View Full Version : Jibbi Visits!

21-01-2007, 12:22 PM
Few years ago Jibbi left after she wanted to climb a mountain or something like that in Brazil. Since 15-05-2006 Jibbi came back On 19-01-2007 for a visit. Rumours have it Jibbi Is Ione. Could Be True, I dont know. Though. She was previously the 3rd Hotel Manager!

21-01-2007, 12:24 PM

Edited by Re101 (Forum Moderator) - Please do not post pointlessly.

21-01-2007, 12:28 PM
Nah thats not true.. I'm really Jibbi soz

Edited by Re101 (Forum Moderator) - Please do not post pointlessly.

21-01-2007, 12:28 PM
She was previously the 3rd Hotel Manager!

Well second permanant one, Daisy was only temp.

21-01-2007, 12:32 PM
Yeh, Daisy was Only Temp Manager so..

21-01-2007, 12:34 PM
gd find, +rep.

21-01-2007, 12:39 PM
Jibbi is ione? Yes, you go and believe that...

It's hardly news, ex-Hotel Managers come on sometimes, including ex-Moderators, Hobbas, HabboXs and Sulake Staff, but theyre hardly worth posting about...

Edit by Adzeh (Forum Moderator) : It is not allowed to posted "Old News" "Not News" or similar in this forum. We deem these sort of things as news as they do not happen often and some people find it interesting to read about :).

21-01-2007, 12:48 PM
Theres not even a slight hint of them being the same person.
Now Impetuous and Callie. THEY are the same person.

21-01-2007, 12:53 PM
Jibbi is ione? Yes, you go and believe that...

It's hardly news, ex-Hotel Managers come on sometimes, including ex-Moderators, Hobbas, HabboXs and Sulake Staff, but theyre hardly worth posting about...

Hotel managers make a bigger difference to a hotel rather than a MOD, meaning events.

Like we remember trance dance by evolution or raf4u by Callie
remembered much?

21-01-2007, 12:55 PM
callie is impetuous

they both left together hmmmmmmmmm

Edit by Adzeh (Forum Moderator) : Please stay on topic.

21-01-2007, 12:57 PM
callie is impetuous

they both left together hmmmmmmmmm

Did you not know?
Surprising how they were both called justine. :rolleyes:

21-01-2007, 12:57 PM
Like we remember trance dance by evolution or raf4u by Callie

I'm mean so I only rememeber callie by being inactive, bad with compeititions and eating jaffa cakes.

I know she did good things, but the bad things over rule her.

21-01-2007, 12:57 PM

21-01-2007, 12:58 PM
Did you not know?
Surprising how they were both called justine. :rolleyes:
What the heck do you mean ;s

I was stating a fact.

21-01-2007, 01:10 PM
Hotel managers make a bigger difference to a hotel rather than a MOD, meaning events.

Like we remember trance dance by evolution or raf4u by Callie
remembered much?
Considering she is an ex-Hotel Manager and doesn't do anything major for the Hotel anymore, she is not worth the effort of making a thread. All she has done, is come online. Hardly anything to talk about. If she held a giveaway then it would be major news, but being online is nothing "/

21-01-2007, 01:26 PM
Considering she is an ex-Hotel Manager and doesn't do anything major for the Hotel anymore, she is not worth the effort of making a thread. All she has done, is come online. Hardly anything to talk about. If she held a giveaway then it would be major news, but being online is nothing "/

Did people make a big deal when Daisy came online?
Did people make a big deal when Cindy came online?


I don't want to name all of the ex-staff people got mad over but they only go mad over them because they made a difference on the hotel.

And whoever said Callie was a rubbish hotel manager, you are sadly mistaken, you are merely saying that the hotel NOW is much more fun?

No offence towards Lost_Witness but he's a lovely guy but he's extremely poor at events. Callie brought so many events we hardly remember, she gave away extragavent prizes, so what she favourtised people, other than that, she did EVENTS that we no longer get.

Please do name a HM who is better than Callie, don't say Ione because she gave away free furni and reduced half of the catalogue to 1 credit. Don't say Jibbi because she released a lot of rares and maybe did the occasional event that were big e.g. habbo olympics and DON'T say Lost_witness because the hotel has lost 4,000 daily users because of the change - Habbo UK is more duller since our HM went.

21-01-2007, 01:31 PM
None of the managers were excellant and none of them were rubbish, they were all good at their own part.

She probs cam to see if her old mate evolution was online.

21-01-2007, 01:32 PM
Nah thats not true.. I'm really Jibbi soz


And explain all point in Jibbi being ione. :eusa_wall

Some kids these days.... Jibbi shmibby.

