View Full Version : Sexually transmitted diseases

Mr Me
14-01-2007, 09:22 PM
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/health_advice/facts/venerealdiseases.htm)


Hey guys as this is the teen part of the forum, Ive decided to be a little helpful by providing you with some information about sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Although you can just go look at google or any other search engine. I thought it would be better if i could explain them to you without having any words in that some people find hard to read and understand.

Im sure you can work out what a flute is (female part the other word was censored)

What is a sexually transmitted disease (STD)?
An STD is an illness that is spread through sexual contact.

How can you lessen the risk of you getting a STD?

The less sexual partners a person has, the lower the risk of infection.
Most sexually transmitted diseases can be avoided by practicing sex sex ie condoms.
Most sexually transmitted diseases can be cured if they are spotted and treated in their early stages.
The most common STD's!


How to spot Chlamydia.

Symptoms in men:

Inflammation of the urethra (the bladder duct within the willy).
Stinging feeling when passing water (Peeing).
Clear discharge from willy and possible itchiness around the opening.
Pain or tenderness in the testicles.Symptoms in women:

Stinging feeling when passing water.
Unusual flute discharge.
Pain caused by pelvic inflammation (pelvic inflammatory disease).
Pain during intercourse (Having sex).
In some cases, bleeding between periods.

(May not be needed but ill put it in anyway)
Symptoms in infants:

Inflammation of the eye (conjunctivitis) at birth.

Problems breathing.

Premature birth.

In rarer instances, pneumonia.

This can be treated but your doctor so if you have any symptoms just go see the doctor dont put it off, You may see you school/college health vistor is giving leaflets out for free testing, If you are curious take the test, you dont want to be putting it off just for it to get worse.


How to spot Gonorrhoea.

Symptoms in women include:

Painful, burning sensation when urinating.

Yellowish or bloody discharge from the flute.
Bleeding between periods.
Abdominal pain.

Men are more likely to show symptoms than women.
Some of the symptoms in men include:

Burning sensation during urination

Yellowish-white discharge from the willy.

Other symptoms affecting the rectal area include itching, discharge and sometimes painful bowel movements.

The condition is treated with antibiotics, and treatment should also be given to the patient's partner. As with Chlamydia, further testing is recommended once treatment has ended to check whether the infection has cleared.

Herpes genitalis

(genital herpes)

How to spot Herpes genitalis.

Swelling and tenderness of the lymph nodes in the groin area.
In women, flute discharge and painful urination.
In men, a possibility of painful urination if the lesion is near the opening of the urethra.
In most cases, a description of the condition and the appearance of the blisters will be enough to make a diagnosis. The GP may also advise referral to a specialist genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinic for confirmation of the diagnosis. There is no cure for the herpes simplex virus; once infected, patients will remain a carrier for the rest of their lives.


How to spot HIV and AIDS

Although they vary considerably, the symptoms include:

sweating at night
loss of weight
swollen glands
general discomfort.There is no cure for HIV and AIDS, but the earlier the diagnosis is made, the easier it is for the doctors to help. Today, efficient treatments exist that increase quality of life and prolong life itself. Anyone who is infected with HIV should only have safe sex using barrier protection and inform all previous partners about their infection.

Genital warts

How to spot Genital warts

The symptoms are raised, rough, wart-like growths that may occur singly or in clusters. In men, they are usually found around the head of the willy and tend to be drier. In women, they appear most often around the flute opening and may spread to the rectal area. It is also possible for the virus to appear on or near the cervix as whitish, flat-like lesions, usually only detectable through close visual examination of the cervix . In both men and women, lesions may also be present in the mouth and throat. In general, symptoms can intensify if the immune system is weakened, or during pregnancy or if the person has diabetes. The warts are very contagious so safe sex is advisable.

A GP can treat the warts by freezing and swabbing, but if this does not help the patient may be referred to a genitourinary specialist who can offer more specialised treatment. However, it is important to note that treatment does not always offer a complete cure.

