View Full Version : Selling Lot's Of Rares - Pure Packages

09-01-2007, 03:27 PM
Me and Edhawks are Selling an assortment of Rares to get HC's

So we have made packages of Rares for Pure. (ITEMS IN RED ARE SOLD)
Here they are:

Normal Rares

4 Mochas = 1 Pure
White Oriental(s) = 1 Pure (2 Pure for both)
Pillars = 1 Pure Each
Cola = 1 Pure
Throne Sofa = 2 Pure
Sleep Bag = 1 DM
Holiday Romace = 2 Pure
Red Festive Fan = 1 Pure
Yellow Marquees = 1 Pure Each
Pillows = 1 Pure Each
New Year Rockets = 1 Pure Each + You receive a Seasonal Rare Free
Dice masters = 1 Pure for 2, 2 Pure for 4 (not sold in singles)
Study Desk = 1 DM
Speaker Stand = 1 DM
Oil Lamp = 1 DM for each, or 1 Pure for 2
Gold ICM = 1 Dm
Nordic Table = 1 DM

Seasonal Rares

I will trade these for rares and they dont have to be pure, here is the list:

2 Easter Egg Baskets
2 Love Sofas
2 Pumpkins
1 Menorah

Misc Rares

Same deal as Seasonals:

1 CHinese Sofa
1 Chinese Lantern
1 Scoreboard
1 Traffic LIght

PM me or Edhawks on the Habbox Forums, or Reply to offer on something
Dont f/r me or Edhawks until we have arranged a deal.

URL FOR PICTURE: http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/7831/raresroomwp2.jpg

09-01-2007, 03:30 PM
Ill take the holiday romance [2 Hc]
and ICM and Study Desk for 1 Hc [Instead of 2 DM]

F/r. Whitey-06

09-01-2007, 03:36 PM
Hey Nice on Whitey Thanks very much - Rep is on its way to you tomoro

REP me too plz

09-01-2007, 03:56 PM
what colour pillows?

09-01-2007, 03:57 PM
2 Purples are left...

Thats all

P.S There are now 4 pillars

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