View Full Version : Guns

11-01-2007, 07:37 PM
My friend at school said that next year they will bring guns to Runescape is this true?

11-01-2007, 07:38 PM
I highly doubt it because its like, in medieval times...

11-01-2007, 07:39 PM
I doubt it. Because runescape isnt exactly set when Guns were around ^-^

11-01-2007, 07:42 PM
I doubt it. Because runescape isnt exactly set when Guns were around ^-^

same as what he said

11-01-2007, 07:45 PM
People theres a chance think a futuristic cannon that will shoot any enemy

11-01-2007, 07:48 PM
People theres a chance think a futuristic cannon that will shoot any enemy

you got the dwarf multicannon? lol :p

11-01-2007, 07:50 PM
runescape is based in medieval times they are not planning on releasing guns.

11-01-2007, 08:27 PM
The only possible guns they could bring to RS is maybe those old fashioned pistols that you often see on Pirate movies ^.^
They use small musketballs.

11-01-2007, 08:44 PM
if they did, the game would be out of order, what would be next, automobiles, planes, game consoles, big screen tvs.

11-01-2007, 08:46 PM
i think a new type of range weapon couldnt hurt :)

11-01-2007, 08:48 PM
Theirs a 40/60 chance guns = 40

I mean come on they're bringing out houses i mean they have and getting more stuff so why not

12-01-2007, 12:47 PM
there wern't aeroplanes in medieval times, whats that gnome plane all about

12-01-2007, 01:02 PM
having guns in runescape =\
that would be major boring =\
pking with guns =\
idk man doesnt sound cool, and it doesnt fit in with the midevil time.

12-01-2007, 04:22 PM
i hear in 08 jagex's gonna release bipedal walkers that we can use ;) if u look in the offical rs forums apparently its been said loads for guns so it'll be less likely they'll arrive ingame

Ashley 12344
12-01-2007, 07:04 PM
If they made guns I think I'd quit tbh. It would ruin the game.

12-01-2007, 07:12 PM
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Taken from Official Runescape Forums

13-01-2007, 12:03 AM
Even if they made guns jagex would find some way to mess it up

13-01-2007, 12:57 AM
I think guns would be fine in RuneScape, muskets would be the gun to go for as it was one of the first types of gun, same principles as a BB gun, it shoots metal pellets just higher velocity's, only problem it takes ages to reload, I think that would work quiet well, you can shoot and have say 5 seconds wait until you shoot again but it does rather high damage

13-01-2007, 12:59 AM
1. It's based on medieval times if you payed any attention to the game and it's surroundings?
2. Your friend told you. How likely is that...

No offence but it's pretty stupid to believe him.

13-01-2007, 11:11 AM
1. It's based on medieval times if you payed any attention to the game and it's surroundings?
2. Your friend told you. How likely is that...

No offence but it's pretty stupid to believe him.

Well duh cors its based on medieval times.
and if u actully read what i put i never said i believed my friend and why would i open a thread if i already believed him?
So if u payed attention to what i said then you might not look such an idiot :D

13-01-2007, 12:29 PM
Even if they did bring Guns into the game it would be pretty stupid because its pretty much like Magic when you you 'Fire strike ect...' So its kinda stupid of them xD

13-01-2007, 12:56 PM
meh i really doubt guns it would really annoy people who don't like guns on a game so meh

13-01-2007, 07:43 PM
;2888869']runescape is based in medieval times they are not planning on releasing guns.

Actually Max, I think RuneScape is based in Viking times as A, Runes are Viking letters and B, a lot of the things are like Viking times.

Getting more to the point, RuneScape would need to be based in about 1700's-Present to have the technology to use guns (unless if it was an inachronism :P). Anyway, if it was an inachronism or in Present times, they would have planes instead of boats, cars, and even nucelear weapons!

13-01-2007, 08:31 PM
Actually Max, I think RuneScape is based in Viking times as A, Runes are Viking letters and B, a lot of the things are like Viking times.

