View Full Version : 5.8m + 19 glorys need 15m

14-02-2007, 02:00 AM
I got bout 9m to get
Im spending 12m on 99 magic i got it figured out so i need

I want 4m spare

it will cost me 12.8m to get 99 magic the way im doing it

but how can i make 9m with 5m cash + 19 glorys?

Tips pleaseee

14-02-2007, 03:50 AM
make nats if u got that many glorys and 48 rc anit that a give away to make nats?

14-02-2007, 11:28 AM
If you're nat crafting about 12 glories are needed per 1k, if you're running only 6 are needed.

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