21-01-2007, 01:45 PM
None of the managers were excellant and none of them were rubbish, they were all good at their own part.

She probs cam to see if her old mate evolution was online.

Justine was sexual soz
admit it ryan :D

21-01-2007, 01:46 PM
callie is impetuous

they both left together hmmmmmmmmm

Theres not even a slight hint of them being the same person.
Now Impetuous and Callie. THEY are the same person.

When are people going to get over that? Geeze. They're the same person, shock horror.

21-01-2007, 01:47 PM
It's not news, for all we know she might of came online to check how many days of HC she has left :rolleyes:
If she visited people, made an appearance in rooms, then it would be.

Edited by Re101 (Forum Moderator) - It is not allowed to post things like 'Not news' or 'Old News'.

21-01-2007, 01:50 PM
When are people going to get over that? Geeze. They're the same person, shock horror.

Yeh Im over it.

21-01-2007, 01:51 PM
Did people make a big deal when Daisy came online?
Did people make a big deal when Cindy came online?

Obviously, but they're old and actually do something when they come online, like giveaways or talk to Habbos.

I don't want to name all of the ex-staff people got mad over but they only go mad over them because they made a difference on the hotel.
Yet their time has been and gone, they have no real important on the Hotel. What difference they made has probably changed "/

Don't say Jibbi because she released a lot of rares and maybe did the occasional event that were big e.g. habbo olympics
All the Hotel Managers you named defeats the object and finding a better Hotel Manager than Callie. I preferred Jibbi, because she talked to Habbos and was quite a nice woman to talk to. Also, back when Jibbi was HM, staff, hobbas and Mods were always in the public eye around her, so we could talk to all the staff at the same time. Nowadays you rarely see more than 2 together "/

Also, Jibbi didn't release alot of rares, Callie did. And because you mentioned that, Callie is not a good HM because she released a lot of rares, so you kinda destoyed your reason for why she was good... The Habbo Events Callie did were Global Events, while Habbo Games etc were mainly on this Hotel at the time.

21-01-2007, 02:10 PM
Callie was a rubbish Manager, in my opinion. I konw loads of the **** about her that I can't say. Anyway, Lost_Witness and Jibbi are probably the best two Managers Habbo has had. I've quit Habbo now but I speak to Chris alot and he really shows his dedication to the site.

Jibbi done loads of great events and I got to know her well, she was also very much dedicated to the site.

From what I saw of Callie she done events yes, but she was also poor at giving prizes, poor at communicating with others and didn't show much dedication. I remember sitting in the Theatredrome all day once to be at an event which she never showsed up to, and she didn't even apolagise.

21-01-2007, 02:11 PM
I think that Jibbi was a good HM, it's nice she came to visit.
If your going on about Callie being a good HM well I think your wrong, she had to cover her identity as she was Impetuous, who people hated. So a new start would make her look better, but she slowly turned back into Impetuous. If I recall, people were also waiting weeks/months for prizes from their events?

Callie may have done a lot of events, but I remember them being late and prizes taking ages to be received.

Mr Macro
21-01-2007, 02:44 PM
Did people make a big deal when Daisy came online?
Did people make a big deal when Cindy came online?


I don't want to name all of the ex-staff people got mad over but they only go mad over them because they made a difference on the hotel.

And whoever said Callie was a rubbish hotel manager, you are sadly mistaken, you are merely saying that the hotel NOW is much more fun?

No offence towards Lost_Witness but he's a lovely guy but he's extremely poor at events. Callie brought so many events we hardly remember, she gave away extragavent prizes, so what she favourtised people, other than that, she did EVENTS that we no longer get.

Please do name a HM who is better than Callie, don't say Ione because she gave away free furni and reduced half of the catalogue to 1 credit. Don't say Jibbi because she released a lot of rares and maybe did the occasional event that were big e.g. habbo olympics and DON'T say Lost_witness because the hotel has lost 4,000 daily users because of the change - Habbo UK is more duller since our HM went.

They made a fuss because they were both banned when they came online -_-

21-01-2007, 02:45 PM
Obviously, but they're old and actually do something when they come online, like giveaways or talk to Habbos.

