View Full Version : dont you just hate it when...

07-03-2007, 12:25 AM
dont you just hate it when you are fighting someone in the wildy then they go n run off because they have run out of food.

i find it incredibly frustrating, its happened to me TWICE tonight, and it was the same person aswell!

both times i nearly killed him and he ran off :@

07-03-2007, 12:46 AM
a) specs ftw.

b) Would you rather die and lose your stuff, or live and keep it?

07-03-2007, 12:52 AM
a) specs ftw.

b) Would you rather die and lose your stuff, or live and keep it?

a) i dont know of any good weapons with specs that can be wielded with 26 att, added to the fact that it was on f2p

b) he was only wearing monk robes...not exactly valuable =\

The Don
07-03-2007, 12:32 PM
a) i dont know of any good weapons with specs that can be wielded with 26 att, added to the fact that it was on f2p

b) he was only wearing monk robes...not exactly valuable =\

why did you want to kill him then?

07-03-2007, 12:39 PM
why did you want to kill him then?

For the fun of it?
For the feeling of achievment?
Or, maybe hes training to become a mass murderer... They all have to start somewhere.

The Don
07-03-2007, 12:54 PM
For the fun of it?
For the feeling of achievment?
Or, maybe hes training to become a mass murderer... They all have to start somewhere. lol...........

07-03-2007, 12:57 PM
wow, scks to be you!

07-03-2007, 01:31 PM
why did you want to kill him then?

because i was having fun killing the guards and he wouldnt stop following me untill i agreed to fight him, he was following me for at least 10 mins :l

07-03-2007, 03:56 PM
Try Dm on pures
Every fight people run.

Mr Macro
07-03-2007, 08:35 PM
Thats why i bind them when they're nearlly dead, or i just save my specs till the end.

11-03-2007, 04:27 PM
Happens (http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/6059/screenshot001rl0) to me all the time , i just hate it when you red bar people

Ive 23 29'ed someone - they lived
almost koed about 20 people with whip

11-03-2007, 04:58 PM
Should of braught entangle , Unlucky

11-03-2007, 07:23 PM
thats why u should tb and kepe entangling thru 90% of the fite

11-03-2007, 09:08 PM
my magic isnt high enough for entangle... though ive trained it up a bit to be able to use bind :]

should help me on future attempts

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