View Full Version : [Guide] Pest Control

21-02-2007, 10:51 AM
MODS -- dubble post is because the guide has over 25 images in it and you can only post 25 in one post.

This is my first runescape guide in about 2 years and the ones I've done before are just the free quests so they were sort with out detail, anyway I've used notepad for this so the spellings a bit bad so don't have a go at me for that :p.


This is just a small intro in to the guide so you can skip this is you want, anyways, so whats in this guide? well I've put in nearly every thing to do with pest control, from the shops to the monsters, from the tactics to the worlds its all in there!


The Void Knights are devoted to keeping the balance that exists on Gielinor as decreed by Guthix. In the past this meant little more than the odd assassination, but times are changing. Recently, creatures from another realm have begun breaking through into this one, although these incursions have been limited to small islands to the far south of RuneScape.

Outposts were constructed near the regular breaches to house the Void Knights whose magic was used to close the portals. Unfortunately, the invaders have become more aggressive and have managed to overrun some outposts before the ritual could be completed. Can someone help the Void Knights' effort and fight back against the creatures?


Well theres no normal teleport what gets you near the docks so the best way to get to pest control is, if you are far away, is to teleport to fally or draynor and run over to port sarim, if you have a house what is still in rimmington then you could always teleport there, anyway I'm not going to say all 101 ways of getting to port sarim what you can get to your self.

Once your there you will need to find the 'Squire'

If you can't find him this map should help.


So now you've found him speak to him, after you have said your hellos some options should come up click on the 'I'd like to go to the outpost one' like the image below shows


Once you have said that and clicked next on the rest of the speech you will be taken to "THE ISLAND!"


Right so you there big wow! well done so far.

Thanks for taking the time to read this guide

This guide was made by redtom of habboxforum.com and is only to be used with his permission


First things first I better show you lot a map of the island it's self.


As you can see in the map above nearly every ones called a 'Squire', but I have numbered each one so you will know what I'm talking about, There are other squires walking around but they don't really have any good purpose.


As soon as you arrive on the outpost you will be standing on the boat once you leave the boat you will be in the dock, you will also see a 'Squire' you can speak to him at any time to get back to mainland, on the map he is squire 1.


If you come out of the dock there will be a general store to the west, in the store will be a 'Squire', I've put him down as squire 2 on the map.


You will be able to buy the following items from him show in the image below.


And heres a list of all the prices


Next door to the Store is a blacksmiths (Marked by the light orange marker on the map) here you can get certain items what break fixed for a small price, you can also use the avails free of change, this has to be one of the best spots for avils as its close to a bank, even closer then the ones in varrok.


After that is most used shop on the island, the rune store, I have marked this out with the yellow marker on the map.


Here you can only buy and sell the runes shown below.


I haven't got a full price list yet because I haven't found a world what is fully stocked yet.

After the rune shop we have the bank, theres nothing I really have to explain here. And by the way its the light green marker on the map.


Now moving on to the last shop on the island, the archery store.


Trading the owner you will see the following screen and be able to buy and sell all the items below


Buying prices


Right now we have Finlay got the shops out of the way, on to the last thing on our map, marked out by the blue markers, the 'Void Knight's, they are one of the most important things on the island with out them you wouldn't be able to claim you reward. All you have to do to claim your reward is to walk upto one, right click on them, and click on the exchange option, you will then see this screen, or one like it.


Depending on the amount of points you have you will be able to get different rewards. You might be think, how do we work out how much XP we will be rewarded, well the amount of XP is worked out with the following formula;

Your level in the skill, Squared and then divided by 6

L = level in skill

LxL = LXL, LxL/6 = LxL/6

Get it? Well some of you math people might of but for the rest of us normal people heres a simple way;

So say you have 60 defense it would work like this

60x60 = 3600 3600/6 = 600

So you would be rewarded 600 XP in defense, per point.

You may have noticed the 100 points, well if you happened to have 100 points and clicked that you would get an extra 10% XP on top of what you would normally get for 100 points.

So lets carry on with the example we had before, you have 600XP per point, so 600x100 = 60,000 then you get 10% of the 60,000 so thats 6,000 and you would get 66,000XP instead of 60,000XP

Now thats the XP reward lets get on to the item rewards.

