View Full Version : tattoo!

10-02-2007, 06:17 AM
My mum gave in rofl. She finally agreed xD

Well i'm thinking the bottom of my back, I dont want anything tribal nor big.

Any ideas?

Also, whats the pain like? I have rather high pain tolerance, but I don't know how i'll take to it. :D

thanks +rep for everyone who lends a hand.

10-02-2007, 10:01 AM
My sister got one done on her back a few years ago, and said it didnt hurt until the day after. You can search the web for some good designs, the tattoo parlor should have books of designs or if your creative design your own. I <3 my brothers one he designed it with a friend.

I like the ones with a motif and swirly things personally

10-02-2007, 10:25 AM
you should get something that has something to do with england/the uk, to remember your heritage like :P

i'm going to get some stars on my hip bone.
once mummy caves in.

10-02-2007, 10:33 AM
My brother has a skull on his back and he said it' doesnt hurt if you think about something you love and care about xD

he said if you dont want pain dont have it done.

10-02-2007, 10:34 AM
Peahen [cant say the proper word because it filters it] up your back looks teh cex (L)_(L) x]]

But with it's feathers up

10-02-2007, 11:33 AM
you should get something that has something to do with england/the uk, to remember your heritage like :P

Yeah get a UK flag on your bicep and then do loads of weight training and make it so that when you flex your arm the flag waves, LIKE ON PETER PAN WITH THE PIRATE GUY.

10-02-2007, 11:41 AM
Get a rose *+*

10-02-2007, 07:40 PM
Yeah get a UK flag on your bicep and then do loads of weight training and make it so that when you flex your arm the flag waves, LIKE ON PETER PAN WITH THE PIRATE GUY.

ROFL at that

10-02-2007, 07:44 PM
I have this on my arm: http://images.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&resnum=0&q=leicester%20city%20badge&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&tab=wi

Very detailed, it hurt but it isn't that bad.

uh huh her
10-02-2007, 07:45 PM
it doesn't hurt much, according to my sister. but she got a small one.
get "PIKEY" written across your back, would be awesome.

10-02-2007, 07:46 PM
get a rose?

a rose?

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10-02-2007, 07:47 PM
it doesn't hurt much, according to my sister. but she got a small one.
get "PIKEY" written across your back, would be awesome.

I think not ami LOL.

Also, do you think i'm too young to be getting one?
Several people have said to me that 14 is too young because you might not make the right decision about it.

10-02-2007, 07:50 PM
I personally wouldn't wan't a tattoo at 14-years-old. I got mine when I was 18, my brother however got his on his 16th birthday.

uh huh her
10-02-2007, 07:52 PM
i'd wait till your 16, cos 14's a bit young. i'm getting one when im 16.

10-02-2007, 07:53 PM
it depends, if I see one I really like I might think about it.

I want something unique but not.. too weird, if you get me ^_^

uh huh her
10-02-2007, 07:56 PM
ahaha, i'm getting a celtic patern (soooo original) on my lower back, then my name in japanese upper right back. though i'll probably change my mind before getting them done and get some whacky strange design aha.

10-02-2007, 08:00 PM
http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/3379/starrnj2.gif < I think you should just start off with something like that :)

10-02-2007, 08:02 PM
won't that look a bit stupid when i'm older though rofl?

10-02-2007, 08:04 PM
do you watch shipwrecked if so there is a girl called amy she has a couple of shaded stars they look really good

10-02-2007, 08:05 PM
nope I don't watch it rofl.

I don't know, I'd have to think about that one ^_^

I might ask my dad, hes covered in tattoos rofll.

uh huh her
10-02-2007, 08:09 PM

that ones awesome.

10-02-2007, 08:28 PM
lol its not showing

uh huh her
10-02-2007, 08:34 PM


10-02-2007, 10:36 PM
Lol im sorry to be the scruge :p
I personally think that 14 is too young, bare in mind if you ever stop liking it you cant get rid of it, it's there for ever.

11-02-2007, 12:08 AM
You can get them lasered? It's just expensive

clarissa !!
11-02-2007, 12:12 AM
my sisters got a tattoo on the top of her boob & she said it felt like a vibration lol (':

get stars, all prettypretty (:

11-02-2007, 06:30 AM
my sisters got a tattoo on the top of her boob & she said it felt like a vibration lol (':

get stars, all prettypretty (:


maybe stars, I just see them as a bit "scene" if you get me xD

11-02-2007, 05:44 PM
I think not ami LOL.

Also, do you think i'm too young to be getting one?
Several people have said to me that 14 is too young because you might not make the right decision about it.
bloody hell yeah
14? thats not even legal i dont think
but if your going to, i wouldnt get it done on the bottom of your back, thats where every girl gets one done
have it in a unique place or something?

11-02-2007, 05:47 PM
Stars is pretty common tbh. What I suggest you do is design something now, and wait until you're like 16/17 and if you still like the design then, get it. Otherwise you'll get something that in a couple of years time you'll hate, and when you're older you'll hate even more.

