View Full Version : Left Habbo.

26-12-2006, 02:24 PM

I have left Habbo UK to move onto further experiences in life which Habbo seemed to have been holding me back from doing i have been offered a position in a full time theatre apparition and also would like to do some modelling at some time in the near future. Youre probably all celebrating right now that Ive left at last lol! (englishtourist and witnezz especially)

So for the time being au revoir! I have handed my account and all of my belongings on Habbo Hotel over to a trustworthy friend. Yes I would like to be office staff some day but who knows eh? Bye for now and have a great new year!

Edit by Adzeh (Forum Moderator) : Thread closed to prevent further arguments and/or infractions and warnings.

26-12-2006, 02:48 PM
Um, good luck out of habbo.

*Removed* LMAO.

Edited by ReviewDude (Forum Moderator): Please don't ask for free furniture or credits.

27-12-2006, 09:01 PM
You're probably still playing. You even said you had your account name changed. For all we know you are playing under that. :)

If you really are gone well. GOOD RIDDANCE.


Edited by Re101 (Forum Moderator) - Please do not be rude to other forum members.

27-12-2006, 09:41 PM
Sulake only employ professionals, and from when I used to speak to you - you never seemed to go to school? The only thing I could say your a professional in is pretending to be someone your not and some big huge control freak lol. I'm sure you'll do what EnglishTourist says. I think your leaving you think would seem to be some huge effect on people but by the sounds of it, a lot of people dislike you - so good look with the modelling or whatever it is people want you for, but Sulake office staff isnt playing Habbo all day and sending yourself furniz!!11 - I hope you do get a life away from the computer now you've left because I really think you'll need one Naomi.

Edited by ReviewDude (Forum Moderator): Please don't be rude.

27-12-2006, 11:16 PM
Right I just came on to see how the forum was doing and I find two rude messages, from *Name Removed* I'm not really suprised because he's more or less rude to anyone who crosses his path. But *Name Removed* I genuinely thought better of you, youre an intelligent boy and you're lowering yourself to levels beyond recognition to you.

I did go to School before I met you but chose to move on to Home Schooling where I was going to study on the School's Computer Databases rather than being in the Classroom (for various reasons I won't state at this moment in time) I'm not a control freak, I'm a completely laid back person as anyone who has got the time to know me will tell you. I did not have a name change from Quapla as I didn't reply to the e-mail Disarno sent to me (as I'm sure he will tell you if you ask nicely, something that *Name Removed* doesn't seem to understand the concept of, obviously.) If a lot of people dislike me then it's in their choices to dislike me, I'm not here to edit anyones state of mind nor will I try to, ever! I have always had a life away from the Computer, if I didn't I highly doubt I would ever have been in several shows or went out with friends socially while at the same time being on the Computer.

I have decided it's time to move on from Habbo which is partially why I have left, but there are also other reasons. Again, moving onto the Social area of being Sulake Staff, I understand the reasoning behind Sulake and I personally think I'm morally stable to be a member of their company. However I have not said for definite wether or not I'll be applying next year, and in the rare case that I will, I shaln't be telling you. So you genuinely have point zerox to worry about. I am proffessional in the ICT area as I am nearing to the end of my course in College at the moment. Awfully sorry to dissappoint you.

Hope you had fun reading this ;) Naomi.

Edited by ReviewDude (Forum Moderator): Please do not insult other Forum members.

27-12-2006, 11:43 PM
So you went on and on about having a name change yet you havent?

And i bet your leaving becuase you didnt get a Chirsmtas 06 badge.

28-12-2006, 12:41 AM
lol at the amount of warning in this thread..
sorry to hear you are leaving :( Surely you can just cut down? visit time to time?

28-12-2006, 12:46 AM
Cut down with Habborette...

I just wondered about this:

i have been offered a position in a full time theatre apparition

ap·pa·ri·tion (āp'ə-rĭsh'ən)
A ghostly figure; a specter.
A sudden or unusual sight: "[The designer's] indoor-outdoor reversals and juxtapositions call forth a Magritte apparition beneath a Miami moon" (Herbert Muschamp).
The act of appearing; appearance

So like an imaginary play? :P

Good luck :)

28-12-2006, 01:50 AM
Cut down with Habborette...

I just wondered about this:

ap·pa·ri·tion (āp'ə-rĭsh'ən)
A ghostly figure; a specter.
A sudden or unusual sight: "[The designer's] indoor-outdoor reversals and juxtapositions call forth a Magritte apparition beneath a Miami moon" (Herbert Muschamp).
The act of appearing; appearance

So like an imaginary play? :P

Good luck :)

LOL at that! ^^

I wish her all the best in her new job,

as for me, i work 48 hours a week, and STILL get 3 FULL days off.

meaning i work 4 X 12 hour shifts a week,

i have 3 days to do pritty much nothing, so i play habbo for a few hours, there is no need to quit.

28-12-2006, 11:00 AM
I guess i'm going to have to call you ''Rolah'' instead of ''Quapla'' now you've had a name change. :(

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