View Full Version : Divided Opinion?

04-01-2007, 02:27 AM
k, My parents divorced when i was like 8 or something, and a time before that i can remember a for sale sign up in front of my house in goulbourn when i was 6. well. before i was 8, we packed up everything and moved to perth. My dad, wanted all the things expensive. we ended up in a really expensive place, about 5 mins from the city, and just on the edge of kings park (a really big city park). we bought a NEW subaru, and we where planning to build a house up north. well- thats when i can remember the fight between them. we packed up, and came home back to nsw, without my father.

now, thats when i get 2 diffrent storys, about my parents.
I dont know who to believe, my mothers side of the story, or my dads..

Its confusing. My mum thinks that my dad cheated on her years ago, and used to hit my brother and i. he used to come home and treat my mum really bad (but i never saw this) My mum doesnt ever want to speak to him ever, and hopes the worst. But if i confront my dad about this, he doesnt have a grudge on my mum, he wishes 'well'. My dad says that none of that happened, But the main problem was my nan (my mum's mum) She tried breaking up them, as she can be a real pain. She even tried stopping me going overseas. the argument i had with her was bad.

i dont want my dad to get the bad one in the familiy, because he does alot for my brother and i.

I dont know who to belive, and its hard for me.

04-01-2007, 02:42 AM
I went through that same thing. Try to stay out of it. The parents will sometimes put the kids in the middle. Just let them ease out. Just say that its between both of you guys and i dont want to get involved with this.

04-01-2007, 03:50 AM
Only you can help your self in this situation.

Talk to them both, tell them they are both telling you different stories, and your now old enough to know the truth.

Mr Me
04-01-2007, 04:34 AM
I went thruw the same thing but i decided to believe nothing i live my life

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