View Full Version : How do you do levels 4 & 7?

09-02-2007, 11:08 PM
Heya, I have my super Mario Bros on my Nintendo DS, But I cannot do level 4 and 7.. it seems have to of missed this out, has this happened to any-one and how can i repair it Thanx ;]

09-02-2007, 11:13 PM
Its delibrate they are secret worlds go on a guide to find out how to reach them.

09-02-2007, 11:17 PM
U hafta either find a cannon leading to that world OR beat the world 2 and 5 bosses using mini mario cos if u noticed there is a wee tunnel that mario runs past after beating the bosses. and only mini mario can fit. (Mini mario = Mario + Tiny Blue mushroom.) xD

i was wondering when i got the game too. It was a really bad thing to do as u can easily complete the game by doing 6 worlds in stead of the total 8.

(This will be long-winded) Do you know the trick to get the mushroom houses popping up at the start of a world? It is when you finish a level with the timer at either x11, x22 or x33 (x can be ANY number eg. 111, 211, 311, 122, 222, 322, 133, 233, 333 can all get u one)

And at the mushroom house u can see what comes b4 mini mushroom (i fink it is normal mushie) when it comes up on the box, pause. then hit A twice so u unpause then jump straightaway. That gets u a mini mushroom.

And after that, you should hit the boos til 1 more hit is whats needed (normally takes 3 hits to kill him) so hit him 2 times normally. Then use mini mushroom and grnd pound the boss on the head and that should be u on the new world. xD (You hafta ground pound him because wee marios jumps cant kill him)

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