View Full Version : um (:

28-12-2006, 12:00 AM
okaii, so as you would know (if you read) that i posted a thread yesterday or the day before about a throat ulcer, well things have kind of developed, & i'm not sure if they're connected, but i'm scared.
so.. i had the throat ulcer & last night before i got into the bath i noticed a little red mark with spots in it just above my ankle. i thought nothing of it, & got in the bath.
it started to sting about 9pm last night but i thought it was just a rash, so i ignored it.
woke up this morning to see what only can be described as an ulcer on my leg. its a red rash with lumps & a raised surface of yellow skin, which me & my mom are presuming is filled with pus.
i went shopping & it gradually got worse through the day, a rash has developed around it & more lumps have appeared. my whole lower leg has changed colour & i have a constant pain, i can only describe it as being poked with about 20 pins every couple of seconds.
my mom is kinda scared because of how much my leg hurts & how this ulcer has appeared from nowhere.
i know you're probably going to tell me to go to the doctors, but it's not that simple as our doctor is fully booked up til friday & i'm not sure whether it warrants a hospital visit. i'm just looking for some advice, or people who've had it before.
mymom is worried of how i'm going to get through the night because of the pain, rash & ulcer spreading and i'm scared. so yeahh (: i'm particularily scared because i do still have a throat ulcer.
and i took a picture if anyone wanted to see what i meant, behind a link so not to cause offence. it's not too good, but it does the job of illustrating what's happening.
thanks alot (:
picture. (http://img172.imageshack.us/img172/6366/legjr2.png)

28-12-2006, 03:56 AM
this might sound odd, but have you gone swimming in a lake, or a pond latly? There is a similar issue on what your talking about called pelican lice. little rashes with red spots appear in areas like your underam, groin or in your case the soft part of your foot. Ive experienced this once, but some creame fixed it up. It'd be best to wait and see what it really is tomorrow.

28-12-2006, 04:50 AM
oww those things rly hurt iam sure u will b ok tho

28-12-2006, 01:03 PM
Id go to hospital me especially with a throat ulcer it could get bigger and obstruct your airwaves. Good luck getting better. :P

30-12-2006, 10:24 PM
Sounds like Koplik's Spots. Do you have ulcers in your mouth with a bluish tiny circle? If so it sounds like it.

30-12-2006, 10:27 PM
go to the doctors. if ur that worried about what could happen, then just go. all they can say negative is no. but i doubt they would say that.

03-01-2007, 11:24 PM
okaii, so as you would know (if you read) that i posted a thread yesterday or the day before about a throat ulcer, well things have kind of developed, & i'm not sure if they're connected, but i'm scared.
so.. i had the throat ulcer & last night before i got into the bath i noticed a little red mark with spots in it just above my ankle. i thought nothing of it, & got in the bath.
it started to sting about 9pm last night but i thought it was just a rash, so i ignored it.
woke up this morning to see what only can be described as an ulcer on my leg. its a red rash with lumps & a raised surface of yellow skin, which me & my mom are presuming is filled with pus.
i went shopping & it gradually got worse through the day, a rash has developed around it & more lumps have appeared. my whole lower leg has changed colour & i have a constant pain, i can only describe it as being poked with about 20 pins every couple of seconds.
my mom is kinda scared because of how much my leg hurts & how this ulcer has appeared from nowhere.
i know you're probably going to tell me to go to the doctors, but it's not that simple as our doctor is fully booked up til friday & i'm not sure whether it warrants a hospital visit. i'm just looking for some advice, or people who've had it before.
mymom is worried of how i'm going to get through the night because of the pain, rash & ulcer spreading and i'm scared. so yeahh (: i'm particularily scared because i do still have a throat ulcer.
and i took a picture if anyone wanted to see what i meant, behind a link so not to cause offence. it's not too good, but it does the job of illustrating what's happening.
thanks alot (:
picture. (http://img172.imageshack.us/img172/6366/legjr2.png)
ok my grandad had this same thing it was definately an ulcer he had to get anticeptic lotion and bandaged everyday i dont wanna scare you but he coudlnt move his leg for a while and it became twice its origanal size, by the looks of ur pic i think you have a chillbane on ur ankle try the doctors when the next appointment is available and they will confirm if they say theres nothing wrong then go hospital as doctors can sometimes be wrong (as i have found out) so its better to double check it at the hospital.
good luck with it i hope it heals.

03-01-2007, 11:30 PM
go 2 hospital and deff c about da throat

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