View Full Version : Illegal Drugs [Worried]

26-12-2006, 10:32 PM
Since i've meet my mate he's knows someone who on a weekly basis smokes cannibis, and i'm worried because if i become in a situatiopn his mate offers me cannibis I'm gonna have a lot of peer presure on me..
Any advice?

26-12-2006, 10:34 PM
Don't hang around with them.
Don't get preassured into something that you could later regret.

26-12-2006, 10:39 PM
I recently was in a room with people who smoked drugs, i was with my friend, they asked me if i wanted some, but i said no. Drugs are illegal and stupid, you should never get involved in drugs.

26-12-2006, 10:41 PM
But we're really close, friends and the thing is well.. He keeps telling to get to his mates house (fletchers) and now.. when someone goes in there who I know smells a little bit of cannibis..

26-12-2006, 10:44 PM
A few weeks ago i tried weed, its quite good.
I tried it cause alot of people said it was good, had some last weekend with some mates too.

But if its not your sort of thing, dont try it.

26-12-2006, 10:45 PM
I used to smoke cannibis and I quit because it is VERY stupid, as you do not know what is in there...as I found out the hard way when someone grinded an ectasy pill in with the skunk:eusa_wall

26-12-2006, 10:46 PM
If he's a best friend, there is no point letting him go, refer him to FRANK and tell him he is making a huge mistake, drugs can kill, just tell him the consequences and hope he takes your advice.

26-12-2006, 10:50 PM
Like you say there would be a lot of peer pressure if you were in that situation and even if you think you wouldn't do it when put in the situation you could go against what you want and regret it. Even though you're close friends you should maybe spend less time with them.

26-12-2006, 11:09 PM
If he/she's really your 'friend' he wont put you in the situation to HAVE to take any kind of drug, if you say no he/she should respect that.

Otherwise they aren't really your friend, are they.

26-12-2006, 11:09 PM
Cocaine, and yes I ******* regret it... Just don't do drugs ever.

27-12-2006, 10:47 PM
I've tryed hash a good few times now, it's okay and i only do it on the spot because i LIKE it. But i normally don't go out and say "Oh let's go get hash" it's because it's there, but i wasn't peered into it.

As Jamie said, if it isn't your scene say no. If you feel threatened don't associate with the people, simple as.

27-12-2006, 11:30 PM
i wouldn't try it because i know for a fact i'd get addicted.

Redmoon Evil
27-12-2006, 11:40 PM
Same situation as I was in a couple of years ago but I managed to say no all the time without being tempted or pressured. It was only a couple of months ago that had some due to no fault of peer pressure just because it's no longer a big thing nowdays.

If you do get pressured into doing it you wont get addicted anyway, just take a couple of drags on it then just say it tastes **** and your not feeling anything of it. After your first time they're going to want you to put some cash in anyway so just say your broke an your sorted.

It may be bad advice but meh oh well lol.

27-12-2006, 11:41 PM
Ye i did cannabis a few times never hurt me tbh

27-12-2006, 11:45 PM
Don't do Heroin, took me ages to get off the stuff!

Never tried never will

27-12-2006, 11:56 PM
Don't do Heroin, took me ages to get off the stuff!

Never tried never will

Makes sence.

28-12-2006, 01:04 AM
Should be able to check more than one box.. I've tried a mix of coke/speed once, and yeah it was amazing but I wouldn't do it again because I don't want to get addicted. Cannabis I do from time to time but not regularly really, and I don't get cravings or anything. It's less harmful than cigarettes anyway, especially when you only have some every few weeks.

Still, if it isn't your scene, like others have said, just don't do it.

blah blah blah
28-12-2006, 09:50 AM
Ive tried Speed, e, coke once. i dont plan to do it again. i just wanted the expierience, i see nothing wrong with that. tho weed i do every now and then because i like the fun it has with it and its so easy to get it for free considering my best mate has it everyday. but like EVERYONE else has said. If you dont want to try it then dont, no one should tell you what to do. and peer pressures annoying but just ignor it. :D

28-12-2006, 01:03 PM
I dont see the problem, becuse your friend does them, doesnt mean you have to, also doesnt mean you cant be friends with them "/

Plus i agree with flying jesus, for being able to tick multiple boxs.
Personaly i dont do drugs, and never will... well the illgal ones at least, some of the others can be useful in staying alive at times.

