View Full Version : [UK] Ask an eXpert

26-02-2007, 11:52 AM
RedTiz and her Habbo/Safety Xs have launched their first question & answer on their new 'Ask an eXpert' page.

You can read it here (http://www.habbo.co.uk/help/habbo_experts/ask.html).

First question was submitted by :Extreme and answered by 18 different Xs (Bigbutsound, Thugdub, Onaedo, Barakiel, MissAlice, Krazyhouse, Kardan, Jolly-Genius, -<josh>-, Aitken, Fibershadow, Litestar, Sid, Enveinux, Bubblebaron, Mystique!, ImmortalMind and Beau03)


A few of the answers were...

Onaedo: I think the hardest part of Xing would be trying to explain your answer to a question, but the recipient not understanding.

MissAlice: For me the hardest part is trying to answer one Habbos questions whilst two or three others are also trying to talk to me at the same time, especially when it's very busy in the Welcome Lounge. It gets even harder if yet another Habbo thinks that by whispering to me, I can also listen and answer them. I can multi-task but I'm not a superhabbo, and when many ask me a question they sometimes are totally unaware that I may already be helping someone, and not ignoring them.

Mystique!: What I find difficult is crowds of Habbos, that don’t need help, around you in the Welcome Lounge .... errrm like why do they do that?? (lol). It’s great to say hi to everyone but I just think it might be a little off putting for a new Habbo to approach us for help if we are in the middle of a big crowd

26-02-2007, 11:56 AM
Sid: The hardest bit of Xing, is if you give someone a piece of advice and it doesn't work for them. You feel you have let them down

Aww, Brandonnnnn. Lolllll.
Nice find.
Surprisingly you get a prize if your question is published but only a Gothic sofa... Lol.

26-02-2007, 11:58 AM
Surprisingly you get a prize if your question is published but only a Gothic sofa... Lol.

Becs said Gothic furniture won't be in our catalogue for much longer, so the value will go up. And you never know, it might be a different prize every now and then.

26-02-2007, 11:59 AM
I picked out a few I liked. the one in red I liked best.

Staying Strong

Bubblebaron: The hardest part about being an X is the 75 bajillion FRs you get every time you log in.

ImmortalMind: I'd say the hardest part of Xing is when people are nasty to you because of the X badge and say that we think we're better than everyone else when all we're trying to do is help!

Jolly-Genius: The hardest part of Xing is staying strong. There are people in the world who will be jealous and nasty and vindictive. But if you stay positive, you'll be a guiding light to those who need it.

The Ignore

Envieux: In my opinion, one of the hardest part of Xing is avoiding those nasty Habbos who are always trying to catch you out. Thank God we've got the Ignore button for us all to use.

Bigbutsound: The hardest part of Xing for me is the abuse we can get, however now with the use of ignore, we don't have to put up with it!

Thugdub: The hardest part of Xing, I think it would be dodging all of the flooders in the Welcome Lounge when I am trying to help someone =]

26-02-2007, 12:00 PM
Becs said Gothic furniture won't be in our catalogue for much longer, so the value will go up. And you never know, it might be a different prize every now and then.

I doubt it will go up by much. :rolleyes:
Also, they won't change the prize around... Lol.

26-02-2007, 12:26 PM
oh nice find.

26-02-2007, 12:28 PM
Nice find ;]

26-02-2007, 12:28 PM
For me the hardest part is trying to answer one Habbos questions whilst two or three others are also trying to talk to me at the same time, especially when it's very busy in the Welcome Lounge.

lol, whenever i go to the welcome lounge they are always crowding roundher, i'd hate that.

26-02-2007, 01:01 PM
Kwel find.

26-02-2007, 01:39 PM
nice find, ive submitted my questions, just hope its good enough to get picked :D

26-02-2007, 01:41 PM
ImmortalMind: I'd say the hardest part of Xing is when people are nasty to you because of the X badge and say that we think we're better than everyone else when all we're trying to do is help!

He does think he is better than others. :rolleyes:

26-02-2007, 03:34 PM
Yeah you have so many suck-ups in the hotel these days that spend all day bothering Xs and f/ring them talking to them about irrelvant things.

It's sad that habbo's can't get the help they need because Xs are getting hassled by people who are there just to be there best friend (And hopefully get a bit of furni in the mean time!).

27-02-2007, 12:43 PM
That's a bit off-post isn't it? If you want to rant about Habbo Xs, go do it in a thread thats relevant.

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