View Full Version : [PHP] HabboxForum Post Count

16-02-2007, 08:50 PM
To use this is easy - simply post a thread, and then use the URL of it as the parameter of the function. I would have liked to just go to your profile, but it requires that you log in so I am settling with a thread. Here is a usage example:

echo $your_post_count;

And here is the code for hxfpostcount.php:

function hxfpostcount($threadurl) {
$hxf_thread = file_get_contents($threadurl);
$start_post_count = explode("Posts: ", $hxf_thread);
$end_post_count = explode("
</div>", $start_post_count[1]);
$your_post_count = $end_post_count[0];
return $your_post_count;

Tomorrow I'll build a full signature incorporating lots of HabboxForum functions.

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