View Full Version : No banning for swearing?

06-02-2007, 06:57 PM
In the MOD-Noct "Ask a MOD" talkshow for habbonation during Internet Safety Day. We where obviously asking questions.

I asked her "What was the most common ban she does"

She replied personal details, but she also said you'll rarely be banned for swearing. Unless it's racist.

I have kind of noticed this as I reported people for swearing in snowstorm, and they say "Oh a mod warned me to stop swearing"

Also she said earlier in the talkshow it's exetremly rare MODs ban for flooding, they simply say to ignore them.

I personally think you should be banned for flooding as it annoys habbos, why should we have to ignore. And I'm 100% sure you should be banned for swearing in my opinion.

Oh and in screenshot sorry for someone logging in MSN

06-02-2007, 06:59 PM

06-02-2007, 07:00 PM
I like the guys display picture better than the news tbh.. Good find I guess. Maybe I should go back on and swear all the **** I want! :D

06-02-2007, 07:03 PM
I like the guys display picture better than the news tbh.. Good find I guess. Maybe I should go back on and swear all the **** I want! :D

Well you could say the odd F word and they probaly wouldn't be botherd, as long as it wasn't directed at people and regular.

06-02-2007, 07:07 PM
I find he can do a talkshow on his mod account maybe hes on shift but he should at least be sorting things out rather than that -.-' pathetic tbh

06-02-2007, 07:10 PM
Best screenshot ever! Sombody from south park mooning. lol

06-02-2007, 07:11 PM
You can be banned for breaking the habbo way, and i'm sure somewhere on the habboway it says somehow you can't swear.

06-02-2007, 07:14 PM
In other words it means they can't be bothred to ban people for swearing then hardly.

06-02-2007, 07:18 PM
They don't even ban for being racist.

I reported some one for being racist and the MOD told me to ignore.

06-02-2007, 07:21 PM
Hmm interesting. And that couldn't have been a funnier picture to pop-up!

06-02-2007, 07:21 PM
Best screenshot ever! Sombody from south park mooning. lol

Erik Cartman!

Yeah, redtiz said that you won't get banned for swearing unless it is aimed at someone.

06-02-2007, 07:31 PM
I've just realised something, to swear you'd need to avoid the filter and thats against the Habbo way. Double standards eh? You're allowed to swear but if you avoid the filter you're banned.. Oh dear.

06-02-2007, 07:43 PM
The screenshot doesn't appear to work anymore (Damn imageshack!)

But here it is again (need2upload ty)


06-02-2007, 08:32 PM
Heh... awesome find. And +rep for the screenshot too :)

06-02-2007, 08:47 PM
True, I got banned on rqm for swearing, so i came on lScott- and started saying "Ill give you a reason now" (As I was ****** off) So I swore (avoiding the filter) And all i got was 2 alerts & a room kick :)

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