View Full Version : Mage staking anyone!!! 1-25mil

12-02-2007, 11:16 PM
my mage lvl is 87 and def is 73 with 76hp

lvl 88 ancients must x2
lvl 92 ancients must x3
lvl 94+ ancients x4

if u are using god spells then we can stake the same unless u r more hp and def then u might have to x2

Teh Wub
13-02-2007, 12:13 AM
my mage lvl is 87 and def is 73 with 76hp

lvl 88 ancients must x2
lvl 92 ancients must x3
lvl 94+ ancients x4

if u are using god spells then we can stake the same unless u r more hp and def then u might have to x2

Combat dont matter? Might do that im 96 mage 103 CMB.

13-02-2007, 01:57 AM
So you would even stake me with my godly 99 defence :8 hp and mage? :P

13-02-2007, 03:46 AM
staking against Dan would be pointless, unless he lets you, you wont have much of a chance of winning

13-02-2007, 10:39 AM
staking against Dan would be pointless, unless he lets you, you wont have much of a chance of winning

Im mage staking no armour defence doesnt matter. Its the magic level.

13-02-2007, 11:00 AM
sure ill stake do you mind waiting till friday im kinda busy barrowing for cash :P

13-02-2007, 01:06 PM
i still reckon dan could wipe the floor with you :)

prove me wrong by all means if you want to

17-02-2007, 10:01 PM
i dont care about def but if ur hp is higher then u got to double a lil

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