View Full Version : Choices

22-02-2007, 07:21 PM
I'm in year 9 and taking my choices and i've got one week left - and I dont know what to do!

My school has made it hard cos they split what i can do in columns and can only do one from each column!

Anyone else got problems?

22-02-2007, 09:28 PM
My school done the same thing with the columns. But the main thing is don't just do a subject just because your friends are doing it, think about what you want to do when you are older.. http://www.connexions-direct.com/index.cfm?pid=50 - that site should help.

22-02-2007, 09:33 PM
Well, look at the subjects that are available to take and then consider which one would benefit you more in life, and when you go to get a job and what kind of job you want.

Like said, don't pick a subject because your friends are talking it, you should choose the ones that you think are going to help you more in life.

22-02-2007, 10:06 PM
oh thats how i picked my SATs

just pick which subjects you enjoy most or what your best at?

you really need to think about your career though. its extremely important when chosing GCSEs

22-02-2007, 10:12 PM
Dub Sciene
Bus Stud


22-02-2007, 10:42 PM
First decide what you don't want to do and go from there :)

22-02-2007, 10:44 PM
Yeah ours is in columns aswell, another stupid thing is, if you want to do IT you have to take German/French. You could be the crappest at French and the best at IT. The columns are annoying me but hopefully I'll be allowed
Double IT.
Business Studies.

23-02-2007, 07:47 AM
Yes but in one column it is

Leisure and tourism...
I want to talk the ones in red! And i can take only one!!

Thanks for all your help - and the conexions site I go on :P

23-02-2007, 07:48 AM
Try and think about the one you want to do most, and the one would help you in your future job most.

Don't take what your friends did, I did that, &I regret it.

Mr Macro
23-02-2007, 05:55 PM
I picked ICT Diploma, and a buisness diploma!

24-02-2007, 11:46 AM
That happened to me this year. My top 3 preferences were on the same line
Music, Ancient History and Hospitality. I chose modern instead of ancient and went to TAFE[tec collage]for food and beverage so I could do music. Theres ways to get the subjects you want, and speaking to your careers adviser he/she should be able to help you.

02-03-2007, 11:34 PM
im thinking of taking graphic products (my compulsary design option) french, psycology and art, but i might take somthing else if when i look at the phycology stuff i find it not right for me

03-03-2007, 12:28 AM
Take ones you think will benefit you in life, and one you generally enjoy. I took Latin, French, ICT and Graphics :D.

04-03-2007, 12:03 AM
Haha our year was the first year in Northern Ireland to get to pick whatever we want.

Maths , Religon and Learning for Work was Compuslary

I picked

Double Science [2 GCSE]
Media Studies [2 GCSE]

I gave my option forum in on Friday :)

Good luck with you choice , Get your mum/dad to get an object representing the subject and throw them , The one you care about the most you'll catch.

08-03-2007, 01:44 PM
I'm in year 9 and taking my choices and i've got one week left - and I dont know what to do!

My school has made it hard cos they split what i can do in columns and can only do one from each column!

Anyone else got problems?

I didnt have any problems But just DONT do what your friends are doing my friend did that and he Hates it and I did sensible thing and picked what I liked and was good at :D
Hope that helped

Jack //

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