You purchase the new furni depending on how much value you want [Bronze Coin = 1 Cred Silver Coin = 5 creds Gold Coin = 10 creds Sack of money = 20 creds and 2 gold bars = 50 creds]


You will then have the new furni in your hand ready to trade. Trading credits looks like this:


It clearly shows how much it is worth so you won't get scammed into thinking it has a higher value. If you are in need of coins but can't purchase any you can trade for the new Bank Of Habbo furni. Once you have a piece, set it down in your room, double click it and this window comes up:


Simply click that you want credits and the furni will disappear and the credits will appear in your purse.

Another new feature is a new pet. Crocodiles!


These new pets are available in the pets section [with dogs and cats] And come in a variety of colours. They act the same as dogs and cats.


However on the Finnish hotel not all of the colours are in the catalogue so expect some of the crocodile colours to become rares.

Arriving with crocodiles is new pet food! Your pets can now enjoy some meaty goodness by snacking on this new meat treat.


Also being installed in this version is the new gothic range:


The gothic furni comes in a variety of colours.

Another new piece of furni is the wall fan:


Having been stuck with the same HC rares for year, Habbo have now installed 13 brand new HC rares. It is however unknown how this will work:


Now when you enter a room the furni won't load instantly, it will take a few seconds for the whole room of furni to load up. When you enter a room the furni appears as little white boxes but it then gradually appears like so:


23-12-2006, 02:23 PM
Nice guide. People who aren't allowed to buy credits will be able to trade for them now. Good idea imo. I think the furni load thing will be annoying, but it will prevent lag so.. yay?

+ rep [:

23-12-2006, 02:34 PM
Very good guide!

+Rep for you :)

23-12-2006, 02:56 PM
Yup, good layout but nothing i didn't know.

HOORAY for no more credit skems.

24-12-2006, 11:14 AM
The Bank is a cool thing!

Can do a Bank room already :D

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