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24-12-2006, 10:32 AM
I really want to get one, has anyone got one? I know they're quiet expensive, but they're well cool. & I want to get two and call them; lion & hellicopter. Are they expensive to keep? ie; feed, house etc? & is there any other information I should know before I get one. I've been doing some reading just thought I would get a second opinion. thanks (:

24-12-2006, 10:33 AM
k I have no idea what a tortoise is or anything about them, but why do you want to call them Lion and Helicopter?

24-12-2006, 11:04 AM
They are somewhat diffuclt to look after, in that they hybernate, and you'd need to store them somewhere warm dureing the time, plus they requre alot of freash veg, and you got to be cairful with the weather you let em out in "/

24-12-2006, 01:16 PM
like above they need alot of fresh veg and need to be kept warm in the winter. i have had one before. anymor ehelp pm me :)

24-12-2006, 01:20 PM
My mate was getting one for his b'day and it died before he even got it..

27-12-2006, 12:07 PM
Thats bad ownership in the exstrames sence, tortoie's arnt the sort of animal you get threw, if kept properly most will outlive the owners "/ They often live for centurys "/ (and if you include the giant tortoies, millenia)

27-12-2006, 01:23 PM
My mam had one when she was little and her dog knocked it on its back during the night. She woke up and no more mr.tortoise!
Anyway, our mam said they're take alot of money up to keep, and you have to be real careful like.

Mr Me
27-12-2006, 10:42 PM
First of all there are many different tortoise's, Here is a little info (im big on animals and am currently studying animal care at college )

Tortoise CANT swim.
Tortoises can also live a very long time (anywhere from 50 to over 100 years), which means you must be prepared to provide a lifetime of care and consier that your pet might even outlive you.
It is vital to choose a tortoise species well - based on housing and environmental needs, and diet requirements. Different species have markedly different adult sizes, temperature and light needs, diets, and some need to hibernate and some do not. Rather than try to get into the details of care here we'll just compare of a few species, and refer readers to the excellent care sheets that are available on the net.
All turtles and tortoises should have exposure to ultraviolet light, either through the use of UVA/UVB producing bulbs (i.e. those designed for reptile keeping) or through natural exposure to sunlight (many tortoise keepers use outdoor pens if they live in an appropriate climate).
Most turtles grow fairly large and need correspondingly large tanks or enclosures.
Most turtles need a variety of foods including fresh vegetables in fruits. Even for species where formulated food is available, this should only make up a portion of the diet.
Large turtles can produce a lot of waste, and can be pretty messy.
Some species need to hibernate, which is sometimes quite stressful for the turtle.
Turtles are not great for young kids due the amount of care they need and the potential risk of Salmonella infection (http://exoticpets.about.com/cs/reptiles/a/reptsalmonella.htm). Sorry theres a lot of information, But please before buying a animal like this make sure you do the proper research and gather information.

27-12-2006, 10:44 PM
worst. pet. ever.

Mr Me
27-12-2006, 10:54 PM
worst. pet. ever.

They can't be the worst pet, They can very loyal and loving.

You just have to be nice.

These animals have been here longer than we have, If you respect them they will respect you.

quite inteligent really

28-12-2006, 12:12 PM
You have to look up on these things. They hibernate in the winter and need attention. You can't keep it locked in a cage yet you can't exactly let it run freely outside.
Also they live very long so you have to be willing to look after it for many years to come.

29-12-2006, 11:59 AM
i wanted one ages ago, they are well cute. i heard that they are quite expensive as they are quite rare nowadays, whereas a couple of decades ago they were apparently really popular, my mum even had one when she was young.

29-12-2006, 01:53 PM
I had a teripan. only lasted a year, was only small aswell, but was poisoness. had to wash my hands everytime i picked it up and put it down. Quite exspensive to house

03-01-2007, 02:19 AM
they're cute but boring.. my friend had one.

03-01-2007, 02:32 AM
I don't believe in keeping snakes, lizzards and tortoises as pets or any pet that lives in a cage/small space. Plus they cost a lot to own as you have got to pay for lamps, heating, bedding, pen/cage/what ever and the food. In the winter you don't see them at all. Do your research before you even think about it, so your fair on your self as well as them.

03-01-2007, 04:09 AM
i got two turtles. not the same as tortoises at all because turtles live in water. tortoises require heating and humidity, real hard stuff to control indoors. and lol at previous posts saying terrapins can live 1000 years and that they are poisonous. tortoises do not always hibernate, you can control whether or not you want it to hibernate or not by controling the temperature during winter.

03-01-2007, 10:26 AM
Tortoises rawk :P but make sure you are gonna look after them properly if you do get them like people have said above :]

03-01-2007, 12:24 PM
I think they are great. They have lived through wars and stuff, so get one so it can give you the turtle perspective on history. Even if it has lived in a garden all its life, in a box, it still must overhear a lot of things, so it learns it, then has a good memory because it lives for like 5000 years. So just learn how to speak turtle, and they rock.

03-01-2007, 01:31 PM
i got two turtles. not the same as tortoises at all because turtles live in water. tortoises require heating and humidity, real hard stuff to control indoors. and lol at previous posts saying terrapins can live 1000 years and that they are poisonous. tortoises do not always hibernate, you can control whether or not you want it to hibernate or not by controling the temperature during winter.
I got told they were poisonous when i bought mine, and that they can carry diseases, so you need to wash your hands after handling. so dont "lol" at me you stupid freek head

Mr Me
04-01-2007, 04:07 AM
I got told they were poisonous when i bought mine, and that they can carry diseases, so you need to wash your hands after handling. so dont "lol" at me you stupid freek head

lol calm don't many people make mistakes how do you think we learn ?

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