How to spot Syphilis
The symptoms are divided into three stages.

Up to 12 weeks after the time of infection:

one or more red lesions will develop on the willy, labia (lips of the flute) anus and sometimes on the mouth and lips. These lesions disappear after a week.
Up to six months after the time of infection:

A red rash appears on the chest, back, arms, legs, hands and soles of the feet.
High fever.
Sore throat.
Muscular fatigue.
General feeling of discomfort.
Anyone experiencing these symptoms should contact their doctor immediately.

If the illness is not treated by the second stage, it will disappear for a while. However, the disease can lie dormant in the body and return up to 20 years later. At this more advanced stage the symptoms will be:

Heart failure.
Possible death.
The diagnosis is made through the detection of the micro-organism or the detection of antibodies in the blood. In its early stages, syphilis can easily be treated with antibiotics.

How to avoid sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

Avoid high-risk behaviours and practise safe sex.

Though not necessarily practical or desirable, abstinence is the only way to completely prevent STDs.
Avoid sex with many different partners.
Always use condoms.

(This is information gathered froma range of website)

Like i said if you need anymore information try google,yahoo ect,ask your doctor or pick up leaflets from school, Because you never can be to careful!

14-01-2007, 09:27 PM
nice guide, edit '*****' to willy

lol god knows why they filtered *****, especially in this section.

Mr Me
14-01-2007, 09:28 PM
nice guide, edit '*****' to willy

lol god knows why they filtered *****, especially in this section.

Will do, Dunno where i was i should of fort maybe my brain isnt working today.

14-01-2007, 09:30 PM
i've posted about ***** and ****** being filtered, because it isn't right really.

Mr Me
14-01-2007, 09:33 PM
i've posted about ***** and ****** being filtered, because it isn't right really.

Okay Dokay

Didnt know what to change the female part to, So its a
"Flute" now lol

14-01-2007, 11:44 PM
Syphillis cant be cured when it is past its 2nd stage btw :) and You can live up to 40 years with HIV before it moves it Aids, which even then i think you can live a fair while!

15-01-2007, 12:41 AM
Alot of them are STI's Not STD's

15-01-2007, 04:43 PM
didnt read it all
read the first few lines.
nice guide.
they showed pictures of sti's at school

15-01-2007, 05:02 PM
Alot of them are STI's Not STD's

aren't they the same thing?

Anyway good guide

16-01-2007, 09:34 PM
Im 16... Ive had crabs and the clap.... just went to the clinic for the clap and nit lotion for the crabs, I was lucky with the clap because I diagnosed it early and hadnt passed it to anybody :)

Mr Me
17-01-2007, 08:31 PM
Ive never had any and hope to never get any lol

27-01-2007, 05:23 PM
Im 16... Ive had crabs and the clap.... just went to the clinic for the clap and nit lotion for the crabs, I was lucky with the clap because I diagnosed it early and hadnt passed it to anybody :)

Lol. crabs, unlucky

27-01-2007, 09:54 PM
nice guide my friend

27-01-2007, 10:07 PM
Now thats a great Guide.
And without being stupid - +Rep.

Mr Me
31-01-2007, 11:52 AM
nice guide my friend

Now thats a great Guide.
And without being stupid - +Rep.

Thank You

Do my bit to help lol

05-02-2007, 02:40 AM
Amazing guide, + rep

05-02-2007, 03:34 PM
umm u should a docter :P

05-02-2007, 03:41 PM
aren't they the same thing?

Anyway good guide

Sexually Transmitted Infections and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. :rolleyes:

With it all being in the center is slightly annoying but an alright guide.

05-02-2007, 03:47 PM
Sexually Transmitted Infections and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. :rolleyes:

With it all being in the center is slightly annoying but an alright guide.
some woman came to our sex ed class and told us that a sti was previous known as std but changed to sti because disease sounds harsh or w.e

she came from this clinic

05-02-2007, 04:05 PM
Oh right. :P
Still, the difference is the difference in words! If not anything else. :)

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