There are 7 Types of other item rewards, 4 of witch of armour, heres a list of the stats for each peace of armour;

Void knight mace - 250 Points
Attack: Stab+19, Slash-2, Crush+37, Magic+8, Range+0
Defense: Stab+0, Slash+0, Crush+0, Magic+0, Range+0
Other: Strength +34, Prayer +3. - Weight: 1kg
Examine: A mace used by the order of the Void Knights.

Void knight Top- 250 Points
Attack: Stab+0, Slash+0, Crush+0, Magic+0, Range+0
Defense: Stab+40, Slash+40, Crush+40, Magic+40, Range+40
Other: Strength +0, Prayer +0
Examine: Torso armour of the order of the Void Knights.

Void knight Robe - 250 Points
Attack: Stab+0, Slash+0, Crush+0, Magic+0, Range+0
Defense: Stab+28, Slash+28, Crush+28, Magic+28, Range+28
Other: Strength +0, Prayer +0
Examine: Leg armour of the order of the Void Knights.

Void knight mace - 150 Points
Attack: Stab+0, Slash+0, Crush+0, Magic+0, Range+0
Defense: Stab+4, Slash+4, Crush+4, Magic+4, Range+4
Other: Strength +0, Prayer +0
Examine: Gloves as used by the order of the Void Knights.

Now on to the rest of the rewards, as you can see there are 3 other types of rewards, the seeds pack, mining pack, and herb pack you will have to find out the rewards for them your selfs, come on I have to leave something for you to do your selfs.

21-02-2007, 10:52 AM

To start the actual mini-game it's self you must first walk down to the south of the island on to the dock sort of thing then step into the lander boat.


Once on you will see the 4 lines of text appear in the top left of the screen, the first lines shows how long until the lander leaving for the next game, the 2ed one shows how many players are on the lander, the 3rd shows the lowest and max amount of players needed to start, and the last line shows how many points you currently have.


Well there are 3 main ways to play the game, you can either:



Attack the portals


Man the towers


There are other ways to play the game, healing players with luner, repairing, but you don't see them methods much, they are mainly used when big high level and well managed clan playing the game.

Defending, this is mainly for the lower level players, your job is to stop the void knight from being attacked and killed, you can do this in many ways, by standing next to the knight to stop anything teleporting in, standing next to the gates to stop things walking in, or be standing in front of the north gate and killing anything that would range or mage the knight from there.

Attacking the portals, this is where the higher levels come in, mainly because each portal is hard to hit you need at least 70 str to be any help here, each portal is weak to different attacks but I don't know much about this yet I'll try and get more info on that for a later update or re-write, anyway when you attack the portals monsters around that portal will begin to attack you and try and stop you from destroying it, you should not attack them and carry on attacking the portal, the only monster you should attack instead of the portal is the spinners, what heal the portal. portals can be poisoned so taking a weapon like a dragon dagger super poisoned (DDS / DD++) is always a good thing

Manning the towers, normal pure mages or rangers are in the towers shooting down at anything what could get in the way or what they don't like the look of, you may also find people training mage or range in the towers to.




When playing the game you will see a few things what you don't normally see.

First of all on the top left of the screen you will see some images like this;


The top icon shows the current health of the void night, each time you destroy a portal the knight will be healed by 60 HP.

The 2ed icon shows the total amount of damage you have hit so far this game, if it is under 50 and red it means that if you don't get it to turn green and above 50 by the end of the round you wont get a reward

The last icon displays the amount of time left in the game, the starting amount is 20 mins

Next on the right of the screen you should see something like the image below;


Each one of the four icons shows the current health of each of the portals.


One of the most used and one of the best tactics found so far is to split in to 3 or 4 groups, 2 groups of attacks, 2 groups of defenders.

The reason we split into groups is so that one group of attacks can go for the east portal, and the 2ed go for the west, once one of the groups have destroyed there portal they then should move on to the next nearest portal and destroy that, then carry on doing that until all the portals have been destroyed.

The 2 defending groups should separate as well, one stand near the 'void knight' and the other group of defenders should guard the gates, and stop them from being destroyed.

And ALWAYS remember to close the gates be hide you at all times to stop the monsters from getting in to the 'void knight'.


Theres 2 ways of winning the game, the first and by far the best, is to destroy each portal, the 2ed being to keep the void knight alive for the full 20 minutes of the game.

