View Full Version : Fansite owners reward

23-02-2007, 01:17 PM
Its official, from lost_Witness all fansite representatives will be aloud a "Press" badge which is simular to the VIP badge but yet it says "Press", this will cause all rep's to have room override, and anti-kick.

This will be used for getting in special events to do there news reports.

http://www.clubhabbo.net/images/badges/PRE.gif <-- Wow ;)

23-02-2007, 01:22 PM
Your saying the words "wow" to a 2x2 made by 500 pixels image ;l

23-02-2007, 01:30 PM
I want to own a fansite :(
Why do popular people always get badges

I think habbo need to do more to let average habbos win badges

23-02-2007, 01:34 PM
Thats cool, where is the source of your information?

23-02-2007, 01:36 PM
Indeed i am, :D
Its just a nice badge ;-)

Jealousy is a loveable word

Edit, The fansite meeting last night at 4pm with lost_witness, i didnt take a screenie as we wasnt aloud to release this information until it was certain.

23-02-2007, 01:37 PM
is it just fansite reps? (the ones with the fansite badge)
or some people off the site aswell?

23-02-2007, 01:42 PM
Unfortuantley just fansite representatives with the fansite badge.

So get begging to your managers ;-)

23-02-2007, 01:48 PM
When I was at the wednesday meeting, he never mentioned Press/vip badges.. :S

23-02-2007, 01:48 PM
I'm sorry but this is completely false. I was at the meeting on wednesday and there was ONLY a suggestion about room override. The only worlds that came out of lost_witness's mouth was "there is a good possibility". I don't want to repeat too much that was said because i feel that would be losing trust from chris to fansite owners.
You always seem to have loved to have a badge simon, even back at habbar sometimes gloating about a fansite badge. Your source of information seems to be "assumption". And no i'm not being harsh. I know for a fact that it's not definate yet.

Nonetheless i wouldn't call it news as such and it's nothing to wet your undercrackers over.

23-02-2007, 02:03 PM
At the second meeting, chris did give a little more information regarding badges.

he has obviously looked into it and said rather than just room override, a PRESS badge would be more appropriate.

23-02-2007, 02:09 PM
At the second meeting, chris did give a little more information regarding badges.

he has obviously looked into it and said rather than just room override, a PRESS badge would be more appropriate.
Thanks for that information. From looking through this thread and looking at who posted i think we can see which of those reps only care about you know what. And the site isn't a surprise either. Something else that was mentioned in the fansite meeting. I hope we see that being followed up aswell. Inactive fansites being removed. Although it would be a bit nasty posting those sites here :rolleyes:

23-02-2007, 02:29 PM
Lost_Witness CLEARLY stated that these are just IDEAS. There is no certanty that we will be getting them.

23-02-2007, 02:30 PM
Dal, i can see your just feeling a little left out from you not having a badge, however...
It is pretty much positive.. and hmm this forum is called news and rumours so if it isnt true, its a rumour right?

But anyway, Habbopaper is still official fortuantly is coming back, and chris understands this, Habbopaper was official in 2002, so i imagine he understands this makes up lost time for it, hosting troubles etc, unfortuantley you owned a crappy site thinkhabbo, thats another story

So grow up.

Fine, well im clearly stating this could be a rumour. And if it doesnt happen im sorry for posting this

23-02-2007, 02:45 PM
Dal, i can see your just feeling a little left out from you not having a badge, however...
It is pretty much positive.. and hmm this forum is called news and rumours so if it isnt true, its a rumour right?

But anyway, Habbopaper is still official fortuantly is coming back, and chris understands this, Habbopaper was official in 2002, so i imagine he understands this makes up lost time for it, hosting troubles etc, unfortuantley you owned a crappy site thinkhabbo, thats another story

So grow up.

Fine, well im clearly stating this could be a rumour. And if it doesnt happen im sorry for posting this
I think you seem to have lack of understanding simon. I do have the badge. I'm in the welcome lounge at the moment with it turned on. So i have no idea where you got that "assumption" yet again from. However you were never at habbopaper from 2002. If you were i wouldn't be making the comments im making. Please explain why i'm missing out?

23-02-2007, 03:00 PM
Personally, I never liked thinkhabbo, but you can't take their popularity and how well they did in the time they were open away from them and call them crap.

23-02-2007, 03:11 PM
Talk about off topic.

Anyway, Yea, i guess it could be labelled as a rumour. But I still don't see why it was posted, considering Lost_Witness said not to.

