View Full Version : Furni Glitch W00T!

01-04-2005, 10:00 PM
Hey people,

I had to share this with people, i didnt know if i could post this in the traiding bit, but, I GOT 5 ORANGE PARRAS FOR THE PRICE OF 2 W00T!

It was laggy so i used this to my advantage, were i got another 3 free, before the credits were taken :(

Well atleast i got the 3 free! (Get it 3 - free, stupid joke lol)

Did anyone do this aswell?

01-04-2005, 10:01 PM
lol i tried 2

but some idiot nudged me on msn lol

01-04-2005, 10:05 PM
lol, it was realy funny, but not realy,

As i work in wwtp, there was a meetin, half way through, the orange para came out, so i shouted it out sayin its out. Owen (A.K.A A4AOwen) said if i was liyin i would loose my job. So anyway, while reloadin habbo (my bro told me it was out) i was reading about habbo lag and habbo club, how they got round the little stopper to say u cant have anymore hc. Well when i reloaded and the orange para was out, i just kept clickin buy buy buy untill the little message sayin its been delivered poped up. Them looked in my hand, most of it was covered in orange paras, all together i had 5!

Now owen wont give my credit on his news post :(

O well beggers cant be choosers :)

01-04-2005, 10:09 PM

i gave up hope after reloading and it wasnt there

and then i went into my room, clicked pet accessories, misclicked
and it was there ;) so im quite lucky really

01-04-2005, 10:14 PM
lol, god im bored now, no1 is in wonderworld who is talkin and im tired, im goin 2 bed now, see ya later people bye!

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