View Full Version : Philosophy?

28-12-2006, 05:05 PM
i think this is my philosophy: would the world be a better place without technology like everything like cookers cars phones internet stuff like dat. i know wed be more primative but would there be less war?

28-12-2006, 05:25 PM
I dont see how thats a philopshy? sounds alot more like a question to me. And Sicne where human, it would be the same, Shoot each other with guns and tanks, beat each other to death with clubs and burn em with fire.

Same outcome.

28-12-2006, 09:03 PM
That's a hypothesis.

How would this stop war though? :s Yeah, we might not be able to get to other destinations to cause the wars, but there's also civil wars and what not.

28-12-2006, 09:07 PM
Well, yes and no. Yes, there would definatly be less violent deaths, because there would be more disease. But there would be more violence as a whole.

28-12-2006, 09:19 PM
That's a hypothesis.

How would this stop war though? :s Yeah, we might not be able to get to other destinations to cause the wars, but there's also civil wars and what not.

not really, a hypothisis, is more of a statment. say "Without technolgy there would be less war" would be a hypthisis, hes asking a question o.0 "would there be less war without technolgy"

28-12-2006, 09:35 PM
ok thanks just wonderd

28-12-2006, 09:41 PM
not really, a hypothisis, is more of a statment. say "Without technolgy there would be less war" would be a hypthisis, hes asking a question o.0 "would there be less war without technolgy"
A statement is "The world would be a better place without technology"
A hypothesis is "Is the result better without technology"

Just making that clear!

But yeah, I suppose it is more of a question then.

28-12-2006, 09:49 PM
You're both wrong in your examples, a hypothesis is a statement of belief, and as such includes the words "I believe" or something similar.

28-12-2006, 10:01 PM
You're both wrong in your examples, a hypothesis is a statement of belief, and as such includes the words "I believe" or something similar.

Aka what i posted, becuse if you actualy belive somthing you dont tend to say i belive. How many christans would say "i beleve god is real", as opposed to "god is real"

Hypothesis: a proposal intended to explain certain facts or observations

Aka technolgy means we can kill more people and have wars more effectivly, Hence the hypthisis based on this may be

"technology causes war"

If there was less war when we had less technolgy (technicaly untrue) than we do now. then

"The world would be a better place without technology"

would be the hypothsis

27-01-2007, 09:33 PM
Perhaps the world would be better off without this technology.
Would the world be any better off without any "knowledge" at all. Would we be better off in a primitive animal state?
It seems that nature is built around violence. As humans we have the power to curb our greed for more territory and possessions but it is still built into every animal to survive at any cost.
This means for humans, it is unlikely that we will ever be without war.

27-04-2007, 11:01 PM
I think it'd be a lot different. We'd be more grateful for the things we have. I think it would also stop war because we wouldn't have the right tools to fight. && I believe technology such as computers && phones is what seperates us from eachother. If there was none of that then we'd all be a lot closer to eachother. Maybe we should all turn Amish.

29-04-2007, 04:57 PM
I think it'd be a lot different. We'd be more grateful for the things we have. I think it would also stop war because we wouldn't have the right tools to fight. && I believe technology such as computers && phones is what seperates us from eachother. If there was none of that then we'd all be a lot closer to eachother. Maybe we should all turn Amish.

yea, as we never had wars before we invented guns, i mean its not like would would just use swords, of big sticks even...

29-04-2007, 05:02 PM
War would still exist. Animals wage random fights with each other, and they have no need for weapons. Primative Human Beings most likely would go into hand combat or use a random stick like Mentor stated.

Also, this pioint about finding a value in things we own, we wouldn't have anything other than leaves, sticks, water and mud.

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