23-02-2007, 03:13 PM
theres too many badges floating around now ;l

23-02-2007, 03:26 PM
theres too many badges floating around now ;l

i second that so many badge's about

23-02-2007, 03:44 PM
But anyway, Habbopaper is still official fortuantly is coming back, and chris understands this, Habbopaper was official in 2002, so i imagine he understands this makes up lost time for it, hosting troubles etc, unfortuantley you owned a crappy site thinkhabbo, thats another story

I think that's exetremly brave of you to be quite honest. Thinkhabbo wasn't everyones favourite fansites as well all know, but it always had 150 listeners about, Habbopaper.co.uk is always having trouble and is just cutenews and iframes, I know this because I worked for you as a events organiser. I ran events and NO ONE turned up. If thinkhabbo did a event, just click your finger and a 50 person room was full up in seconds. I can't judge how Habbopaper was in 2002, perhaps it was the thinkhabbo of it's day. But it's well past it's sell-by-date since I've watched it for the last year.

Edit: I just went on it, lol motto is "For the intelligent habbo" more like for the invisible habbo. It redirects to habbo-paper.co.uk LOL GREAT PARENT DIRECTORY, ERR THIS SITE HAS ONLY BEEN DOWN AGES. Dude, the only reason you keep habbopaper going is so you keep your badges and get in all these precious hotel events claiming to write news reports on them. Loads of official fansite owners spend AGES AND AGES on their fansites and actually deserve their badges and reputation, but habbopaper doesn't.

Sorry for the long moan, but in the end, it's all true =]

23-02-2007, 03:51 PM
I think that's exetremly brave of you to be quite honest. Thinkhabbo wasn't everyones favourite fansites as well all know, but it always had 150 listeners about, Habbopaper.co.uk is always having trouble and is just cutenews and iframes, I know this because I worked for you as a events organiser. I ran events and NO ONE turned up. If thinkhabbo did a event, just click your finger and a 50 person room was full up in seconds. I can't judge how Habbopaper was in 2002, perhaps it was the thinkhabbo of it's day. But it's well past it's sell-by-date since I've watched it for the last year.

Edit: I just went on it, lol motto is "For the intelligent habbo" more like for the invisible habbo. It redirects to habbo-paper.co.uk LOL GREAT PARENT DIRECTORY, ERR THIS SITE HAS ONLY BEEN DOWN AGES. Dude, the only reason you keep habbopaper going is so you keep your badges and get in all these precious hotel events claiming to write news reports on them. Loads of official fansite owners spend AGES AND AGES on their fansites and actually deserve their badges and reputation, but habbopaper doesn't.

Sorry for the long moan, but in the end, it's all true =]
Oh god i could NOT have said it better myself. I had an argument with simon earlier about this and it backs up all my points.

23-02-2007, 04:01 PM

The site is currently switching hosts, the previous one gave us just 500mb of disk space, thus we couldn't change anything.

23-02-2007, 04:04 PM
I've never even Heard of habbo Paper? LOL

Tbh, there will soon be a badge for visiting Habbo Hotel.

23-02-2007, 04:06 PM
Dal, i can see your just feeling a little left out from you not having a badge, however...
It is pretty much positive.. and hmm this forum is called news and rumours so if it isnt true, its a rumour right?

But anyway, Habbopaper is still official fortuantly is coming back, and chris understands this, Habbopaper was official in 2002, so i imagine he understands this makes up lost time for it, hosting troubles etc, unfortuantley you owned a crappy site thinkhabbo, thats another story

So grow up.

Fine, well im clearly stating this could be a rumour. And if it doesnt happen im sorry for posting this

You just slanted a habbo fansite,That is agaist the fansite way :rolleyes:

23-02-2007, 04:12 PM
You just slanted a habbo fansite,That is agaist the fansite way :rolleyes:UMUMUMU! TELL CALLIE! She mite banz them from da list ;]

Naughty fansite rep.

23-02-2007, 04:17 PM
When I was at the wednesday meeting, he never mentioned Press/vip badges.. :S

yeah what Ryan said

he just said it's a good posibility fansite rep will be getting over-ride

23-02-2007, 04:19 PM
I used to love Habbopaper. I still visit now In the hope it still works.

23-02-2007, 04:23 PM
Tbh, I dont see the point
Will they have it instead of the fansite badge or aswell as?

