View Full Version : Monkey Madness

30-01-2007, 09:28 PM
Sorry No screenie.

I beat it after dieing once trying to melee. On second try, I died right after the demon died -.-

I was using mage on second try.

Had level 62 mage

Pretty happy, but now I gotta get the tailsmen and necklace back again. A ton of walking -.-

Most significant lost was...150 bloods and a glory. Bunch of lobsters too.

30-01-2007, 10:38 PM
I managed to do it first time
with a little help from cannon and ranging

31-01-2007, 01:08 AM
lol nice.. i just brought lobbies and 2 pray pots waited for the gnomes to kill it

31-01-2007, 02:18 AM
Congrats man, and oo it's legend-killa.

31-01-2007, 03:18 AM
Grats! :]
I still haven't gotten around to doing it yet. :P

31-01-2007, 10:38 AM
Well done :] and you should do connor ;)

31-01-2007, 05:37 PM
Did it last night on my pure lol, waited till gnomes got him low potted prayed and ddsed him, hit 3 sets of 0's then finally got my lucky 5 for the ko lol

31-01-2007, 07:27 PM
Lucky you, only 2 of my gnomes attacked. The rest wandered around.

31-01-2007, 07:33 PM
WD I Did It First Time, But I Had 1 HP =]

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