View Full Version : Eh? Wth

01-01-2007, 08:43 PM
K im up at rock crabs and this lvl 20 comes up to me and says go drink a def pot you noob?
Im like ok? Im a lvl 45 and he says go drink a def pot
and hes like "all p00r n00b ur s0 p00r"
Im like ur 1337?
Then this 96 is like OOOOO go drink a def pot


01-01-2007, 09:09 PM
K im up at rock crabs and this lvl 20 comes up to me and says go drink a def pot you noob?
Im like ok? Im a lvl 45 and he says go drink a def pot
and hes like "all p00r n00b ur s0 p00r"
Im like ur 1337?
Then this 96 is like OOOOO go drink a def pot


It's people that think they are leet because they have high level chars, which is really pathetic because 90 isn't really that hard to get too

01-01-2007, 09:31 PM
K im up at rock crabs and this lvl 20 comes up to me and says go drink a def pot you noob?
Im like ok? Im a lvl 45 and he says go drink a def pot
and hes like "all p00r n00b ur s0 p00r"
Im like ur 1337?
Then this 96 is like OOOOO go drink a def pot


01-01-2007, 09:38 PM
The ironic thing is is the level 96 is a bit of a noob for still training at the rock crabs and not going to dags or somewhere like that which is faster xp but a bit more risky.

Machine Head
01-01-2007, 09:49 PM
It's the people like those who we don't need in Runescape.

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