Anyway, I hate how popular habbos or fansites get all the stuff/badges

habbo has gone really crap atm

23-02-2007, 05:31 PM
yeah what Ryan said

he just said it's a good posibility fansite rep will be getting over-ride

Onaedo, Evolution and ReviewDude came up with the idea before they entered the second meeting. They suggested it, and got positive feedback.

Giving the over-ride permissions to the fansite badge would mean removing it, editing it etc. He said it would be much easier to give out the PRESS badge.

23-02-2007, 05:33 PM
Onaedo, Evolution and ReviewDude came up with the idea before they entered the second meeting. They suggested it, and got positive feedback.

Giving the over-ride permissions to the fansite badge would mean removing it, editing it etc. He said it would be much easier to give out the PRESS badge.

erm ok... the same idea was mentioned in the first meeting but ok lol

23-02-2007, 05:37 PM
PRESS means VIP on hotel's who don't use the term ''VIP''

23-02-2007, 06:18 PM
PRESS means VIP on hotel's who don't use the term ''VIP''

I thought the PRESS badge was for when newspapers and radio's reviewed habbo.

Remember a few months ago the daily telegraph magazine reviewed habbo (And mentioned habbox :D). I thought the journalist who reviewed it would get the PRESS badge.

But obviously not, thanks Tjam for clearing it up =]

23-02-2007, 11:24 PM
:l all popular habbo's always get the good badges we just get xmas 2006 lol

23-02-2007, 11:55 PM
*thinks about all of SkaterChu's badges*

23-02-2007, 11:59 PM
At Wednessday's meeting the Press Badge was not mentioned at all. L_w said he would look in to getting our current badges updated. It looks like hes put the idea to Sulake since Wednessday and they've responded with the Press Badge idea. Thats the only sense I can make of this situation.

24-02-2007, 12:07 AM
To be honest I don't think its a matter of all the popular habbos get badges, some habbos who arn't popular get them to its just no one knows about them so no one cares, its only becuase everyone knows these popular people that they know they have the badge. I agree though it does seem to feel people may get badges becuase they are popular but this is not always the case. As for the room override I have heard rumours myself, although not being able to catch up with any of the reps form my site I can't confirm what was really said in the meeting nore would I if everyone was told to keep quite about it, but someone ends up leeking something.

I guess we will have to wait and see what happens. As for there being too many badges, I coudn't really care how many they have, as long as everyone using the hotel is happy. I feel most people just moan becuase they haven't got the badge so they cover it up by saying habbo has too many badges, I know i've done it a few times.

Please note that my comments are not a direct hit to anyone in this thread at all im just giving my views on the matter and im sorry if anyone takes it the wrong way.

24-02-2007, 12:15 AM
At Wednessday's meeting the Press Badge was not mentioned at all. L_w said he would look in to getting our current badges updated. It looks like hes put the idea to Sulake since Wednessday and they've responded with the Press Badge idea. Thats the only sense I can make of this situation.

Tom you manage to make some sense out of some things ^^

People were so badly desperate for getting over-ride srsly tho

24-02-2007, 12:19 AM

24-02-2007, 12:24 AM
Would be good if they did. I think the Un-Kickable is a bit O.T.T If it was a fansite rep, but they should be able to override the room limit.

24-02-2007, 12:25 AM
I don't think we should be given the press badge, un less it's not possible to give our badge permissions which should be possible. Did he say anything about us permantly being given the badge or just during certain events?

24-02-2007, 12:25 AM

The fansite meetings held by lost_witness
Wednesday & Thursday at 16:00 GMT

I was there on Wednesday ^^

24-02-2007, 12:28 AM
I think they should have the badge permanantly. Unless they were fired..
So then they wouldnt have to email becs or w.e every time they need to do a event / report

24-02-2007, 12:32 AM
Well, we'll see. We were supposed to of been e-mailed about it today but I beleive he was sick?

24-02-2007, 01:07 AM
Just a rumour and thats a alt

24-02-2007, 01:30 AM
To be honest I don't even like the idea of fansite representatives being able to over ride a room limit and I hope it never comes about.

How is it even necessary?

You can find information and details about events on the Habbo homepage and other fansites afterwards.

A lot of the articles about events on fansites are written by people other than the fansite representatives.

Most fansites have forums so users are able to submit their own news and screenshots for the fansites to use.

And as far as I know, if you own the room you can access it no matter how full it is, so that isn't a problem for a fansite representative running an event for their fansite as long as they own the room...?