When you have won the game you will be transported back to the dock next to the lander and see the following message;


You will be awarded with one point, what you can exchange for other rewards as we have already coved, and 10x (times) you combat level in gold (GP)

But if you fail you will be transported all the same and see this message will be in its place;



There are currently 7 types of monsters in the game, all come in lots of different, sizes, colours and levels.

Name: Brawler


Levels: 50, 75, 100, 128, 157
About: This big guy takes up more then one space and they dint really get far from the portal, they attack with melee attacks and you can not walk through a brawler.

Name: Defiler


Levels: 33, 50, 67, 84, 100
About: Them guys are the ones that hit you the most, they attack with a ranged attack, and if you have auto on you will run over to them what can be annoying, you can not walk through them.

Name: Ravager


Levels: 35, 52, 70, 88, 105
About: They mole like creature doesn't really attack you unless you attack them, all it really does it take down the gates, you can walk through them and they attack with melee attacks.

Name: Shifter


Levels: 37, 56, 75, 94, 113
About: This shifty git can teleport after you or to anything it wishes to attack as long as it can see it, so they cant be stopped by walls and gates, you can not walk through them, and they attack with melee attacks.

Name: Spinner


Levels: 37, 55, 74, 87, 92
About: Has to be one of the easiest to kill but most annoying monsters of the game, if the spinners are near a portal they will heal it, I would recommend take these out first. Spinners can be walked through, and attack with melee attacks.

Name: Splatter


Levels: 21, 43, 54, 64
About: Splatters don't really do much at all, apart from exploding on a few noobs, there easy to kill but once you have killed them they explode and hit 24 to all near monsters, players, gates and the void knight, its explosion is much like retribution. You can walk through splatters.

Name: Torcher


Levels: 33, 50, 67, 83, 100
About: The torchers are another one what will hit you the most, although they mainly go for the void knight and not may stay with the portals. They attack with magic and can not be walked through.


Well its hard to say what world is good for pest control as its always changing, there will be a really good world what never fails and take about 2 - 3 mins per round, then it will become popular and many low levels will start coming to it making it so there will be less high levels in each game and more low levels so you will start to fail the rounds.

Theres 3 good ways of finding a good world:

1: World hopping until you find a good world you like

2: Go to the forums, go into the clans area (not recruiting) and read a few threads until you find one what talks about there pest control world a go there, a few dumb clans post there pest control world on the forum for there members to see and wounder why people not from there clan arrive.

3: Friends, clans or other forums, another good way, and more enjoyable one is to form a party with people you know from other forums or who are in your clan, even people from your friends list will do.

Thanks for taking the time to read this guide, hopefully I should be updating the guide soon to remove all spelling mistakes and errors in the guide,
Tom, (handy t)

This guide was put togeather and created by redtom of habboxforum.com, no one is to use this guide for other then reading from this page with out his permission.

| (c) 2007 to redtom of habboxforum.com |

Thoughts & comments?

EDIT: I did this over 3 days (no it did't take 3 days its just that I cba doing it all in one go) so I think it sort of skips bits in places

Moved by micky.blue.eyes (Super Moderator): Amazing guide, very well done. :)

21-02-2007, 11:15 AM
Amazing guide worthy of the guide section +rep

Ashley 12344
21-02-2007, 11:51 AM
Very nice guide, +rep if I can.

21-02-2007, 11:54 AM
There a few spelling mistakes but get them sorted out and it will be a great guide

21-02-2007, 12:13 PM
Great Guide +Rep

21-02-2007, 12:23 PM
Attacking the portals, this is where the higher levels come in, mainly because each portal is hard to hit you need at least 70 str to be any help here, each portal is weak to different attacks but I don't know much about this yet I'll try and get more info on that for a later update or re-write,

Portal --- Weakness
Yellow --- Strength attacks
Blue --- Mage attacks
Purple --- Range attacks

I do not have any idea of what the purple/pinkish portal is weak to, it could be a combination of all 3 but I'm unsure.
Hope that helps with the re-write. :)

Very nice guide :) +Rep

21-02-2007, 12:30 PM
Ownage guide!!

Deserves to be stuck!


21-02-2007, 12:32 PM
Portal --- Weakness
Yellow --- Strength attacks
Blue --- Mage attacks
Purple --- Range attacks

I do not have any idea of what the purple/pinkish portal is weak to, it could be a combination of all 3 but I'm unsure.
Hope that helps with the re-write. :)

Very nice guide :) +Rep

Thanks for that, I'll write that in now and PM a mod to edit later.

