View Full Version : COLDSORES !

29-12-2006, 08:14 AM
I have a coldsore right now i have this special cream for scabs excema and coldsores but they keep coming back

i have coldsores mainly in winter but i dont like people seeing me with coldsores cos my face is covered and i wrap like my jumper and scarf around my face !

any ideas and comments what to do and what causes them !

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29-12-2006, 02:20 PM
I have a coldsore right now i have this special cream for scabs excema and coldsores but they keep coming back

i have coldsores mainly in winter but i dont like people seeing me with coldsores cos my face is covered and i wrap like my jumper and scarf around my face !

any ideas and comments what to do and what causes them !

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Pmsl - "for scabs". Haha that made me laugh. :']

What causes the virus?

The virus can only be transmitted by close personal contact such as kissing. Most people will have come into contact with the virus between the ages of three and five but will not show any symptoms until after puberty.

HSV invades the cells of the epidermis, the outer layer of the skin, causing fluid-filled blisters to appear. The virus travels from the epidermis along the nerve paths to the roots of the nerves where it becomes inactive.

A weakening of the body's defences, due to a severe cold for example, can lead to a reactivation of the virus and a return of the blisters.

I got that from a site, basically giving you some info about how their caused.

What can be done to prevent cold sores?

* Avoid direct contact with the sores. These can appear on every part of the body, including the fingers and genitals.

* Wash your hands after touching the lips.

* Avoid picking at the sores as this can spread the virus to other parts of the body or result in a bacterial infection of the sores.

* The body's defences can be strengthened by a healthy lifestyle. Eat a varied diet, exercise regularly and get enough sleep.

* The factors which trigger outbreaks differ from person to person.

* Menstruation, fever and exposure to sunlight can cause a reactivation in some people. In others, there is no demonstrable cause. Using a sunblock may help to prevent a reactivation.

That might come in useful for preventing them in the future. :)

How are cold sores treated?

Treatment is aciclovir 5 per cent cream (eg Zovirax cold sore cream), applied to the cold sore five times a day for five days. This can be bought over-the-counter from a pharmacy or obtained on prescription.

The treatment should be started as soon as the first symptoms appear. It can often reduce the length of the outbreak and the infectious period.

Recurrent severe attacks can be treated by anti-HSV agents in pill form.

So some info on what you should be using and where you can get it.

Basically dude, they are treatable and I wouldn't worry about it too much. I'd just keep using your cream you've got - and just remember they are only temporary things, so it will be gone soon enough! Just continue to cover your mouth with your scarf and stuff as, as well as covering it it could prvent any spreading or chance of re-occurence.

29-12-2006, 03:01 PM
Ty For info !

+ Rep !

31-12-2006, 04:17 PM
arent cold sores a form of herpes?

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