It will only cause trouble. Do we really need a scene similar to when users were going nuts over the fact Habbo X's could over ride the room limit? Complaints that Habbo X's were at an advantage; or that it was unfair? :rolleyes:

24-02-2007, 01:37 AM
kotu, mabye to attend other events? (E.g their own staff) im not really sure :p

24-02-2007, 01:44 AM
kotu, mabye to attend other events? (E.g their own staff) im not really sure :p

Still, a bit drastic going all out and contemplating whether to give them the right to over ride a rooms limit or not. If they had any sense they'd be in the room before it opened... and if they aren't, that's too bad.

I think a fansite being classed as "official" is reward enough for the work they put into their sites daily, to know your fansite has been recognised and acknowledged, you know? There are plenty of people that work hard on their own fansites and get no where near.

24-02-2007, 01:49 AM
The plan with these 'Press' badges, as was discussed, is that each Rep has two badges:

Fansite Badge

For when they are in the Fansite Drop-In or around the Hotel, to show they own a Fansite. No powers.

Press Badge

To only be used to attend special events (to report on them) when the room is full. It's not a 'reward' it's a tool.

And as far as I know, if you own the room you can access it no matter how full it is, so that isn't a problem for a fansite representative running an event for their fansite as long as they own the room...?

No, I believe even if you own the room you still get locked out. It's a problem for many gaming room owners when they disconnect.

24-02-2007, 01:53 AM
I completly agree Andrew.

I don't see why people complain about X's who need to over-ride and yet don't complain about people who just want to get into events, whats ever stopped them getting a report before?

To be honest I don't even like the idea of fansite representatives being able to over ride a room limit and I hope it never comes about.

How is it even necessary?

You can find information and details about events on the Habbo homepage and other fansites afterwards.

A lot of the articles about events on fansites are written by people other than the fansite representatives.

Most fansites have forums so users are able to submit their own news and screenshots for the fansites to use.

And as far as I know, if you own the room you can access it no matter how full it is, so that isn't a problem for a fansite representative running an event for their fansite as long as they own the room...?

It will only cause trouble. Do we really need a scene similar to when users were going nuts over the fact Habbo X's could over ride the room limit? Complaints that Habbo X's were at an advantage; or that it was unfair? :rolleyes:

24-02-2007, 01:56 AM
I didnt ask for your opinions on Habbo-paper, its had nothing to do with me for the last i dont know how long, you guys are dissing it, were aiming to change them opinions,

And if its going to cause arguments, close the thread

im sorry.

24-02-2007, 02:00 AM
But again, fansite representitives are hardly ever the ones that report on events when I read other official fansites. It's almost always a 'reporter' so it'd be much adu over nothing.

This whole idea goes way beyond the original concept of being an official fansite, maybe that's why I am not so keen? The official fansites get so much publicity drummed into them, they're acknowledged and recognised. While I admit as an owner of an official fansite there's a lot more Habbo could do to benefit us... to set us aside from unofficial fansites, this isn't something I'd like to see.

I didnt ask for your opinions on Habbo-paper, its had nothing to do with me for the last i dont know how long, you guys are dissing it, were aiming to change them opinions,

And if its going to cause arguments, close the thread

im sorry.

Hey, it's not causing arguments, it's just being debated. As long as people posting stay mature it'll be fine :p

I agree though that the negative opinions about Habbo-Paper were unnecessary.

I completly agree Andrew.

I don't see why people complain about X's who need to over-ride and yet don't complain about people who just want to get into events, whats ever stopped them getting a report before?


24-02-2007, 02:04 AM
To be completely honest I don't think this is necesary at all. If the fansite is large enough and popular enough I'm sure said fansite would have one user who got into the event and would be willing to take a couple of screenshots and give a run down of what happened to a certain member of the fansite reporting staff.

24-02-2007, 02:25 AM
in my opinion, i dont think that the fansite reps should get this press badge, if it is going to be introduced.

what would be a better alternative is that the fansite reps should choose 1 or 2 people who should get the badge, which is likely going to be those who are news reporters or other members of staff.

allow me to use HabboFM as an example....

currently, mike and dave (Miketh and Exercet) have the fansite badge

they could select one or two people to get this 'press' badge

an example being myself, or one of the other DJs or staff, who could then report back on such events

24-02-2007, 03:11 AM
Thing is with that one, Lysone, is that if that user quit - it would take a while to have their badge removed. Plus there are much greater sanctions if an Official Fansite Representative abuses their power or breaks the Fansite Way.

