View Full Version : [CA][US]Prepare for a heartbeaker

15-02-2007, 01:50 AM
RocketSkates, like a cool mountain spring
Both the Love and Candy Furni are leaving the Catalogue!
http://images.habbohotel.com/c_images/album104/candy_item_2.gifAs the seasons pass, so do passions, and soon they fade away. Like so many old, collected baubles, they are stored away for safekeeping, only to be revived occasionally in fond remembrances of glorious days past. And like those old trinkets gathered over the years, the Candy and Love Furni that have ignited Valentine’s passions these past few weeks must be stored away, to be brought out again next year to remind us of loves past, and spark passions anew…
http://images.habbohotel.com/c_images/album108/image_7.gifSay goodbye to heart-shaped boxes of chocolate and pink-colored editions of candies and say hello to, well, more pink-colored editions of candies and marshmallow bunnies! Valentine’s Day is over, and with it so go the Furni lines tied to the season! That means, no Candy or Love Furni for a whole year! Now, both lines were supposed to come out of the Catalogue today, but I’m a bit full of love this holiday and thus feeling generous. So, I’ve begged and pleaded with my corporate masters to give these Furni a stay of execution so you guys can get your fill before it’s all gone for another year! The Candy Furni (http://www.habbo.ca/entertainment/cupidsgarden/candy) they’re letting stay in the Catalogue until next Friday, February 23, 2007, but the Love Furni (http://www.habbo.ca/entertainment/cupidsgarden/lovefurni) they’re really adamant about getting rid of (something about it inciting the passions of the Habbos), so that has got to go this Friday, February 16, 2007! That means only a couple of days left and then you won’t see it again until next February, so get your before they disappear much like the last of the winter snow vanishes after the first gentle spring rain…

Copied of the .ca
I got thease of my RSS Bots x]

15-02-2007, 01:58 AM
Thank's for the info, And thank's for not just putting a link, MUCH aprechiated! I would +reputation but I only have 0 reputation power lol.

15-02-2007, 06:09 PM
its ok,I dont think its been posted ether ;D

15-02-2007, 06:17 PM
good find like the other guy said (forgot his name) no link which is much better so i will happily rep you for that :)

Edit: soz cant give +Rep must spread it around

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