View Full Version : throat ulcer.

26-12-2006, 01:56 PM
'iyar (: so let me set the scene;
about two weeks ago i was rather ill, i had a stomach ache & i was sick a few times, i then noticed a pain in the back of my throat. it kinda faded away and then about a week ago it came back. at first i simply thought i had some form of a sore throat, but as the week progressed as did the pain. my mom looked and noticed my throat was all red so she thought it was laringitis & gave me some aspirin.
so yesterday it was excruicatingly painful & my mom had another look, and she found a big white ulcer & at the back of my throat. it looks like a normal ulcer so we thought we'd try & put bonjella on it.. we tried but it's too far back & everytime we try i'm almost sick.
i was just wondering if anyone had suggestions on how to treat it? and/or if it's worthy of a visit to the doctors?
also has anyone ever had one & do they disappear eventually?
thanks in advance (:

26-12-2006, 10:04 PM
I have never had one but it seems like it's pretty serious. You should visit the doctor because it becomes worse.

26-12-2006, 10:54 PM
oooh that sounds nasty I think you should go to the doctors,

Accidental double posts merged by Nixt (Forum Moderator)

26-12-2006, 10:54 PM
I had one of those, try gargling salt water, it kinda helped me

26-12-2006, 10:57 PM
well in the summer I had swollen tonsils but I didn't get them taken out.
I simply just went to the Emergency Room and got antibiotics for it. It tasted like cardboard but after a month it went away.

It sucks, yes I know how you feel. :[ i hope you get better.

26-12-2006, 11:44 PM
Swallow some salt.

26-12-2006, 11:51 PM
are they just like mouth ulcers? (i have a huge one atm :()

i don't think theres anything to help them go away, just things that can stop it from hurting for s long/short period of time.

27-12-2006, 12:30 AM
the belly aches and sickness make me think something, along with the throat ulcer... i won't tell you what, because i might scare you possibly, but go to the doctor. if they say it'll be fine and it isn't go to the hopsickle.

27-12-2006, 06:55 AM
I have never had one but it seems like it's pretty serious. You should visit the doctor because it becomes worse.

BEFORE it becomes worse. Whatthef? I should proofread more.

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