I do still think the flag would be good for a laugh.

Mr Macro
11-02-2007, 06:58 PM
A rose with a barbbed wire stem wrapped around your upper arm <3

11-02-2007, 09:42 PM
i got a tattoo down my front a few years back - yes, it hurt but it depends where on the body it is, how sensitive your skin is in that place, and how much actual flesh is there to shield the bones - and how you personally react to pain

my advice would be to spend a while planning it, and only get something done when you're absolutely sure it's right - why not get some photos taken of your back or wherever, print some copies and doodle on them, or use photoshop to try out ideas - that way you could get something unique! if you don't think you can design it yourself, then ask someone - i'm sure they'd have a go for you! might be worth waiting a coupla years cos your taste may change very rapidly...


11-02-2007, 10:46 PM
My mum gave in rofl. She finally agreed xD

Well i'm thinking the bottom of my back, I dont want anything tribal nor big.

Any ideas?

Also, whats the pain like? I have rather high pain tolerance, but I don't know how i'll take to it. :D

thanks +rep for everyone who lends a hand.

The finner ur skin the more the pain
so the back of ur wrist wont hurt as much as the top if you get me?
oh and btw they ussally start at the place it hurts the most

15-02-2007, 12:43 PM
where there is more flesh there is less pain. i'd go with what has been said above about waiting a couple of years. if you get something done now & in 3 years you hate it it costs a hell of alot to get it removed, nevermind the hassle it will cause...

15-02-2007, 10:04 PM
I was just talking to my good friend Steve. He's a total headcase, anyway, there's a point to this...

"It says nerds get out." "w-what is a nerd?" "we are." says:
have i told ya about my nipples
Spud I wanna be naked says:
"It says nerds get out." "w-what is a nerd?" "we are." says:
i got smiley faces tattooed on em
Spud I wanna be naked says:
Spud I wanna be naked says:
Spud I wanna be naked says:
i have to see that
"It says nerds get out." "w-what is a nerd?" "we are." says:
the bloke did em for free
"It says nerds get out." "w-what is a nerd?" "we are." says:
just for the comedy

he's 16. i've decided you should definately get a tattoo, and get something fun like that.

15-02-2007, 10:48 PM
i was gonna get a tiny music note on my wrist like the inside.
but i have a very low pain tolerance, i'm scared of pain completely aha.

15-02-2007, 10:56 PM
my sisters got a tattoo on the top of her boob & she said it felt like a vibration lol (':

get stars, all prettypretty (:

Can you get a picture :)

15-02-2007, 11:01 PM
Can you get a picture :)
i lol'd

16-02-2007, 06:46 PM
I'd get something that means something to you personally, not what a forum recommends you. I'd wait atleast 6months before getting it once you know what you want. I intend on getting a few when I'm 18, probably my nickname on my arm going down in cool writing, some music/drum symbol somewhere and some football related ones. Then I think I'm going to have like a circle of words etc and then some drawing ones which look cool! So go for something that means something to you:P

16-02-2007, 09:12 PM
i was gonna get a tiny music note on my wrist like the inside.
but i have a very low pain tolerance, i'm scared of pain completely aha.
My sisters friend had a music note done their and it was over in about 60 seconds so go for it Bethie :) she got it done when she was 16 and in white ''/ so it looked stupid because you could barely see it a month later but in black it would look wicked, so go for it :p and Soph wait a few years you might regret it.

clarissa !!
16-02-2007, 09:38 PM
Can you get a picture :)
lol ...

16-02-2007, 11:30 PM
i was gonna get a tiny music note on my wrist like the inside.
but i have a very low pain tolerance, i'm scared of pain completely aha.

my mate said it's totally bareable.
and he had smiley faces done on his nipples, which is probably quite a painful place.
but then he was also trying to get me to get one, because the tattooist is his mate and if he gets him customers he gets another one done free ''/
but basically id say go for it.

16-02-2007, 11:45 PM
bloody hell yeah
14? thats not even legal i dont think
but if your going to, i wouldnt get it done on the bottom of your back, thats where every girl gets one done
have it in a unique place or something?
Is with parent permission, I just feel limited to choice, I hate tattoos on arms/legs with girls, I dont want one on my stomach or something.. Upper back you can hardly see.

A rose with a barbbed wire stem wrapped around your upper arm <3

Nah, I dont like tattoos on arms on girls.

16-02-2007, 11:50 PM
yeh, but no-one will see it if its low on your back
unless you wear tops that are too small, or those stupid tops that are designerd to show your belly off+the small of your back

17-02-2007, 12:06 AM
they will ;)

I'm just not sure what i'd have on my upper back.

i'll probably get them both done when i'm a little older too.

20-02-2007, 11:32 AM
im soon getting a star on my wrist or somethingg likk that.
ive heard they hurt afterwards & tha' they are vereh sore.
buh' i can stand pain :]

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