24-02-2007, 03:27 AM
i dont mean to be biased, but im going to refer to mike and dave again because i know them better than any of the other fansite reps

as one of the first sites to get the official status, i really don't think that mike and dave are prepared to want to put that at risk by doing something wrong.

i dont mean to sound big headed, but i have really got to know the both of them, as a result they have a lot of trust in me, so much so that i have been granted access to highly restricted areas of the site and staff panel, and i have no intention of breaking that trust. i also know that they communicate on a regular basis with L_W, becs and some of the other staff, like most of the fansite reps.

should this badge be released and the fansite reps are allowed to nominate someone to get the badge, i know that it will get discussed between the HabboFM senior management as to who would get the badge, and all possibilities would get discussed. and i know for certain that neither mike or dave would pick someone to get the badge if they didnt feel 100% positive that their decision is a good one.

i dont know how the other sites operate with matters like this so i cant really comment, though i think it will probably be in a similar way.

maybe L_W could discuss with the reps about their choices for who gets the badge before they are given out, so that the hotel management can be sure that the powers that come with the badge cannot be abused

24-02-2007, 03:57 AM
I accept your point (and apologize for spelling your name wrong :p) but the thing is if it's only the Reps that get it, Habbo can keep control of the Fansite - and it's far easier to track.

If Random123 gets the Press badge because she works at OfficialFansite.com and goes on a spree of abusing the badge, it'll take a while to get the badge off her AND they can't exactly remove the Official status. If a rep did that, they could ;)

24-02-2007, 05:01 AM
Completely agree with Andrew/Kotu.

24-02-2007, 09:32 AM
agreed with Kotu.

The last time I checked, PRESS means VIP in international hotels. ;/

I accept your point (and apologize for spelling your name wrong :P) but the thing is if it's only the Reps that get it, Habbo can keep control of the Fansite - and it's far easier to track.

If Random123 gets the Press badge because she works at OfficialFansite.com and goes on a spree of abusing the badge, it'll take a while to get the badge off her AND they can't exactly remove the Official status. If a rep did that, they could ;)

They can easily keep a list. It's not that hard. And if the below happened, they can easily remove the badge. And I guess they could remove that fansite, you would have to pick who you give the badge to if it's true to someone you trust, I guess.

I'm a news manager at Thehabbos, aha. Without a badge, we have still been able to report loads of articles.

24-02-2007, 11:26 AM
I'm undecided on the matter, in some ways I agree it would be useful for events in public rooms but fansite reps would want to be the first there, so all the reps that have room overide would jump in first and those people that dont cant get in so the room would probs be full of fansite reps and xs etc.. Unless they wait untill the room is full and then go in, but that won't always be the case, as for giving press badge to other staff, other than a fansite rep I don't think it will happen, I know you may be seen as a respectable person but Lost has no way of knowing this, and its easy to say oh I won't abuse it but I can guarentee at one point everyone will abuse it somehow, even if its just to get in a popular room for a split second, that is still abusing the power. And owners are usualy long term, news reports arn't if they post something wrong or abuse thier powers on the fansite itself, they will be gone.

Although not the case on every fansite, and these are my opinions you can agree or disagree, please don't take anything personally.

24-02-2007, 12:34 PM
Fansite reps can abuse there badge just as much as a News reporter would. And going in a popular room isn't abusing the badge, it's using the badge.

24-02-2007, 12:48 PM
To be completely honest I don't think this is necesary at all. If the fansite is large enough and popular enough I'm sure said fansite would have one user who got into the event and would be willing to take a couple of screenshots and give a run down of what happened to a certain member of the fansite reporting staff.
But, you would say that.

24-02-2007, 01:15 PM
Atleast every site can get screenies and information.

24-02-2007, 06:43 PM
Well anyway, its all your opinions, As you say it doesnt need to be the owners who report, thats because most of the time they cannot get in. Thing is yeah i aint aiming to cause an arguement, but you x's would dissagree, thing is, Why didnt X's get room override in public rooms only? They dont need it for guest rooms, It might not even go through with the fansite badge, but its still good reading your opinions :D x

24-02-2007, 06:54 PM
Why is that badge linked from Clubhabbo images directory? ;s lol.

Anyway wouldn't be fair, they don't need one. ;s but reading this thread it seems to be a fake rumour anyway :rolleyes:

24-02-2007, 11:04 PM
I don't understand why Fansite Rep's need room overide when HabboLive was introduced not so long ago, if a fansite is going to report on offical events then they can just take screenshots from their HabboLive screen.

