View Full Version : "Probobl Complain" Need ayout

21-02-2007, 12:34 PM
ok, before you take the mick and start complaining, how would you feel if you could'nt design layouts and were in same possition, anyway, i CANT design layouts :(, i've tried tuts but still no, i have potoshop, dreamweaver, fireworks, paint :P and frontpage, but still can't make 1, so if any1 would be nice for once, could make me a custom layout.

At the moment, i can't pay money as jut bought, hosting, domain ETC

but i can give you usersystems, jobs on fansites, discounts on hosting, ETC

it doesnt has to be coded or anything, just the base layout (u can code it if you want)

PLS don't complain as its pafetic,


21-02-2007, 06:04 PM
Your spelling and grammar is "pafetic".

21-02-2007, 06:21 PM
Most people can get free hosting on this forum what would problely be better then yours, no offence to you but its true, also the usersystem did you make them your self?

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