View Full Version : Dr00d Talent Chart.. Any Good?

28-01-2007, 02:32 AM
Im useless at setting my talents so i tried making one. but i dont know if its any good.

I am a Feral Druid. but i want to be able to pull off a good heal now and then.

here is the chart i made:
http://www.wow-europe.com/en/info/basics/talents/druid/talents.html?0000000000000000000005032021323221253 3125150503000000000000000

Comments Please? :P

28-01-2007, 02:12 PM
I changed it round a bit,

http://www.wow-europe.com/en/info/basics/talents/druid/talents.html?0000000000000000000005032021323221253 3125150503000000000000000#none

put 5 points in furor instead of mark of the wild as that talent is pretty useless, then put 5 into naturalist reduces the cast time of your healing spells and increases damage in your forms so it's good in pvp

I also put 1 point in natures grasp, it's quite handy when fighting a hunter as it either roots their pet or roots the hunter making them not able to kite you.

I got rid of feral instinct as it's not the best levelling talent it's more of a bear tanking talent but it's ok if you want it. Also put 3 points in thick hide as it increases your armour from items by 10% which is quite alot.

hope i helped :p

28-01-2007, 08:27 PM
Furor is a must, Simply put :)

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