28-12-2006, 10:12 PM
I used to be a pure potmong but I do it on a purely recreational level these days, I've had the odd gary too. Some of you need to wake up to reality. Just because someone you talk to does drugs, doesn't mean you have to or have to feel pressured into anything you don't want to do, but it doesn't mean you should cut the person out of your life, because being honest, what kind of friend does that make you? You claim they're a bad friend for taking drugs, I don't see how that works, or why it strains the friendship tbh, the only strain is from the other person not letting their friend live their life.

If it was hard drugs I'd understand, but weed is only weed, and most teenagers experience it, it isn't physically addictive either.

28-12-2006, 10:18 PM
Weed is only addictive if you really get into it, doing it socially from time to time won't get to you. Also, there are no recorded deaths from marijuana, and it's far less dangerous than tobacco or alcohol.

28-12-2006, 10:25 PM
Why not just smoke it? I doubt you'll die from it, and if you did, it'd take years to kill you, by then you can go to one of them groups where you sit down and one noob with brown hair stands up and goes, "Hello my name is Jane, and I am a druggy." Then they all clap for no reason.
On the other hand, just be all like "No I'm busy everytime you invite me for a smoke."

28-12-2006, 10:26 PM
yes but id never ever do it again it was stupid

28-12-2006, 10:35 PM
Well dude, don't be a puss about it. You can say a simple word; NO. Hell I've been asked to do some things alot of times from kids who are older and I managed to say No all the time. Just boost your confidence by looking in the mirror and saying 'No' repeatedly if you need. And don't cut this mate out your life, just cos his philosophys in life are different to yours.

28-12-2006, 11:04 PM
if he pressures you, tell him to stop, and if he doesnt then he isnt being a good friend to you, and tell him that. If you want to try it then go for it. they way i look at it is that you only live once so anything is worth a try. Party hard through life, sleep when your dead :)

29-12-2006, 03:54 PM
Weed is fine, as long as you aren't mentally insecure you should be fine. Otherwise there is no addiction and there has never been a direct death from people smoking cannabis, only 2 people have died and that was because they drove whilst stoned.

You'd be suprised to find that most over the counter drugs are stronger than a lot of illegal drugs.

29-12-2006, 04:51 PM
I use LSD alot once i was in virgin and i was screaming LOOK AT THE PRETTY PINK WATERFALL LOOKKK!!!

And i was going upstairs in the city centre thinking we were climbing a mountain and i was crawling up the stairs "/

29-12-2006, 06:53 PM
I could never smoke anything. I get ******* asthma attacks from cigs.

29-12-2006, 07:25 PM
right, I actually declined his offer me with me todai it was really nothing personal.

29-12-2006, 07:30 PM
From that list, You would never go near them. They destroy your life (especially heroin and mind altering drugs). They change your perception of life and can send you mad with the confusion of reality and the hallucinations you expierence. Also recovering from the low can make you suicidal.

03-01-2007, 02:07 AM
I used to be heavy weed smoker but ive toned it down now, imo there is nothing wrong with most drugs they were all legal in the 70's and alcohol kills more people every year then all the deaths from all illegal drugs multiplied by 1000.

You should only ever do things if you want to, the bad thing about drugs is, it changes the person you are and can make you selfish and greedy it may be good, obviously it must be otherwise why would people pay £50 for a bunch of white powder but once you find out how good it is you will keep going back for more and more and thats the bad thing, its best to just stay away from them thats my advice lol unless you think you have a really strong willpower

Rise Against
03-01-2007, 06:20 AM
Everyone in my school thinks i smoke weed..

