View Full Version : more furni

27-06-2004, 04:27 AM
i always thought that som of the ALT artists are good enof to make stuff for habbo it would b kool to c stuff com out that ppl we no made :D

27-06-2004, 10:58 AM
yeah habbo should take our ideas it would be cool having widescreen tvs :D

27-06-2004, 10:59 AM
habbo probly never will coz there so lazy!!

27-06-2004, 11:08 AM
Gelhead, think before you post please. Habbo staff are not lazy at all, they do loads of paper work, answer phone calls, Moderate the hotel, sort out hobbas and hobba applications and loads more.

How you can then turn around and call them lazy, I think is rediculous.

27-06-2004, 11:12 AM
Gelhead, think before you post please. Habbo staff are not lazy at all, they do loads of paper work, answer phone calls, Moderate the hotel, sort out hobbas and hobba applications and loads more.

How you can then turn around and call them lazy, I think is rediculous.
Yeah if it wasn't for them we wouldn't be talking about habo or even playing habbo! there wouldn't be habbox because there would be no habbo! they aren't lazy they just don't have enough time to take our ideas but it would be good if they did

27-06-2004, 11:31 AM
Yeah if it wasn't for them we wouldn't be talking about habo or even playing habbo! there wouldn't be habbox because there would be no habbo! they aren't lazy they just don't have enough time to take our ideas but it would be good if they did

u said there wouldent b habbo or ment that 3 times in there :P

27-06-2004, 11:49 AM
u said there wouldent b habbo or ment that 3 times in there :P
LoL bigged Mouth Me!

28-06-2004, 06:09 PM
The reason why habbo staff dont get round to make new furni all the time is because of all the things they do if you order credits by home phones, splash plastic or sms then it is all sorted by a computer but credit cards and especially cheques need to be done by man. Being a hobba helper ( Not the lovely mizki :( ) the amount of times i get sent to habbos and have to tell em that to fill such and such form out on the habbo webpage is ridiculous atleast 100-200 times each day and thats just the people I tell. Habbo staff have to answer them they got to make newsies and read poems and articles sent in by habbos and make the furni chart. Not to mention do the funky Friday competition and check that the hobba's are banning people for a valid reason sort out payment to make sure that habbo keeps running and pay for office rent bills and so forth all of this done by 17 Direct staff and then maybe a few staff which sort out the post and the tea and coffee guy :p it is a lot to do so we must thank them for doing this.

16-07-2004, 06:40 AM
I know they may be busy, but other than pets and pet accessories, I can't recall any non-rare new item in the catalog. They haven't added anything since I started, which was almost 3 years ago. They should have a habbo poll about what type of furni habbo's would want added to the norms section of the catalog.

Maybe they could have some type of radio or stereo, or both, like the way they have 3 tv's. It doesn't necessarily have to play music, maybe it could have music signs when it's on, or make the speakers "ruffle" or something. More for looks than ne thing. Maybe another type of sofa, everyone always wants them. Any other ideas? :s

16-07-2004, 12:37 PM
i agree they need to keep making something new, but it was less than 3 years ago, because ive been on habbo for less than 3 years and there have been quite a few while ive been on

18-07-2004, 03:35 PM
i been on habbo over a year and how many rares have i seen 1!! lapland

thats it and its not good :(

cause they used to com out real quick didnt they..... like once a month :l

18-07-2004, 04:51 PM
Yes i agree, think about it they brought out habbo club 2 years ago and they had 2 think up 12 new furni 2 fit the whole year of hc didn't they! But i agree also bout the furni we havent had a new rare since december.Thay should do a funky Friday comp where someone dus a alt and then habbo makes it! It would save habbo alot of time thinking up a new rare! And also why should Canada get mountain dew's when we are older than them and they get the new stuff 1st? If your on my wave lenght!

22-07-2004, 07:51 AM
Yeah i think ppl who are pros at making alts should send sum of there best to habbo and see wat they think about making new furni cuz we really need sum new fun furni on habbo :D

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