View Full Version : Buying / Selling

15-01-2007, 04:37 PM
Guams - Around 2500
Raw Lobsters - 2000
Big Bones - Around 1000

8000 feathers
2000 bowstrings (Will have another 1000 by tomorrow)
2000 cooked lobsters
6000 cooked salmon
3000 cooked trout
130 Maple longbows (s)
1400 Maple shortbow (u)
3000 Willow longbow (u)
8 emeralds (cut)
2 rubys (cut)
20 sapphires (cut)

Please post what of the list you have(even if it isnt exactly as many as I want) and how many you have - along with how much you want for it. And for what I'm selling please offer on what you want - cheers.

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