05-01-2007, 10:23 PM
I don't see anything bad about pot. When I smoke pot I feel great, especially when I drink and do pot at the same time. My mom knows I do it and she said she would rather I not do it but seeing as I do it she doesn't want me to do it in the house or in the car. We have an Airstream travel trailer and my friends and I hot-box it all the time and we get so baked (because like every breath you take is like a hit off a joint/pipe). I don't do it all the time with my friends, unless they're at my house because there are usually people there that quit/don't do it that I can hang with while my friends are getting baked.

I think drinking is more fun than smoking pot. My mom/brother will buy me whatever I want at the store because my mom knows that I'm going to get it somewhere and she would rather know where it's coming from so she just buys it for me herself, or I get my brother to do it.

I haven't tried any other drug other than pot. I don't have any interest in any other drugs so I think I'll stick to the pot and booze =)

its ree agen !!
05-01-2007, 10:24 PM
green is horribbleeeeee... never tried it in my life but ppl smoke it near me and its like ... yucky. just say no

07-01-2007, 09:37 PM
No And I Dont Want To. If Any Of My Friends Took It And Offered It To Me I Would Just Say No And Not Be There Friend.

So Far 0 Of My Mates Have Tried.

07-01-2007, 09:50 PM
I could never smoke anything. I get ******* asthma attacks from cigs.
yup and me +rep lol

08-01-2007, 01:27 AM
I've smoked marijuana quite a few times. I do it every once in a while but it's not a problem for me. It only becomes a problem when you're wasting all your money on it and it's all you do and you stop caring about anything that doesn't have to do with drugs. And of course when you let it lead you to worse drugs.

08-01-2007, 01:48 AM
no i've never tried drugs & don't plan on it.

08-01-2007, 02:25 AM
no i've never taken drugs,
no i dont want to take drugs,
no i've never planned on taking drugs,
no i dont see the point of taking drugs.

08-01-2007, 02:42 AM
Never drunk. Never smoked pot. Done speed. And LSD.

Mostly I done LSD as I heard about it from a popular beatles song Lucy in the sky with diamonds.

08-01-2007, 02:44 AM
Never drunk. Never smoked pot. Done speed. And LSD.

Mostly I done LSD as I heard about it from a popular beatles song Lucy in the sky with diamonds.
you did it because of a song..? :s

08-01-2007, 02:47 AM
I heard of it off that song and one of my friends mentioned it one time.. so i knew what it was so I tried it. Didnt like it. Bad choice

08-01-2007, 03:18 AM
In my experience, people who smoke canabis a. are very relaxed and don't pressure people into doing things they don't want to do. b. dont want to share their stash with many people so will be happy if you decline.

08-01-2007, 04:07 AM
Never done anything.
I live in a part of Canada with a reputation for drugs and prostitution.
I always see drugged out people, I ve been apporoached by sellers of weed.
My friends do it alot.
As much as they can get it sometimes its 3-4 times a week.
They're all only 14.
They talk about how they're going to get high and I just tell them they're stupid for doing it.
But you know its their decision.
I just thinks it's sad.
The highlight of the week is always we got high and were drunk running around and we don't remember anything.
I find drugs and alchohal incredibly stupid.
Never going to do anything like that.
I don't feel pressured to do it anyway.
I tell them if they're going to do it to leave me out of it.
Lost some friendships to drugs and alchohal.
I just think they're stupid.
And whats worse are most of the people I am talking about have dropped out of school already.

08-01-2007, 03:10 PM
You have to stand up to him if you don't want to try it just tell him. I never have tried anything and don't want to either.

clarissa !!
08-01-2007, 03:26 PM
weed smells disgusting.

i haven't done any illegal drugs, dont really plan to either.

08-01-2007, 03:31 PM
In my experience, people who smoke canabis a. are very relaxed and don't pressure people into doing things they don't want to do. b. dont want to share their stash with many people so will be happy if you decline.

Yeah most people I know who do it are like that, but some can be pushy, especially if they reckon they can get you to "chip in" for more.

08-01-2007, 10:23 PM

say no? it's not hard.

08-01-2007, 11:21 PM
It is if your under pressure, Like if your not known as one of the hard people, they might offer you one or something and you want to say no but your under preassure otherwise we might pick on u or something

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