Yet their time has been and gone, they have no real important on the Hotel. What difference they made has probably changed "/

All the Hotel Managers you named defeats the object and finding a better Hotel Manager than Callie. I preferred Jibbi, because she talked to Habbos and was quite a nice woman to talk to. Also, back when Jibbi was HM, staff, hobbas and Mods were always in the public eye around her, so we could talk to all the staff at the same time. Nowadays you rarely see more than 2 together "/

Also, Jibbi didn't release alot of rares, Callie did. And because you mentioned that, Callie is not a good HM because she released a lot of rares, so you kinda destoyed your reason for why she was good... The Habbo Events Callie did were Global Events, while Habbo Games etc were mainly on this Hotel at the time.
I agree with you but you must bare in mind there were only about 3 hotels in her day.

21-01-2007, 03:01 PM
Callie may have done a lot of events, but I remember them being late and prizes taking ages to be received.

I waited so long that I had forgotten that I had won any event. I still couldn't remember what competition I won because of the late arrival of the prize.

21-01-2007, 03:03 PM
I waited so long that I had forgotten that I had won any event. I still couldn't remember what competition I won because of the late arrival of the prize.

Oh dear. She wasn't great on that said of things. But she was an amazing HM when it came to events. Which she attended freqeuntly.

21-01-2007, 03:25 PM
I think Ione brought a lot to the hotel, i wasn't there but from what I've seen she was good.

Everyone says Ione was good cos she gave everyone a throne on her birthday, but she did a lot more good things to the hotel. Habbo was rather small when she managed it and meeting the hotel manager was quite normal, you often see screenshots of her casually checking out normal habbos rooms. Ione probaly did lots behind the scenes which made habbo what it is today. Jibbi, Callie, Lost_Witness haven't changed the hotel in any big ways, but I think Ione might of done.

21-01-2007, 11:00 PM
Wow this is amazing news :rolleyes: Now all you need to do is find out what Jibbi's name is and you've got some groundbreaking stuff..

Edited by Re101 (Forum Moderator) - Please do not post anything along the lines of 'Old News' or 'Not news'.

21-01-2007, 11:01 PM
Jibbi Owns, Lost Witness Sucks.

21-01-2007, 11:37 PM
lol. loads of people (me, andy, si) and other people know Jibbis password. weve known it for a while...
And jibbi isnt ione:l

22-01-2007, 12:29 AM
TBH, i think this should be in Anything about habbo. Nevertheless, nice find.

22-01-2007, 11:25 AM
Hmm, try searching Jibbi now on the console, for me it now says 2006 was the last time she logged onto Habbo Hotel.

I liked ione, I didn't mind Jibbi, I hated Callie and I like Lost_Witness. Ione seems to be the most dedicated of the four, thus far, permanent managers.

22-01-2007, 01:28 PM
I Agree with Lizzie, Habbo UK Has got alot more boring with Lost_witness as the hotel manager, as she stated over 4,000 users were lost.. last year this time we had 11,000 + users coming online daily. now its like no one cares.. Someone like Colmc should take over as he is very active, yeah L_W Has brought alot of celebs to the hotel, but events would be better! Colmc does loads of events .. and his position of assistant hotel manager should be given to someone else, perhaps a new member of staff so that colmc should take over, L_W was a better staff when he was Guest Services/Player Support.

22-01-2007, 04:05 PM
Sure You Have Her Password. Colmc Would Make A Good HM

22-01-2007, 04:08 PM
huh!!!!!!11111!oneoneone omg its amazing jobbi visited lets have an *REMOVED* on the comptuer screen. stupid **** whats the ******* ponit of screaming as soon as some dirty *REMOVED* computer boffin comes online.

Edited by Re101 (Forum Moderator) - Please do not avoid the forum filter.

22-01-2007, 04:17 PM
Or maybe they made a big deal out of it because Jibbi was recently banned because //msg accessed her comp and was perm banned and it was unbanned for a reason?

22-01-2007, 04:28 PM
huh!!!!!!11111!oneoneone omg its amazing jobbi visited lets have an *REMOVED* on the comptuer screen. stupid **** whats the ******* ponit of screaming as soon as some dirty *REMOVED* computer boffin comes online.

Edited by Re101 (*REMOVED*) - Please do not avoid the forum filter.


Edited by Re101 (Forum Moderator) - Please do not avoid the filter, or be rude to other forum members.

22-01-2007, 06:56 PM
Did you not know?
Surprising how they were both called justine. :rolleyes:

If she was Justine then why did she make an account called Callie????

Its like being called George and making an account called Hugh

Callie was a good HM though :)

Coolster :)
23-01-2007, 08:42 AM
hang on, you all flamed me when i posted about jay visiting? your all like yh good find +Rep

23-01-2007, 12:31 PM
why is it a big thing when an ex hotel manager pops on for a quick visit? whats the infactuation with it?

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