View Full Version : Do you think wii's are dangerous?

20-01-2007, 09:35 PM
Its so annoying, my mum won't buy me a wii because she thinks their "too dangerous" because shes says people hurt themself when moving fast, and the smashing tvs thing which she knows im not dumb enough to do but still its really annoying ¬.¬

Got any sites where i can prove to her they ain't because i really want 1 +rep

No flaming, Dont like wii then dont post. Thanks

20-01-2007, 09:36 PM
They're hardly dangerous? Dumb American kids are to blame that get too excited when playing Sports I think. The strap is strong, very strong actually.

20-01-2007, 09:38 PM
Never mind about the tv smashing thing lol but like the hurting ur joints or sumin, she hears all these things on her radio ¬.¬

20-01-2007, 09:41 PM
Hmmm, some advice. Smash her Radio :P

If you are being too violent with it, it would hurt your joints possibly, but it depends on the person. Just keep telling her over and over again, that you're safe, it's safe and everything around you will be safe. As a normal parent, she should give in :P

20-01-2007, 09:43 PM
Hmmm, some advice. Smash her Radio :P

If you are being too violent with it, it would hurt your joints possibly, but it depends on the person. Just keep telling her over and over again, that you're safe, it's safe and everything around you will be safe. As a normal parent, she should give in :Plol pull out the ol' ermmm annoyance heh same thing over and over again "im safe" "im safe" hehe aint done that since i was like 4 but wooh lol! +rep coz...yeah xD

20-01-2007, 09:54 PM

I also think they are over-rated.

20-01-2007, 10:01 PM

I also think they are over-rated.
Ignore this imbesile.

He doesn't own one and has some sort of hate campaign against them. The Wii is hardly over-rated. What IS more over-rated than the Wii is the XBOX 360 and PS3 if anything "/

Edited by Bomb-Head (Forum Moderator): Please don't be rude towards other members, thanks :)

20-01-2007, 10:08 PM
i've read his posts on other wii related topics, its kl lol

20-01-2007, 10:11 PM
stupid, really.

it'ss only dangerous if you're dangerous with it.

20-01-2007, 10:13 PM
Ignore this imbesile.

He doesn't own one and has some sort of hate campaign against them. The Wii is hardly over-rated. What IS more over-rated than the Wii is the XBOX 360 and PS3 if anything "/
That's the post of a fanboy.

Xbox360 never had such a build-up as the Wii did, infact, it hardly got any.
PS3's hype has been muffled out by the release of the Wii.

Over-rated? No.

The Xbox360 claimed to be a media station aswell as a next-gen console; and what is it?
The PS3 claims to be the same, and with the added factor of the ability to play blu-ray discs; and what is it?

I've played a Wii; i've owned a Wii; I dislike it, very, VERY much.

It brings shame to the name of 'gaming' as it used to be.

This is just a cheap exercise machine, not gaming.

20-01-2007, 10:21 PM
thats a bit over reactive tbh.

20-01-2007, 10:25 PM
That's the post of a fanboy.

Xbox360 never had such a build-up as the Wii did, infact, it hardly got any.
PS3's hype has been muffled out by the release of the Wii.

Over-rated? No.

The Xbox360 claimed to be a media station aswell as a next-gen console; and what is it?
The PS3 claims to be the same, and with the added factor of the ability to play blu-ray discs; and what is it?

I've played a Wii; i've owned a Wii; I dislike it, very, VERY much.

It brings shame to the name of 'gaming' as it used to be.

This is just a cheap exercise machine, not gaming.Please do not flame my thread or i will simply close it. thank you.

Ontopic: I also dont get how its dangerous unless your dumb but oh well.

20-01-2007, 10:26 PM
Flame your thread?

How is expressing my opinion 'flaming' a thread?

If you don't want my opinion on a question, and a poll that you posted; you shouldn't posted it.

20-01-2007, 10:36 PM
it'ss only dangerous if you're dangerous with it.

Yea I agree.

Also, it wouldn't be released if it was dangerous?

20-01-2007, 10:37 PM
Yea I agree.

Also, it wouldn't be released if it was dangerous?
So why were chainsaws released?

20-01-2007, 10:39 PM
So why were chainsaws released?
Oh do stop whining, please. You're annoying. You call it an exercise machine, so I get the impression you're a little fat kid "/ It is hardly exercise anyway "/ It isn't dangerous, unless you're dangerous and too stupid to put the strap on your wrist and secure it.

You say the Wii is over-rated, yet you have no proof? Just an opinion on it.

If you don't like the Wii, fair enough. No need to tell us why by ranting in such a immature way in which you don't get your point anyway.

