View Full Version : Classes

14-01-2007, 12:52 PM
Right well ive just got the 10 day trial and plan to start paying to carry on playing, I want to be a night elf for some reason and I want to know what class I should be, its out of: Druids, Hunters and Rogues.

All help is appreciated. :D

14-01-2007, 02:31 PM
Classes have their ups and downs.. http://www.wow-europe.com/en/info/classes

If you like melee, choose a rogue, rogues can use stealth to remain undetected, and unlock lockboxes.

If you like ranged attack with bow & arrow, choose a hunter, hunters can also have combat pets.

If you like spellcasting, choose a druid, druids can also shapeshift.

I'm not going to tell you which class to choose, just choose what you think will be fun, you should try them all out, instead of getting half way to 60 and hating your class :)

If you haven't chosen a realm yet, choose Darkspear and I can help you :)

14-01-2007, 09:04 PM
Or pick kilrogg (H) best to try out each class/race and see what suits you best instead of asking people what you should be.

14-01-2007, 10:57 PM
Hunters are fast at leveling, Thats my bit of info to you.

Oh and if you don't want to shoot yourself later on in the game, Roll horde.

15-01-2007, 07:56 AM
I have a 35 undead rogue 42 human rogue and a 43 night elf druid (all diff servers) and i've quit both my rogues and love my druid :D
I get into any group, somtimes they want me to heal, dps , tank. I'm good in pvp and can stand a chance 1 v 1 against any class (need to l2p to fight shadow priests though as i find them hard :p)

I like the horde, but with the new blood elves it's going to be a bunch of naked belfs dancing around in oggrimar and people as hunters called "xlegolaslololx" ^_^

16-01-2007, 01:44 AM
I have a 35 undead rogue 42 human rogue and a 43 night elf druid (all diff servers) and i've quit both my rogues and love my druid :D
I get into any group, somtimes they want me to heal, dps , tank. I'm good in pvp and can stand a chance 1 v 1 against any class (need to l2p to fight shadow priests though as i find them hard :p)

I like the horde, but with the new blood elves it's going to be a bunch of naked belfs dancing around in oggrimar and people as hunters called "xlegolaslololx" ^_^But at least we'll have the occasional Orc doing a moonwalk to brighten things up. You think the Draenei are going to look that flash doing their hip hop?!

Anyway, I'd say a good class to start off with is a hunter. In many ways, it's the best class as it teaches you the basics without throwing you in head first. Your pet takes a lot of the damage, you learn about controlling a pet, you see what different abilities do and you're not in a position where you're forced into a role in a group (e.g. healing or taking damage as a tank).

However, I only suggest playing one while you start. After that, you need to experiment. Everyone has a certain class they like the most, one they're just good at.

Personally I'm a warlock. It suits me to throw a load of curses on an enemy, sit back and enjoy the fireworks.

I guess if you want the best of everything, a druid is for you. But if you're starting off as a druid it might be a little hard going - there's a lot you need to know beforehand.

16-01-2007, 03:18 AM
druid takes alot of skill even in the lower levels, learning when to shift out in pvp etc, timing you bash to pop a quick heal etc etc

16-01-2007, 10:52 AM
druid takes alot of skill even in the lower levels, learning when to shift out in pvp etc, timing you bash to pop a quick heal etc etc

I can agree with that.
My druid takes alot of time and effort. and tbh there not the best char to have as a first.

Paladin's or Warriors are quite good to have as First Char's.

But its up to you go with what you like xD!

16-01-2007, 01:51 PM
I can agree with that.
My druid takes alot of time and effort. and tbh there not the best char to have as a first.

Paladin's or Warriors are quite good to have as First Char's.

But its up to you go with what you like xD!

I'd agree with pallys and huntards being the best first classes but not warriors as they're really gear dependant, somtimes you might not be able to even fight any mobs your level if you don't have good enough gear :P

16-01-2007, 05:50 PM
I chose hunter but got bored of it so went rogue but now druid is really appealing to me. :S

17-01-2007, 03:30 AM
Rogues are good, (played one upto 42 and another to 35) but imo they don't have much survivability, basically say if you have 3 mobs on you and your vanish is on cooldown (takes you out of combat and into stealth) even evasion (halves the chance of them hitting you) doesn't cut it.

If i get 3teamed as a druid i put on barksin (clear casting) Put on a rejuvination and regrowth, go into bear form and swipe them all and use frenzied rejuvination, if it gets too much i can sleep a mob (if it's a beast) or tangle it and then travel form off.

20-01-2007, 09:00 PM
Rogues are good, (played one upto 42 and another to 35) but imo they don't have much survivability, basically say if you have 3 mobs on you and your vanish is on cooldown (takes you out of combat and into stealth) even evasion (halves the chance of them hitting you) doesn't cut it.

If i get 3teamed as a druid i put on barksin (clear casting) Put on a rejuvination and regrowth, go into bear form and swipe them all and use frenzied rejuvination, if it gets too much i can sleep a mob (if it's a beast) or tangle it and then travel form off.

Rogues can easily take 3 mobs on them even if their major spells are on cd. It depends what specc you are..you can easily stun/gouge mobs so they cause less damage etc. even my 18 rogue could take 4 mobs 18 on him easily. Also about druid..again it all depends on your specc. As resto druid you can't take on 3 mobs..no way. Only as feral druid you could POSSIBLY take 3 mobs at same time :)

On other hand hunters, we can send in pet that takes most damage. You can heal it bandages or mend pet..if pet dies you can just fd or put aspect of cheetah on and run away. If mobs are too close to you put trap down..

so hunters ftw.

20-01-2007, 09:09 PM
Rogues can easily take 3 mobs on them even if their major spells are on cd. It depends what specc you are..you can easily stun/gouge mobs so they cause less damage etc. even my 18 rogue could take 4 mobs 18 on him easily. Also about druid..again it all depends on your specc. As resto druid you can't take on 3 mobs..no way. Only as feral druid you could POSSIBLY take 3 mobs at same time :)

On other hand hunters, we can send in pet that takes most damage. You can heal it bandages or mend pet..if pet dies you can just fd or put aspect of cheetah on and run away. If mobs are too close to you put trap down..

so hunters ftw.

See this guy knows what he's talking about xD I am more into mage now, frost spec mage can take on loads of mobs ;) AOE FTW! ;)

21-01-2007, 01:49 PM
Rogues can easily take 3 mobs on them even if their major spells are on cd. It depends what specc you are..you can easily stun/gouge mobs so they cause less damage etc. even my 18 rogue could take 4 mobs 18 on him easily. Also about druid..again it all depends on your specc. As resto druid you can't take on 3 mobs..no way. Only as feral druid you could POSSIBLY take 3 mobs at same time :)

On other hand hunters, we can send in pet that takes most damage. You can heal it bandages or mend pet..if pet dies you can just fd or put aspect of cheetah on and run away. If mobs are too close to you put trap down..

so hunters ftw.

Agree with what kyle said.

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