Getting more to the point, RuneScape would need to be based in about 1700's-Present to have the technology to use guns (unless if it was an inachronism :P). Anyway, if it was an inachronism or in Present times, they would have planes instead of boats, cars, and even nucelear weapons!
Thanks for that. And that guy is like 'gunz...gunz...gunz...must talk about...Gunz !!!111!'
Look at his siggi he is abit addicted to em

13-01-2007, 09:28 PM
Actually Max, I think RuneScape is based in Viking times as A, Runes are Viking letters and B, a lot of the things are like Viking times.

Getting more to the point, RuneScape would need to be based in about 1700's-Present to have the technology to use guns (unless if it was an inachronism :P). Anyway, if it was an inachronism or in Present times, they would have planes instead of boats, cars, and even nucelear weapons!

A, Runes maybe Viking Letters but as runes are part of the magical side of runescape (not part Vikings have involvement in) I would have to disagree and say it was just medieval times because the involvement of Vikings in RuneScape is one of the more recent things, they only turned up about mid-RuneScape 2 and still are not a very big part of the game, I think at first RuneScape was to be solely based on magic but that all changed as people came and it was then more about levels and best melee combat, some magic, I'd put it as medieval because of the lack of the vikings

13-01-2007, 11:18 PM
[Holes];2899124']Thanks for that. And that guy is like 'gunz...gunz...gunz...must talk about...Gunz !!!111!'
Look at his siggi he is abit addicted to em

What the hell u chatting on about me and being addicted to guns, 2 mistakes.
A. You cant be addicted to guns 'Obsessed' yes but not me.
B. My sig is better than ur women walking which i expect you most likely beat off over. :D

14-01-2007, 04:53 PM
What the hell u chatting on about me and being addicted to guns, 2 mistakes.
A. You cant be addicted to guns 'Obsessed' yes but not me.
B. My sig is better than ur women walking which i expect you most likely beat off over. :D

Well actually you can be 'addicted' to anything.. Look up what an addiction is.. And your sig is picture of a gun.. How is that better than any form of animation :/

14-01-2007, 05:29 PM
Theirs a 40/60 chance guns = 40

I mean come on they're bringing out houses i mean they have and getting more stuff so why not
There is no chance that Jagex will release guns. Everybody always wanted a house, a house isn't a modern thing. :s

there wern't aeroplanes in medieval times, whats that gnome plane all about
It's a gnome glider and just a way of traveling, I think it's quite funny.

If they made guns I think I'd quit tbh. It would ruin the game.
Yeah, it would totally ruin the game. Unless they make the guns very noobish. :D

Actually Max, I think RuneScape is based in Viking times as A, Runes are Viking letters and B, a lot of the things are like Viking times.

Getting more to the point, RuneScape would need to be based in about 1700's-Present to have the technology to use guns (unless if it was an inachronism :P). Anyway, if it was an inachronism or in Present times, they would have planes instead of boats, cars, and even nucelear weapons!
The runes are just symbols of what they stand for, except for soul and mystic. (If those are Viking letters then I think Jagex just couldn't think of something to put on them.)

Somebody already quoted something of the official forums saying they won't release guns.

15-01-2007, 12:34 PM
Well duh cors its based on medieval times.
and if u actully read what i put i never said i believed my friend and why would i open a thread if i already believed him?
So if u payed attention to what i said then you might not look such an idiot :D

well said mate, that jack is a *******

15-01-2007, 12:36 PM
Actually Max, I think RuneScape is based in Viking times as A, Runes are Viking letters and B, a lot of the things are like Viking times.

Getting more to the point, RuneScape would need to be based in about 1700's-Present to have the technology to use guns (unless if it was an inachronism :P). Anyway, if it was an inachronism or in Present times, they would have planes instead of boats, cars, and even nucelear weapons!

Dude, runescape has magic, FREAKING MAGIC, i highly doubt you could put "the game is set back in old times" when a game has frickin' magic. like come on, even in the year 21004052 there probably wouldn't be runes or anything, so in my eyes the games already out of wack and a pile of crap. HAHA

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