Minime4000, you may aswell close the thread. He has soiled it "/

20-01-2007, 10:49 PM
I know it's an opinion; that's what i've been trying to tell you all along.

But oh no, you won't have it.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion, so stop turning what is my opinion, into an insult/******** match.

And no, i'm not fat, AGAIN - that was my opinion.

20-01-2007, 10:49 PM
lol nah not dangerous i dont think.
unless u accidentally clip someone round the ear or sumt but thats their fault for sittin too close to u (:

20-01-2007, 10:51 PM
Ye, I was walking home from school yesterday down a dark alleyway and one came up to me and mugged me, luckily I only had my snack money on me.

Edited by Bomb-Head (Forum Moderator): Please don't post pointlessly, thanks :)

20-01-2007, 10:57 PM
So why were chainsaws released?
I meant they wouldn't release a dangerous GAME CONSOLE ;l

Ye, I was walking home from school yesterday down a dark alleyway and one came up to me and mugged me, luckily I only had my snack money on me.


20-01-2007, 11:01 PM
How Can It Be Dangerous ?

Only Way It Can Be Cause Its So Addictive ;)

20-01-2007, 11:01 PM
So why were chainsaws released?
chainsaw's are not for kids to play inside the house as a daytime activity u moron

Edited by Garion (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not be rude toward other members, thanks :).

20-01-2007, 11:03 PM
Flame your thread?

How is expressing my opinion 'flaming' a thread?

If you don't want my opinion on a question, and a poll that you posted; you shouldn't posted it.
Well the only question i asked is if its dangerous and said if you don't like the wii then don't post and you obviously don't like the wii so don't post or just post whether you think its dangerous or not.

20-01-2007, 11:05 PM
So because I don't like it; means I cannot post?

20-01-2007, 11:12 PM
No because some people like the wii yet think it is dangerous, i did not ask if you like it or not just whether you think it is dangerous so there was no need to go all crazy and flame

20-01-2007, 11:14 PM
So because I don't like it; means I cannot post?
sure does.

and i think teh person who started this thread doesnt want arguments
and i also think you go around starting them for no reason.

20-01-2007, 11:23 PM
Forums are means of expressing views and opinions.

I said that they were dangerous, and I also added an extra comment that I think they're over-rate; not once did I say I did not like them UNTIL someone started a debate with me, which im happy to take on.

It's not an argument, its a debate.

20-01-2007, 11:33 PM
1. Stuff Only Gets Broken if Your Not Being Sensible
2. And Just Play In MODeration If You Dont Want To Get Sore, And Acctually Its Only WiiSports That Anything Bad Can Really Happen

20-01-2007, 11:37 PM
So because I don't like it; means I cannot post?
Because it has nothing to do with you? If you bothered reading his post, he wanted to know if it was dangerous and was asking people who own the Wii on their opinions and some facts that he can show his mother.

Not some angry kid who hates the Wii and posts blindly. You know it isn't dangerous, but want to cause an argument over it. It isn't a debate, because the argument put forward is an obvious no, it isn't dangerous.

20-01-2007, 11:52 PM
No its stupid

they show you How not too get hurt and too use the wrist stap;.

20-01-2007, 11:57 PM
Ignore this imbesile.

He doesn't own one and has some sort of hate campaign against them. The Wii is hardly over-rated. What IS more over-rated than the Wii is the XBOX 360 and PS3 if anything "/

They are overrated.

I have the Nintendo Wii. Its really not as good as everyone thinks. Its fun, but not amazing. Once your over the oh wow its so cool the motion thing, its like wow.

21-01-2007, 12:03 AM
They are overrated.

I have the Nintendo Wii. Its really not as good as everyone thinks. Its fun, but not amazing. Once your over the oh wow its so cool the motion thing, its like wow.
Isn't that a fact though? All consoles use their novelty after a while. If it was over-rated, you would of hated it from the start, but you clearly don't nor did "/

21-01-2007, 12:32 AM
Not dangerous at all.

21-01-2007, 01:49 AM
No its stupid

they show you How not too get hurt and too use the wrist stap;.

and they recalled all the rubbish wrist straps.
should be safe now.

21-01-2007, 08:21 AM
I can understand that it could be dangerous by giving you pains in your arm but people who fling their remotes at the tv do it because of frustration really.

21-01-2007, 09:03 AM
my frend had 1 of the original wrist straps and we were playing wii sports, bowling i fink it was and the strap sorta broke/came unstrapped and put a huge crack in tyhe tele.
It was a gr8 lol moment until his dad walked in :P :eusa_wall

But they have recalled them so no they should be alrite now. And none of ma m8s ave come in with weak joints yet :P

So use bribery ;)

21-01-2007, 09:11 AM
Why dont u just use the controller insted :S

21-01-2007, 11:18 AM
This is just a cheap exercise machine, not gaming.

