View Full Version : Is this proper Teaching [Urgent]

09-02-2007, 12:22 PM
Well, Im in yr 11, with all my GCSE exams coming up, and for the last few years Iv had B's in maths. And when In yr 10, we got put in differnt groups, I got a New maths teacher. And in a maths leson he does:
1. Puts a example BEFORE we get in the class.
2. Gives out Text Books to work from
3. Gives us the page number
4. Looks on internet at personal things.

And while i have had this teacher, he has lost one of my corsework, on the second corsework, I was away and only found out on the Day b4 it had to be handed in.
In my exams I have got D's + E's.

I realy dont know what to do in lessons.
But I cant move classes now, and im realy wroried about my GCSE results, as I need at least Cs to get into the corse I need for the Job I want.

What should I do?

09-02-2007, 03:54 PM
My maths teacher does the same thing - but he doesnt look on the internet, he helps people when they are stuck. The only thing you can do is talk to another teacher in a higher posistion.

09-02-2007, 03:56 PM

09-02-2007, 04:01 PM
if u dont like how he teaches tell someone higher up like head of maths or head of year

09-02-2007, 04:02 PM
one of my mates had the same problem kind of, he went to see the head of maths and explained it and he got moved sets. If not, just buy a revision guide and learn it yourself! you can't blame it all on him you getting a bad mark

09-02-2007, 04:16 PM

09-02-2007, 09:55 PM
Put your hand up for help and see what he does.

09-02-2007, 09:58 PM
complain. [:

12-02-2007, 03:43 PM
My maths teacher was rubbish at the start of year 10, so their was a mass of complaints from parents and the pupils including myself and because we are top set they couldn't ignore it so we got practically the best maths teacher in the school who bottom set had and they got are rubbish teacher ahha justice :8.

12-02-2007, 05:38 PM
Yer tell your mum and dad to go up to the school and complain... That should make you move him or get a rev guide :)))

12-02-2007, 06:01 PM
Make a petition and get everyone to sign it, and get everyone to complain. They're more likely to do something if lots of people complain than if its just a few people.

If it doesn't work, though, you could teach yourself the work, or ask someone who is really good at maths to help you. When your GCSEs get closer, there will probably be some after school revision classes that you could go to to get help with thing's you don't understand.

If you get really stuck with something, you could always post it on here. There are lots of people here who'd be happy to help. :)

12-02-2007, 07:58 PM
Well, Im in yr 11, with all my GCSE exams coming up, and for the last few years Iv had B's in maths. And when In yr 10, we got put in differnt groups, I got a New maths teacher. And in a maths leson he does:
1. Puts a example BEFORE we get in the class.
2. Gives out Text Books to work from
3. Gives us the page number
4. Looks on internet at personal things.

And while i have had this teacher, he has lost one of my corsework, on the second corsework, I was away and only found out on the Day b4 it had to be handed in.
In my exams I have got D's + E's.

I realy dont know what to do in lessons.
But I cant move classes now, and im realy wroried about my GCSE results, as I need at least Cs to get into the corse I need for the Job I want.

What should I do?

Na thats not good teaching, my maths teacher has a fit if you say that you dont understand the work :( well he dousnt have a fit he says u should have listened more, and after he has told us what work to do he goes on the internet (sometimes plays space invaders.)


12-02-2007, 08:05 PM
Basically schools work like this - If your in the higher sets you get the less controlling teachers but your expected to behave if your in a lower classes get the better teachers because they can control them.

I had the same sort of problem in english i had a really bad teachear in yr 7 & 8 and in year 9 i got dropped down and we got this great teacher i learnt tuns when i got into year 10 i had another teacher which i complained about and the higher staff member i complained to was like ill move your classes if you leave it a week or 2 and i started to enjoy the lesson more.

Just think about it first as you could get moved into a bad class that arent working at your level, just make sure you get on with your work in class and your sure to do fine.

Hope this helps

13-02-2007, 05:57 PM
Holy Jesus - my English teacher is like that too!
I had great teachers in years 7 & 8, then I got this well crap teacher in year 9 who put word limits on essays I'm like WTH!?!?!!? Now we got this idiot (Head of Department :o) who either goes on about nothing, or just expects us to work out what to do for ourselves. She barely helps us. I don't wanna get moved out of top set though...

14-02-2007, 12:31 AM
I have a problem with my Science teacher, she is awful, she couldn't teach a bin to accept rubbish. I have given up with her.
Try complaining :)

Throne Sofa
14-02-2007, 01:08 AM
My maths teacher does something similar.
We'll come in and he explains it to us (Not enough though) and then he'll go
out for 30 mins come back check anyone needs help if not, go away. Come back 5mins before class ends and sets loads of homework.

14-02-2007, 10:11 PM
My maths teacher does something similar.
We'll come in and he explains it to us (Not enough though) and then he'll go
out for 30 mins come back check anyone needs help if not, go away. Come back 5mins before class ends and sets loads of homework.
Why the hell does he go out for 30 minutes?!

Throne Sofa
07-03-2007, 05:11 PM
He's head of upper school, therefore very busy. But if he's this busy he shouldn't be teaching us. :(

07-03-2007, 05:43 PM
Make a petition and get everyone to sign it, and get everyone to complain. They're more likely to do something if lots of people complain than if its just a few people.

If it doesn't work, though, you could teach yourself the work, or ask someone who is really good at maths to help you. When your GCSEs get closer, there will probably be some after school revision classes that you could go to to get help with thing's you don't understand.

If you get really stuck with something, you could always post it on here. There are lots of people here who'd be happy to help. :)

thats a way but we had a teacher who told us if we didnt shut up he'd hit us so we got the whole class and went to the head teachers office we were all cramed in and i havn't seen him since.btw how do you no its personal stuff?

08-03-2007, 01:40 PM
Well, Im in yr 11, with all my GCSE exams coming up, and for the last few years Iv had B's in maths. And when In yr 10, we got put in differnt groups, I got a New maths teacher. And in a maths leson he does:
1. Puts a example BEFORE we get in the class.
2. Gives out Text Books to work from
3. Gives us the page number
4. Looks on internet at personal things.

And while i have had this teacher, he has lost one of my corsework, on the second corsework, I was away and only found out on the Day b4 it had to be handed in.
In my exams I have got D's + E's.

I realy dont know what to do in lessons.
But I cant move classes now, and im realy wroried about my GCSE results, as I need at least Cs to get into the corse I need for the Job I want.

What should I do?

I think nearly every math teacher does that But my math teacher give really good examples and then tells us to do it!
Then she is off on the NET

10-03-2007, 08:49 PM
lol in my schools the computers are in the staff room. a teacher was looking at dirrty things once.

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