Don't fansite rep's normally leave the whole reporting thing to their sites reporters anyway? :rolleyes:

24-02-2007, 11:10 PM
Yes too be honest, i dont have a clue why, and i guess if i wasnt a rep id be complaining and moaning like you lot, but really your right.. :S

24-02-2007, 11:14 PM
I don't think everyones complaining as such, I just think everyone wonders why rep's NEED to overide for offical events instead of watching the events through HabboLive like everyone else...

24-02-2007, 11:18 PM
I don't understand why Fansite Rep's need room overide when HabboLive was introduced not so long ago, if a fansite is going to report on offical events then they can just take screenshots from their HabboLive screen.

Don't fansite rep's normally leave the whole reporting thing to their sites reporters anyway? :rolleyes:
So, the question can be reversed as to why do X's have room overide?

It's not like someone desperately needs to be told to press ignore is it..

24-02-2007, 11:29 PM
So, the question can be reversed as to why do X's have room overide?

It's not like someone desperately needs to be told to press ignore is it..

I think we all understand why Xs are able to over ride :p

They're a point of contact for Habbos. If the Welcome Lounge is full - which it usually is - how else are they going to enter the room to full fill their 'duties'?

I agree with a lot of people that say Habbo Xs should only be able to over ride the public rooms because thats where they're expected to be for their 10-15 minutes of 'X-ing'... but that decision is left up to Redtiz and Heidster really.

24-02-2007, 11:33 PM
How will Fasite Reps enter their Public Room (Habbo Cinema ftw!) if it's full without over-ride?

24-02-2007, 11:41 PM
How will Fasite Reps enter their Public Room (Habbo Cinema ftw!) if it's full without over-ride?

Again, I really dislike the idea of having a fan site drop-in public room, it wouldn't really work as well as a customisable guest room. I know there's a couple of issues regarding the Guest Room drop-in - like passwords leaking - but I think the guest room works well in theory.

I think maybe Lost should just give fansite reps rights to the room so they can sit behind the desk, rather than a password to an entry room to get behind that area. That worked well with Callie's room so why try to fix what's not broken?

If fan site reps treat the drop in with no respect then there's nothing stopping in from closing it for good. At the end of the day it's a privilege he's willing to put the work into, not a right.

Guest Room Drop In > *

24-02-2007, 11:45 PM
I think we all understand why Xs are able to over ride :p

They're a point of contact for Habbos. If the Welcome Lounge is full - which it usually is - how else are they going to enter the room to full fill their 'duties'?

I agree with a lot of people that say Habbo Xs should only be able to over ride the public rooms because thats where they're expected to be for their 10-15 minutes of 'X-ing'... but that decision is left up to Redtiz and Heidster really.
There's always a Habbo X or two in the Welcome Lounge.

25-02-2007, 12:02 AM
arnt they badges for fansite representatives???
and they have already beendished out xD

25-02-2007, 01:45 AM
Apparently the rights in the fansite drop-in isn't going to happen. The fansite drop-in public room is a very good possibility. IF that goes ahead i would guess fansite reps will get the room override or possibly just a public room override. It's always up for discussion and some points such as andrew/kotu pointed out, are well thought and do cause judgement.

I welcome the idea of a fansite drop in public room. There is a lot more for fansites in potential to get involved with the community. But for so long it has been ignored for whatever reason. It could catch on and hopefully it will.

We're not talking a welcome lounge style public room but a little bit smaller in its own section on the navigator. But..all will come apparent in the next 2 weeks or so. I agree with you liz, that some people were overly excited about the whole thing but you can't blame em. As anzrew pointed out people just complain all the time stating "it's not fair" as such and "all the popular habbos get it". The majority of the time you will find it's a more selfish comment because of their more personal needs for a badge. As long as we're enjoying the experience it brings us you do not need a badge for your "rep".

25-02-2007, 09:28 AM
A Public room Fansite drop in? There is no problem with the current state of the Fansite drop in for sure, I have no clue as to why a Public room Fansite drop in needs to be introduced.

25-02-2007, 11:31 AM
I think that the fansite drop in public room is a bit over the top really, its like the safety x centre, soon that will have one i bet :P and then the tech team drop-in

Well the badge idea, im happy about.. the fansite drop in.. urm?

25-02-2007, 01:30 PM
Remember i'm just saying what might happen not what will happen. I'm not even the one with the whole idea.
You'll always get people who agree and disagree. You can't be on everyone's side. If it happens i'll welcome it. If not it really isn't a loss.

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