So you never owned Twilight Princess when you had your Wii?
About the harming joints, you don't actually have to put all your energy into it, but if you want to perhaps you should warm up or something before hand :p.

21-01-2007, 11:29 AM
i hate the wii. its not worth the money, get the xbox 360 it owns.
the wii seems to be old technology its nothing new like the PS3. xbox own all the rest. i just hate it i'be played most games and they're just boring.

21-01-2007, 12:34 PM
i hate the wii. its not worth the money, get the xbox 360 it owns.
the wii seems to be old technology
Do tell why the Wii is old technology? The PS3 and XBOX are old technology, if we want to play that game, nothing has changed? The XBOX 360 is just a re-built XBOX that, at the early stages, had the laser burn out after a matter of weeks...

The PS3 is using new technology that has made it one of the worst technological failures in 2006, because it uses a new technology that not many companies want to invest in. They also lose alot of money per console, which, although games make a lot of money, is still not good considering the games will be/probably are expensive.

The Wii is cheap and fun, all you need in a console. Not a glorified console that uses bluetooth on controlers. That just a new way to go wireless "/ Nothing changed their, the Wii-Mote is different. It uses motion to play.

Its nothing new like the PS3. xbox own all the rest. i just hate it i'be played most games and they're just boring.
How does the XBOX own all the rest? There's nothing different about it than the last XBOX?

Considering the Wii has just been released, you should be capable of realising that games won't be coming out one after the other. When the cool new games like SSBM and Mario come out, they'll be great. Even though Twilight Princess is excellent and Wii Sports is a great game to play with friends.

21-01-2007, 01:18 PM
i hate the wii. its not worth the money, get the xbox 360 it owns.
the wii seems to be old technology its nothing new like the PS3. xbox own all the rest. i just hate it i'be played most games and they're just boring.

Rofl, the Wii is old technology? Lmao, did you eat your brain for breakfast? It's one of a kind, it's the newest thing out. It is interactive! So how you play the Wii is old technology, eh? No. You are stupid. How you play the Xbox and Playstation is old technology. You sit there smashing a pad to bits with your thumbs... but when you play the Wii it is a totally different experience. Sorry, but you don't even know what the words 'old' and 'technology' mean.

It's nothing new? Once again, where did you leave your brain today? The Wii has loads of new features. Wii Channels, Virtual Console, Wii-Mote, Nunchuk, Mii's, the list goes on... The Wii is so different from the Xbox it is almost stupid to compare them. The Xbox IS nothing new, not the Wii. I'm not even going to go into the Playstation 3...

21-01-2007, 02:54 PM
the consoles themselves aren't - but anything can be dangerous if you make it.

for instance if you smashed the wii console over someone's head it would probably hurt them.

21-01-2007, 03:22 PM
Ok ready for some words of wisdom?

If you crash a fast car whilst speeding you dont blame it for being too fast as its your own fault and its ok while your sensible with it. The same goes with the wii.

21-01-2007, 03:34 PM
The 'dangerous' part of the Wii made me want one more.
I've got one and had it for around a month now, and no-one whos played on it has had an eye smashed in.

21-01-2007, 05:29 PM
They are all fake stories of the Wii being dangerous its fine and the wrist strap isnt too thin its perfect actually.

21-01-2007, 09:35 PM
The XBOX 360 is just a re-built XBOX that, at the early stages, had the laser burn out after a matter of weeks...

Ive had my xbox 360 for nearly 1 year and myine hasnt had nothing wrong.

Yes i have a wii and its the best console ive got and had
in 2008 Or 09 i will buy a ps3 im already saving for a ds lite <3 so anyway

x360 Lazers dont burn out quickly its The ps3 blue ray crap which burns out.

23-01-2007, 11:22 AM
They're not dangerous one bit.

They're pretty good for exersice, while your playing

& the strap is so strong.

23-01-2007, 11:58 AM

Ive had my xbox 360 for nearly 1 year and myine hasnt had nothing wrong.

Yes i have a wii and its the best console ive got and had
in 2008 Or 09 i will buy a ps3 im already saving for a ds lite <3 so anyway

x360 Lazers dont burn out quickly its The ps3 blue ray crap which burns out.
Sorry, I forgot to mention. This was when the XBOX 360 had just been released. After about 2 hours of gameplay, the laser started melting the CDs and over heated everything... My bad :P

The PS3 still needs alot of testing. Are they actually capable of playing PS and PS2 games? I thought they had to be blue-ray capable?

The strap is incredibly strong, you must be very vicious with it to break it "/

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