Also all rep retured for taking the time to read the guide and post comments.

21-02-2007, 12:50 PM
Moved the thread for you, it's amazing.

Pm me or another mod to fix the mistakes though. ;)

And it's LxL/12 for prayer. ;)

21-02-2007, 12:53 PM
Moved the thread for you, it's amazing.

Pm me or another mod to fix the mistakes though. ;)

And it's LxL/12 for prayer. ;)

Thanks, but its in trading now? lol

Also about the prayer: damn I knew I forgot somthing thats the 2ed time I forgot to add the prayer.

21-02-2007, 12:57 PM
that is a brilliant guide

helped me a lot :)


21-02-2007, 01:58 PM
Great guide + rep =)

21-02-2007, 05:08 PM
Thanks guys :p

21-02-2007, 05:27 PM
a really good guide, lots of detail, you have clearly put a lot of thought into it

i would be stupid not to give +rep for a guide of this standard

21-02-2007, 07:03 PM
awesome guide :)

21-02-2007, 09:19 PM
:o amazing guiode i can see that alot of time and effort has been put into this well done:eusa_clap +rep

21-02-2007, 09:31 PM
Nice guide, + rep.

22-02-2007, 05:45 AM
Nice picture of the island. Actually, nice pictures for everything. A lot of spelling and grammar mistakes though. I can understand everything so doesnt really matter.


22-02-2007, 08:33 AM
Niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, +rep.

22-02-2007, 02:59 PM
Very nice guide, alot of detail :D +rep

15-03-2007, 04:24 PM
Amazing guide!

This was one of the best BY FAR!
Great job.

+Rep <3

15-03-2007, 04:32 PM
Thats a great guide, +rep

Just a few things to point out:

Avail is actually spelt anvil =]
The anvils at Varrok west bank are closer than the anvils there
When describing the void knight armour and stuff you called the gloves a mace :)Anyway +rep great guide

15-03-2007, 05:49 PM
Thats a great guide, +rep

Just a few things to point out:

Avail is actually spelt anvil =]
The anvils at Varrok west bank are closer than the anvils there
When describing the void knight armour and stuff you called the gloves a mace :)Anyway +rep great guide

Thanks, and thanks to every one ells.

I'll fix the it some time, theres a big one some where what happend when I had to split the guide in half to fit it in to posts, it says the guides finished when its not even half way though lol, I'm sure the ones on pest control are closer, but there about the same anyway.

15-03-2007, 06:32 PM
Pwnage guide! +Rep :)

16-03-2007, 06:33 PM
MODS -- dubble post is because the guide has over 25 images in it and you can only post 25 in one post.

Void knight mace - 250 Points
Attack: Stab+19, Slash-2, Crush+37, Magic+8, Range+0
Defense: Stab+0, Slash+0, Crush+0, Magic+0, Range+0
Other: Strength +34, Prayer +3. - Weight: 1kg
Examine: A mace used by the order of the Void Knights.

Void knight Top- 250 Points
Attack: Stab+0, Slash+0, Crush+0, Magic+0, Range+0
Defense: Stab+40, Slash+40, Crush+40, Magic+40, Range+40
Other: Strength +0, Prayer +0
Examine: Torso armour of the order of the Void Knights.

Void knight Robe - 250 Points
Attack: Stab+0, Slash+0, Crush+0, Magic+0, Range+0
Defense: Stab+28, Slash+28, Crush+28, Magic+28, Range+28
Other: Strength +0, Prayer +0
Examine: Leg armour of the order of the Void Knights.

Void knight mace - 150 Points
Attack: Stab+0, Slash+0, Crush+0, Magic+0, Range+0
Defense: Stab+4, Slash+4, Crush+4, Magic+4, Range+4
Other: Strength +0, Prayer +0
Examine: Gloves as used by the order of the Void Knights.

Now on to the rest of the rewards, as you can see there are 3 other types of rewards, the seeds pack, mining pack, and herb pack you will have to find out the rewards for them your selfs, come on I have to leave something for you to do your selfs.

Gloves are now a mace ;)

19-03-2007, 02:51 AM
Yeh they made thatmistake on the proper game :P

11-05-2007, 08:08 PM
Amazing guide.. Must've taken alot of time to put this together.. +rep

20-05-2007, 12:20 PM
i need this guide im a level 75 and want more levels ;)

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