View Full Version : Any one know what i should do with my lvl 58 hybrid?

20-01-2007, 04:27 PM
current stats:
50 magic
50 range
54 strength
53 attack
43 prayer
20 def
53 hp

changes which ARE happening :
60 magic at least
70 range at least
70 str at least
60/70 attack not sure yet

What im thinking of doing not sure thoe:
52 prayer
40 def?!?! not sure wether it is worth the cb lvls or not?
Higher hp obvoiusly

Anyone got any suggestions which may help me better than mine will?

20-01-2007, 04:30 PM
keep 20 def

20-01-2007, 05:27 PM
theres some good and bad things about getting your def to 40.
if you do raise your def to 40, you will be able to wear things like dragonhide armour, and some of the better magic armour

however, keeping your def at 20 could leave you being vulnerable, for instance if you attack someone who is around the same combat level but is say a mage pure, you could be in a spot of trouble if you dont have the means of defending yourself.

all i can say is that you do what YOU feel is the right thing to do, don't do something just because everyone else does it, and it is considered to be the norm, be yourself, be unique

20-01-2007, 10:38 PM
You're hybrid isn't that great to be honest. Since you're stats aren't high I suggest making a new one. Keep 1 Def no matter what. If you're gonna be a melee pure get 31 prayer at 70 str. If you're gonna be range pure get 44 at 75-80 range. If you'd make a mage only, keep 1 prayer.

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