View Full Version : 20hc for a habbo style layout XD

26-01-2007, 04:42 PM
heya guys am offering 20hc sofas for the best layout made for my site
Habbouniversal.com so wht are you waiting for get Making

26-01-2007, 04:47 PM
i dont trust youll pay 20hcs lol
maybe cayue this is ur only post:s

26-01-2007, 04:56 PM
Fanta, maybe this guy came on to ask for a layout?

Ever thought of that?

Give the guy a break.

I'll PM you.

26-01-2007, 04:58 PM
i dont trust youll pay 20hcs lol
maybe cayue this is ur only post:s

Fanta i have just
only registered and i'm an x thinkhabbo dj trust worthy popular on habbo and i pay first

26-01-2007, 04:58 PM
Ok sorry mate im just bored lol

26-01-2007, 04:59 PM
So you post random crap because you're bored?

How the hell did you get to be a mod on .us?

Anywho, I seny you a PM.

26-01-2007, 05:01 PM
Dude im like this bcause im bored of my stupid broken arm and there nothing else to do atm

26-01-2007, 05:02 PM

Agnostic Bear
26-01-2007, 05:03 PM
i'm an x thinkhabbo dj

I'm an ex th techie, big whoop, it's just a noobish website.
And that makes it worse saying you're from there, cause most people hate it now.

Oh yes, and ordering us isn't going to help you either.

26-01-2007, 05:33 PM
i didnt order you god.
why is everyone of this forum stuck up.
not Most of you just the noobish ones

26-01-2007, 05:34 PM
I'm beggining to like you because your learning the truth already
i didnt order you god.
why is everyone of this forum stuck up.
not Most of you just the noobish ones

26-01-2007, 05:37 PM
still need a layout lol

26-01-2007, 05:38 PM
He wants everything doing for him.

Agnostic Bear
26-01-2007, 05:40 PM
Habbouniversal.com so wht are you waiting for get Making

i didnt order you god.


K, now you've annoyed me, go back to thf and be a noob there, you order us about, you get shouted at, simple.

26-01-2007, 05:43 PM
Im Actuall repping spaceinvader for above pot:o
you show that nub

26-01-2007, 05:46 PM
What the hell Spaceinvader. I dont think it was an order. Havnt you ever in your life said "Get making!" In a joking way? I have. Stop taking everything so seriously.

26-01-2007, 05:50 PM
People are taking this ott?
God, if you dont like what hes posted leave the thread and move on to a thread that intrests you more.

Btw Pming you now with my sample!

Agnostic Bear
26-01-2007, 05:53 PM
What the hell Spaceinvader. I dont think it was an order. Havnt you ever in your life said "Get making!" In a joking way? I have. Stop taking everything so seriously.

Got a problem I won't go into, I can't tell if it's a joke or not, so if it was supposed to be, sorry.

26-01-2007, 05:58 PM
Meh, i just think this forum is way to hostile.

26-01-2007, 05:58 PM
Im Actuall repping spaceinvader for above pot:o
you show that nub

You are the 'nub' around here. You shouldn't call others a 'nub'.

Anyway, I could do it but I'm a bit busy right now with other stuff. If I get anything done - I'll PM you. However I do think Xereo would be my choice.

26-01-2007, 06:02 PM
mr.geeza i was repeating what spaceinvader sed above me hes a n00b
im afraid you are too but its time you HAVE to face up 2 it

26-01-2007, 06:03 PM
He said he wants everything done as he cant customise it himself.

26-01-2007, 06:04 PM
When your getting paied for sumin, ur ment to be ordered about, Hents what work means?

27-01-2007, 06:37 PM
Jack is right i still need a layout so comeon

27-01-2007, 06:39 PM
i dont trust youll pay 20hcs lol
maybe cayue this is ur only post:s

Affreux is Safe

27-01-2007, 07:13 PM
affreux is trusted

27-01-2007, 09:01 PM
mr.geeza i was repeating what spaceinvader sed above me hes a n00b
im afraid you are too but its time you HAVE to face up 2 it

OK, for you to understand, I'll talk in 'internet talk'.

i wz callin u da n00b cuz u da big n00b arund here cuz u wnt to be da 1337 bt u cnt evn type props n u hav da cheek 2 call sum1 else a n00b cuz u 1

And to proove how much of an idiot you are:

im afraid you are too but its time you HAVE to face up 2 it

Why did you just agree to me calling you a 'nub' ?

And you don't need to be a parrot on SpaceInvader, you never even repeated him, you said:

you show that nub

27-01-2007, 09:34 PM
Can we stop the bickering please.

I need a layout not a fight

27-01-2007, 09:41 PM
Geeza, can i ask you why you think

"mr.geeza i was repeating what spaceinvader sed above me hes a n00b
im afraid you are too but its time you HAVE to face up 2 it"

Is 1337 speak?

Compared to some people on this forum, Geeza is a great speller.

27-01-2007, 09:42 PM
Good luck in getting a layout, I recommend Mr.Chaz or Xeoro

27-01-2007, 10:15 PM
Geeza, can i ask you why you think

"mr.geeza i was repeating what spaceinvader sed above me hes a n00b
im afraid you are too but its time you HAVE to face up 2 it"

Is 1337 speak?

Compared to some people on this forum, Geeza is a great speller.

Did I say it was 1337 speak? Nope, I said it was Internet Talk. Get your facts right before trying to accuse me of doing wrong. You also said compared to some people on this forum, I am a great speller. Well, you might want to know that it doesn't take someone with higher english to notice a grammar mistake in your first sentence.

Geeza, can i ask you why you think

27-01-2007, 10:19 PM
Oh well, i dont worry about that stuff.

And you kind of did, because then you talked to him in that style. Which was weird.

28-01-2007, 04:24 PM
Mrchaz ypu make me a Layout?

28-01-2007, 05:53 PM
Can some one please make me a Layout i need 1

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