View Full Version : When People Joined

09-02-2007, 03:50 PM
(Didnt know where to put this, sorry if its in wrong place)

Why do people on habbo show off saying ''I joined habbo in 2002'' or ''Playing since 2003'' ?

I think its a sad thing that theyve been playing habbo that long..

09-02-2007, 03:54 PM
I think there probably showing how long they've been on habbo which i dont really wanna see because it's a bit childish and showing off.

I just ignore em and dont judge them.

09-02-2007, 04:01 PM
Im not really judging them
but it is a bit sad playing habbo for like 5 years tho..

09-02-2007, 04:07 PM
Im not really judging them
but it is a bit sad playing habbo for like 5 years tho..

I suppose so.

09-02-2007, 04:22 PM
I've been on habbo since 2003, seriously.

My first account: 0kryme0
(not crime, but cry me)

09-02-2007, 04:26 PM
err, i don't see whats so bad about it tbh.

The Professor
09-02-2007, 05:37 PM
(Didnt know where to put this, sorry if its in wrong place)

Why do people on habbo show off saying ''I joined habbo in 2002'' or ''Playing since 2003'' ?

I think its a sad thing that theyve been playing habbo that long..

People normally say it to back up a point theyre making that someone else is arguing. eg:

[Habbo2] - No, it was Daisy.
[Habbo2] - Ive been on since 2001, I know what im talking about.

I think there probably showing how long they've been on habbo which i dont really wanna see because it's a bit childish and showing off.

I just ignore em and dont judge them.

If you dont judge people, you'll get murdered ;) If you see someone in a hoodie holding a gun and you dont "judge" them as dangerous, youll end up dead ;)

09-02-2007, 05:43 PM
I joined in 2003 then quit for about 2 years,Then forgot my password and lost all my furni :(

09-02-2007, 05:44 PM
it makes them feel superiour they've spent more time on a virtual chatroom than others.

09-02-2007, 06:02 PM
people think they're 'old-school' but really, you aint old school, your a freak! LOL soz to i offended but yeh.

09-02-2007, 06:55 PM
well some people like me joined in 2004 didn't know what it was so quit and heard somebody in school talking bout it like 2 years later and started up again

09-02-2007, 08:22 PM
well some people like me joined in 2004 didn't know what it was so quit and heard somebody in school talking bout it like 2 years later and started up again
yea people do quit for a while, I mean its just silly playing for like 5-6 straight years..

(btw I dont mean to offend anyone)

The Professor
10-02-2007, 11:12 AM
well some people like me joined in 2004 didn't know what it was so quit and heard somebody in school talking bout it like 2 years later and started up again

Wow, people talk about it in your school? Its all runescape in my school ;)

11-02-2007, 12:33 PM
Most people lie because they wanna feel special. I joined in August 2004 my first account was marjurum I was scammed in 1week by someone saying ''I Need to paint your room give me your pass to it'' And I gave him my pass to room but unfortantly I had the same habbo pass.. Lol.. So he just changed it without the D.O.B :( And it's still not banned but I Liked it.. Then I had Marjurun with N at the end.. and that was scammed by my mate in r/l (sado) and he got it banned by asking for people's phone number... and then I made Marjurum0 and it wasnt banned and Still I can log on it.. Don't like number's so I made ..Joker.. that got Hacked so A moderator banned it as the scammer was getting my furniture and I cant log on it until 2017.. :( and Now I'm on a really good account what I am not revealing on habboxforum XD

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